36 research outputs found

    Measuring the costs of outreach motivational interviewing for smoking cessation and relapse prevention among low-income pregnant women

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Economic theory provides the philosophical foundation for valuing costs in judging medical and public health interventions. When evaluating smoking cessation interventions, accurate data on costs are essential for understanding resource consumption. Smoking cessation interventions, for which prior data on resource costs are typically not available, present special challenges. We develop a micro-costing methodology for estimating the real resource costs of outreach motivational interviewing (MI) for smoking cessation and relapse prevention among low-income pregnant women and report results from a randomized controlled trial (RCT) employing the methodology. Methodological standards in cost analysis are necessary for comparison and uniformity in analysis across interventions. Estimating the costs of outreach programs is critical for understanding the economics of reaching underserved and hard-to-reach populations.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Randomized controlled trial (1997-2000) collecting primary cost data for intervention. A sample of 302 low-income pregnant women was recruited from multiple obstetrical sites in the Boston metropolitan area. MI delivered by outreach health nurses vs. usual care (UC), with economic costs as the main outcome measures.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The total cost of the MI intervention for 156 participants was 48,672or48,672 or 312 per participant. The total cost of 311.8perparticipantfortheMIinterventioncomparedwithacostof311.8 per participant for the MI intervention compared with a cost of 4.82 per participant for usual care, a difference of 307([CI],307 ([CI], 289.2 to 322.8).ThetotalfixedcostsoftheMIwere322.8). The total fixed costs of the MI were 3,930 and the total variable costs of the MI were $44,710. The total expected program costs for delivering MI to 500 participants would be 147,430, assuming no economies of scale in program delivery. The main cost components of outreach MI were intervention delivery, travel time, scheduling, and training.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Grounded in economic theory, this methodology systematically identifies and measures resource utilization, using a process tracking system and calculates both component-specific and total costs of outreach MI. The methodology could help improve collection of accurate data on costs and estimates of the real resource costs of interventions alongside clinical trials and improve the validity and reliability of estimates of resource costs for interventions targeted at underserved and hard-to-reach populations.</p

    A Critical Role for CD8 T Cells in a Nonhuman Primate Model of Tuberculosis

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    The role of CD8 T cells in anti-tuberculosis immunity in humans remains unknown, and studies of CD8 T cell–mediated protection against tuberculosis in mice have yielded controversial results. Unlike mice, humans and nonhuman primates share a number of important features of the immune system that relate directly to the specificity and functions of CD8 T cells, such as the expression of group 1 CD1 proteins that are capable of presenting Mycobacterium tuberculosis lipids antigens and the cytotoxic/bactericidal protein granulysin. Employing a more relevant nonhuman primate model of human tuberculosis, we examined the contribution of BCG- or M. tuberculosis-elicited CD8 T cells to vaccine-induced immunity against tuberculosis. CD8 depletion compromised BCG vaccine-induced immune control of M. tuberculosis replication in the vaccinated rhesus macaques. Depletion of CD8 T cells in BCG-vaccinated rhesus macaques led to a significant decrease in the vaccine-induced immunity against tuberculosis. Consistently, depletion of CD8 T cells in rhesus macaques that had been previously infected with M. tuberculosis and cured by antibiotic therapy also resulted in a loss of anti-tuberculosis immunity upon M. tuberculosis re-infection. The current study demonstrates a major role for CD8 T cells in anti-tuberculosis immunity, and supports the view that CD8 T cells should be included in strategies for development of new tuberculosis vaccines and immunotherapeutics

