20 research outputs found

    Evaluating Quaternary activity versus inactivity on faults and folds using geomorphological mapping and trenching: Seismic hazard implications

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    The incorporation of active faults in seismic hazard analyses may have a significant impact on the feasibility, design and cost of major engineering projects (e.g., nuclear facilities, dams), especially when located in the site vicinity. The regulatory definition of active versus inactive fault is generally based on whether the fault has ruptured or not after a specific chronological bound (i.e. fault recency). This work presents a methodology, mainly based on geomorphological mapping and trenching, for determining whether specific faults can be considered as active or inactive. The approach is illustrated through the analysis of several faults located in the Spanish Pyrenees (Loiti, Leyre, La Trinidad, Ruesta faults). The 29 km long Loiti Thrust was included in the Neotectonic Map of Spain as a probable neotectonic structure. Previous works, based on geomorphological investigations, incorporated the 28 km long Leyre Thrust as a significant seismic source in a probabilistic seismic hazard analysis, which challenged the seismic design of nearby large dams. The production of detailed geomorphological strip maps along the faults allowed the recognition of specific sites where the faults are covered by Quaternary deposits. The establishment of chronosequences (pediments-terrace sequences)and the available geochronological data helped identifying the most adequate morpho-stratigraphic units for satisfactorily evaluating fault activity vs. inactivity. The excavation of trenches at the selected sites provided unambiguous information on the presence or lack of deformation in the Quaternary cover overlying the fault, and the origin of scarps (tectonic versus erosional). Trenches were also useful for collecting samples and reliably measuring the relative height of terraces overlain by thick colluvium. The evidence gathered by these methods were complemented with the numerical dating of non-deformed slope deposits covering a fault, the analysis of the longitudinal profiles of old pediment surfaces located in the proximity of a fault, the examination of a cave situated next to a fault searching for speleoseismological evidence, and regional geodetic and seismotectonic data (GPS measurements, earthquake focal mechanisms). The integration of all the data, and especially the trenches dug in non-deformed old terrace deposits (>100 ka)truncating the faults, indicates that the analysed faults can be considered inactive and that previous neotectonic postulations were based on non-valid geomorphological interpretations

    Tectonic geomorphology and late Quaternary deformation on the Ragged Mountain fault, Yakutat microplate, south coastal Alaska

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    The 33 km-long Ragged Mountain fault (RMF) forms the northwestern corner of the Yakutat Terrane, which is colliding with the North American plate in south coastal Alaska at ~5.5 cm/yr. The fault zone contains three types of scarps in a zone up to 175 m wide: (1) antislope scarps on the lower range front, (2) a sinuous thrust scarp at the toe of the range front, and (3) a swarm of flexural-slip scarps on the footwall. Trenches across the first two scarp types reveal evidence for two Holocene surface ruptures, plus several late Pleistocene ruptures. In the antislope scarp trench, ruptures occurred at 0.5–3.9 ka; slightly younger than 8.3 ka; and at 18.1–21.8 ka (recurrence intervals 4.4–8 kyr and 9.8–13.3 kyr). Displacements per event ranged from 15 to 40 cm. In the thrust trench ruptures are dated at 2.8–5.9 ka; 5.9–17.2 ka, and 17.2–44.9 ka (mean recurrence intervals 7.2 kyr and 19.5 kyr). Displacements per event ranged from 26 to 77 cm. We interpret the thrust fault as the primary seismogenic structure, and its largest trench displacement (77 cm) equates to the average displacement expected for a 33 km-long reverse rupture. The flexural-slip scarp, in contrast, was rapidly formed ca. 4 ka but its sag pond sediments have continued to slowly fold up to present. The southern third of the fault is dominated by large gravitational failures of the range front (as large as 2.5 km wide, 0.6-0.7 km long, and 200–250 m thick), which head in a linear, 40 m-deep range-crest trough filled with lakes, a classic expression of deep-seated gravitational slope deformation

    Identifying the boundaries of sinkholes and subsidence areas via trenching and establishing setback distances

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    One of the most effective mitigation strategies in sinkhole areas is the exclusion of sinkholes and their vicinity to construction. The application of this preventive measure requires precise mapping of the boundaries of the areas affected by subsidence and the establishment of adequate setback distances, which is an important policy issue with significant economic implications. Through the investigation of several buried sinkholes in the mantled evaporite karst of the Ebro Valley by trenching, this work illustrates that the actual extent of the subsidence areas may be much larger than that inferred from surface mapping and geophysical surveys. The objective and accurate subsurface information acquired from trenches on the outer edge of the deformed ground revealed sinkhole radii 2–3 times larger than initially estimated, increasing one order of magnitude the sinkhole area. Trenches can therefore help to reduce mapping uncertainties and the size of setbacks. Moreover, the trenching technique, in combination with geochronological data and retrodeformation analyses, provides critical information on the subsidence phenomena and the characteristics of the sinkholes relevant to hazard assessment. Since recommended setback distances found in the existing literature are highly variable and rather arbitrary, we include a discussion here on the main factors that should be considered when defining setback zones for sinkholes