3 research outputs found

    The Use of Routinely Collected Data in Clinical Trial Research

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    RCTs are the gold standard for assessing the effects of medical interventions, but they also pose many challenges, including the often-high costs in conducting them and a potential lack of generalizability of their findings. The recent increase in the availability of so called routinely collected data (RCD) sources has led to great interest in their application to support RCTs in an effort to increase the efficiency of conducting clinical trials. We define all RCTs augmented by RCD in any form as RCD-RCTs. A major subset of RCD-RCTs are performed at the point of care using electronic health records (EHRs) and are referred to as point-of-care research (POC-R). RCD-RCTs offer several advantages over traditional trials regarding patient recruitment and data collection, and beyond. Using highly standardized EHR and registry data allows to assess patient characteristics for trial eligibility and to examine treatment effects through routinely collected endpoints or by linkage to other data sources like mortality registries. Thus, RCD can be used to augment traditional RCTs by providing a sampling framework for patient recruitment and by directly measuring patient relevant outcomes. The result of these efforts is the generation of real-world evidence (RWE). Nevertheless, the utilization of RCD in clinical research brings novel methodological challenges, and issues related to data quality are frequently discussed, which need to be considered for RCD-RCTs. Some of the limitations surrounding RCD use in RCTs relate to data quality, data availability, ethical and informed consent challenges, and lack of endpoint adjudication which may all lead to uncertainties in the validity of their results. The purpose of this thesis is to help fill the aforementioned research gaps in RCD-RCTs, encompassing tasks such as assessing their current application in clinical research and evaluating the methodological and technical challenges in performing them. Furthermore, it aims to assess the reporting quality of published reports on RCD-RCTs

    Contrasting evidence to reimbursement reality for off-label use (OLU) of drug treatments in cancer care: rationale and design of the CEIT-OLU project.

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    Background Off-label use (OLU) of a drug reflects a perceived unmet medical need, which is common in oncology. Cancer drugs are often highly expensive and their reimbursement is a challenge for many healthcare systems. OLU is frequently regulated by reimbursement restrictions. For evidence-based healthcare, treatment ought to be reimbursed if there is sufficient clinical evidence for treatment benefit independently of patient factors not related to the treatment indication. However, little is known about the reality of OLU reimbursement and its association with the underlying clinical evidence. Here, we aim to investigate the relationship of reimbursement decisions with the underlying clinical evidence. Methods/ design We will extract patient characteristics and details on treatment and reimbursement of cancer drugs from over 3000 patients treated in three Swiss hospitals. We will systematically search for clinical trial evidence on benefits associated with OLU in the most common indications. We will describe the prevalence of OLU in Switzerland and its reimbursement in cancer care, and use multivariable logistic regression techniques to investigate the association of approval/rejection of a reimbursement requests to the evidence on treatment effects and to further factors, including type of drug, molecular predictive markers and the health insurer. Discussion Our study will provide a systematic overview and assessment of OLU and its reimbursement reality in Switzerland. We may provide a better understanding of the access to cancer care that is regulated by health insurers and we hope to identify factors that determine the level of evidence-based cancer care in a highly diverse western healthcare system