    Asymmetric growth-limiting development of the female conceptus

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    IntroductionSex differences in prenatal growth may contribute to sex-dependent programming effects on postnatal phenotype. MethodsWe integrated for the first time phenotypic, histomorphological, clinico-chemical, endocrine and gene expression analyses in a single species, the bovine conceptus at mid-gestation. ResultsWe demonstrate that by mid-gestation, before the onset of accelerated growth, the female conceptus displays asymmetric lower growth compared to males. Female fetuses were smaller with lower ponderal index and organ weights than males. However, their brain:body weight, brain:liver weight and heart:body weight ratios were higher than in males, indicating brain and heart ‘sparing’. The female placenta weighed less and had lower volumes of trophoblast and fetal connective tissue than the male placenta. Female umbilical cord vessel diameters were smaller, and female-specific relationships of body weight and brain:liver weight ratios with cord vessel diameters indicated that the umbilico-placental vascular system creates a growth-limiting environment where blood flow is redistributed to protect brain and heart growth. Clinico-chemical indicators of liver perfusion support this female-specific growth-limiting phenotype, while lower insulin-like growth factor 2 (IGF2) gene expression in brain and heart, and lower circulating IGF2, implicate female-specific modulation of key endocrine mediators by nutrient supply. ConclusionThis mode of female development may increase resilience to environmental perturbations in utero and contribute to sex-bias in programming outcomes including susceptibility to non-communicable diseases

    Coyotes (\u3ci\u3eCanis latrans\u3c/i\u3e) are definitive hosts of \u3ci\u3eNeospora caninum\u3c/i\u3e

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    Four captive-raised coyote pups consumed tissues from Neospora caninum-infected calves. Feces were examined from 4 days before to 28 days after infection. One pup shed N. caninum-like oocysts, which tested positive for N. caninum and negative for Hammondia heydorni using PCR tests. Coyotes are the second discovered definitive host of N. caninum, after dogs. In North America, the expanding coyote ranges and population increase the probability of contact with domestic livestock. To reduce the risk of transmission of N. caninum to intensively farmed cattle, we recommend protection of feedstuffs using canid-proof fences, and careful disposal of dead stock

    Serological Evidence of Human Infection with the Protozoan Neospora caninum

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    Neospora caninum is a protozoan parasite that is closely related to Toxoplasma gondii. Dogs are a definitive host. Prior to its discovery in 1988, N. caninum infection in animals was often mistakenly diagnosed as toxoplasmosis. Neosporosis in animals is characterized by encephalitis, abortion, and other conditions that clinically and pathologically resemble toxoplasmosis. The potential of N. caninum to infect humans is unknown. Therefore, evidence of human exposure to this parasite was sought by screening for antibodies in blood donors by indirect fluorescent antibody (IFA) tests and immunoblotting. Of 1,029 samples screened, 69 (6.7%) had titers of 1:100 by IFA testing. Fifty of the 69 (72%) sera that were positive for N. caninum were also negative for a closely related protozoan pathogen of humans, T. gondii. Immunoblot analysis confirmed the specificity of the positive sera for N. caninum antigens, with several sera recognizing multiple Neospora antigens with molecular masses similar to those of antigens recognized by monkey anti-N. caninum serum. An immunodominant antigen of approximately 35 kDa was observed with 12 sera. These data provide evidence of human exposure to N. caninum, although the antibody titers in healthy donors were low. The significance of human exposure to, and possible infection with, this parasite is unknown and warrants further study

    A GRA2 minimal promoter improves the efficiency of TATi / Tet-Off conditional regulation of gene expression in Toxoplasma gondii

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    A tetracycline-responsive transcription system (Tet-Off) adapted for use in Toxoplasma gondii (nicknamed TATi) is useful for molecular biological studies of this organism. Previous studies using TATi incorporated minimal promoters derived from the gene promoters for TgSAG1 or TgSAG4. The present study achieves improved activation and suppression of an integrated reporter gene in the absence and presence of anhydrotetracycline, respectively (p < 0.0001), by use of a newly derived minimal promoter based on the core promoter of TgGRA2. In comparison with the SAG1 minimal promoter, use of the GRA2 minimal promoter in stable transfectants has a 23-fold higher Signal to Noise Ratio for EYFP fluorescence in the absence or presence of anhydrotetracycline. We conclude that the performance of TATi for both activation and suppression of transcription can be markedly enhanced by incorporating a GRA2 minimal promoter

    The Resistance of BALB/cJ Mice to Yersinia pestis Maps to the Major Histocompatibility Complex of Chromosome 17â–¿

