3 research outputs found

    The Parent-Teacher Connection: Research-based Strategies for Success---Guaranteed!

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    “Those parents are driving me nuts!” Unfortunately, according to Ferlazzo (2011), comments like this by some teachers are quite common. It seems that some of us in education consider parents “aliens” and “troublemakers.” We have observed this puzzling behavior since each of us began teaching over thirty-five years ago---puzzling because we could not understand why the “complainers” did not seem to notice that the most successful teachers were also the best classroom managers, and one key reason for their success was their happy productive relationship with their students’ parents (Burden & Byrd, 2019; Levin & Nolan, 2014). The purpose of this presentation is twofold: to offer a review of recent findings regarding parent-teacher relationships, and to share research-based strategies that we have developed over time and used successfully in our classrooms

    Teachers Reflect on Neurophilosophy: A Phenomenological Approach to Brain-Compatible Learning

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    This presentation was given during the Southeast Philosophy of Education Society Annual Conference