3 research outputs found

    PCR-based molecular identification of two intermediate snail hosts of Schistosoma mansoni in Cameroon

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    Snails of the genus Biomphalaria are intermediate hosts of Schistosoma mansoni, the causative agent of the human intestinal schistosomiasis. Two Biomphalaria species (Biomphalaria pfeifferi and Biomphalaria camerunensis) are involved in the transmission in Cameroon, where the disease is present nationwide. However, difficulty in the identification of both vectors impedes proper assessment of the epidemiological burden caused by each species. To overcome this issue, we designed a PCR-based molecular diagnostic tool to improve the identification of these species

    The internal transcribed spacer 1 sequence polymorphism brings updates to tsetse species distribution in the northern Cameroon: Importance in planning efficient vector control

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    Vector control remains one of the best strategies to prevent the transmission of trypanosome infections in humans and livestock and, thus, a good way to achieve the elimination of human African trypanosomiasis and animal African trypanosomiasis. A key prerequisite for the success of any vector control strategy is the accurate identification and correct mapping of tsetse species. In this work, we updated the tsetse fly species identification and distribution in many geographical areas in Cameroon. Tsetse flies were captured from six localities in Cameroon, and their species were morphologically identified. Thereafter, DNA was extracted from legs of each tsetse fly and the length polymorphism of internal transcribed spacer‐1 (ITS1) region of each fly was investigated using PCR. ITS1 DNA fragments of each tsetse species were sequenced. The sequences obtained were analysed and compared to those available in GenBank. This enabled to confirm/infirm results of the morphologic identification and then, to establish the phylogenetic relationships between tsetse species. Morphologic features allowed to clearly distinguish all the tsetse species captured in the South Region of Cameroon, that is, Glossina palpalis palpalis, G. pallicera, G. caliginea and G. nigrofusca. In the northern area, G. morsitans submorsitans could also be distinguished from G. palpalis palpalis, G. tachinoides and G. fuscipes, but these three later could not be distinguished with routine morphological characters. The ITS1 length polymorphism was high among most of the studied species and allowed to identify the following similar species with a single PCR, that is, G. palpalis palpalis with 241 or 242 bp and G. tachinoides with 221 or 222 bp, G. fuscipes with 236 or 237 bp. We also updated the old distribution of tsetse species in the areas assessed, highlighting the presence of G. palpalis palpalis instead of G. fuscipes in Mbakaou, or in sympatry with G. morsitans submorsitans in Dodeo (northern Cameroon). This study confirms the presence of G. palpalis palpalis in the Adamawa Region of Cameroon. It highlights the limits of using morphological criteria to differentiate some tsetse species. Molecular tools based on the polymorphism of ITS1 of tsetse flies can differentiate tsetse species through a simple PCR before downstream analyses or vector control planning