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    Yersinia pestis, the causative agent of plague, has been well studied at the molecular and genetic levels, but little is known about the role that host genes play in combating this highly lethal pathogen. We challenged several inbred strains of mice with Y. pestis and found that BALB/cJ mice are highly resistant compared to susceptible strains such as C57BL/6J. This resistance was observed only in BALB/cJ mice and not in other BALB/c substrains. Compared to C57BL/6J mice, the BALB/cJ strain exhibited reduced bacterial burden in the spleen and liver early after infection as well as lower levels of serum interleukin-6. These differences were evident 24 h postinfection and became more pronounced with time. Although a significant influx of neutrophils in the spleen and liver was exhibited in both strains, occlusive fibrinous thrombi resulting in necrosis of the surrounding tissue was observed only in C57BL/6J mice. In an effort to identify the gene(s) responsible for resistance, we measured total splenic bacteria in 95 F2 mice 48 h postinfection and performed quantitative trait locus mapping using 58 microsatellite markers spaced throughout the genome. This analysis revealed a single nonrecessive plague resistance locus, designated prl1 (plague resistance locus 1), which coincides with the major histocompatibility complex of chromosome 17. A second screen of 95 backcrossed mice verified that this locus confers resistance to Y. pestis early in infection. Finally, eighth generation backcrossed mice harboring prl1 were found to maintain resistance in the susceptible C57BL/6J background. These results identify a novel genetic locus in BALB/cJ mice that confers resistance to Y. pestis

    Coyotes (Canis latrans) are definitive hosts of Neospora caninum

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    Four captive-raised coyote pups consumed tissues from Neospora caninum-infected calves. Faeces were examined from 4 days before to 28 days after infection. One pup shed N. caninum-like oocysts, which tested positive for N. caninum and negative for Hammondia heydorni using PCR tests. Coyotes are the second discovered definitive host of N. caninum, after dogs. In North America, the expanding coyote ranges and population increase the probability of contact with domestic livestock. To reduce the risk of transmission of N. caninum to intensively farmed cattle, we recommend protection of feedstuffs using canid-proof fences, and careful disposal of dead stock.Luis F. P. Gondim, Milton M. McAllister, William C. Pitt and Doris E. Zemlick

    Variation in Toxoplasma gondii seroprevalence: effects of site, sex, species and behaviour between insular and mainland macropods

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    Context: Feral cats threaten wildlife conservation through a range of direct and indirect effects. However, most studies that have evaluated the impacts of feral cats on species of conservation significance have focussed on direct impacts such as predation; few studies have considered the indirect impacts of cat-borne disease. Toxoplasma gondii, a cat-borne parasite, causes both acute and latent disease in a range of wildlife species, and macropods are particularly susceptible. Kangaroo Island is Australia’s third largest island and supports a high density of feral cats and high seroprevalence of T. gondii in multiple species, relative to the mainland. This suggests that Kangaroo Island has a high environmental contamination with the parasite and a high risk of infection for other species.Aims: We aimed to describe T. gondii seroprevalence in culled and road-killed macropods, so as to assess the effects of island versus mainland location, sex, species and behaviour.Methods: Macropod sera were tested for T. gondii IgG antibodies using a commercially available modified agglutination test.Key results: The seroprevalence of T. gondii in culled western grey kangaroos (Macropus fuliginosus) was significantly higher on the island (20%, 11/54 positive) than on the mainland (0%, 0/61 positive). There was no difference in T. gondii seroprevalence between culled and road-killed (21%, 21/102 positive) kangaroos from the island. The seroprevalence of T. gondii was significantly higher in female (32%, 12/38 positive) than in male (13%, 8/60 positive) kangaroos, but we observed no sex effect in tammar wallabies (Macropus eugenii), and no effect of species.Conclusions: The higher T. gondii seroprevalence in insular macropods supports previous reports of higher T. gondii exposure in other Kangaroo Island fauna. The lack of difference in T. gondii seroprevalence between culled and road-killed kangaroos suggests that T. gondii-positive animals are not more vulnerable to road mortality, in contrast to that suggested previously.Implications: Our findings suggest greater potential adverse conservation impacts owing to toxoplasmosis on the island than on the mainland. In light of a recent study demonstrating higher cat abundance on the island than on the mainland, the higher observed T. gondii seroprevalence in insular macropods is likely to be a consequence of higher cat density