688 research outputs found

    Night-time shift work and related stress responses: A study on security guards

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    Work-related stress can induce a break in homeostasis by placing demands on the body that are met by the activation of two different systems, the hypothalamic\u2013pituitary\u2013adrenal axis and the sympathetic nervous system. Night-shift work alters the body\u2019s exposure to the natural light\u2013 dark schedule and disrupts circadian (daily) rhythms. The greatest effect of night-shift work is the disruption of circadian rhythms. The impact that these disruptions may have on the pathogenesis of many diseases, including cancer, is unknown. This study aims to discover the relationship among three different job activities of security guards and their stress-related responses by evaluating salivary cortisol levels and blood pressure. Methods: Ninety security guards, including night-time workers and night-time and daily-shift workers, were recruited for this study. Each security guard provided two saliva samples before and after three scheduled time points: (i) at 22:00, (ii) at 06:30, and (iii) at 14:00. Results: The results of the study showed a significant alteration in cortisol levels. Night-time shift cortisol levels significantly increased before and after the work shifts. A physiological prevalence of the vagal tone on the cardiocirculatory activity was found during night-shift work. Conclusions: This study indicates that cortisol levels and blood pressure are sensitive markers of biological responses to severe work stress. Shift-change consequences may occur at the end of the night shift when there is a significant increase in the cortisol level and a significant variation in cardiovascular parameters

    Management of labyrinthine fistula in chronic otitis with cholesteatoma: case series.

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    Labyrinthine fistula is a complication of ear cholesteatoma that increase the risk of sensorineural hearing loss. The management of the fistula must be done contextually with mastoidectomy by: leaving cholesteatoma matrix over the fistula, or remove the matrix reconstructing the defect. Objective: analysis of the two techniques to treat labyrinthine fistula. Methods: retrospective review with case series analysis. Results: a labyrinthine fistula was present in 14% of cholesteatoma patients; CT scan was pre-dictive in all cases; the hearing preservation was obtained with both techniques; a re-currence was detected only in one case; postoperative nystagmus incidence was higher in those cases with matrix left in situ and when the size of the fistula was lar-ger than 2 mm. Conclusions: the labyrinthine fistula have to be treated contextually with cholesteatoma removal, both techniques had good postoperative hearing preser-vation rate. The postoperative vertigo with nystagmus is more frequent in larger fistu-las

    Numerical modelling of ellipsoidal inclusions

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    Within the framework of numerical algorithms for the threedimensional random packing of granular materials this work presents an innovative formulation for polydispersed ellipsoidal particles, including an overlapping detection algorithm for an optimized simulation of the mesostructure of geomaterials, particularly concrete. Granular composite cement-based materials can be so reconstructed with adequate precision in terms of grain size distribution. Specifically, the algorithm performance towards the assumed inclusion shape (ellipsoidal or spheric) and degree of regularity (round or irregular) is here discussed. Examples on real grading curves prove that this approach is effective. The advantages of the proposed method for computational mechanics purposes are also disclosed when properly interfaced with visualization CAD (Computer Aided Design) tools

    Sars-cov-2 and the risk assessment document in italian work; specific or generic risk even if aggravated?

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    In December 2019, several cases of atypical pneumonia were detected in Wuhan city, Hubei province, inland China. The initial outbreak was of considerable size first in China subsequently spread to the rest of the world. Immediately after the epidemic (which according to the World Health Organization had risen to pandemic status), the problem of whether or not to update the occupational risk assessment arose, also considering how the biological risk from SARS CoV-2 should be understood: specific or generic. To this end, we conducted a literature review to identify national health legislation and policies, examining how Italy has addressed the COVID-19 emergency in occupational health planning, in order to develop considerations on the need to update the Risk Assessment Document following the pandemic status. The data that emerged from the review of current legislation allowed us to conclude that the risk from SARS-CoV-2 is in most work activities to be understood as a generic or aggravated generic risk, requiring the employer to apply and control the preventive measures suggested by health authorities to contain the spread of the virus

    Investigation of stress-strain behaviour in concrete materials through the aid of 3D advanced measurement techniques

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    This work deals with the investigation of the mechanical behaviour of cementitious materials, following a mesoscopic approach where aggregates, grains and cement paste are explicitly represented, and the strict comparison between the numerical results and the experimental results from uniaxial tests is carried out. For this purpose, solid models are created with the support of advanced techniques of measurement and detection, such as laser scanners or computer tomography (CT). The 3D laser- scanning technique in fact allows to acquire the exact shape of the grains added to the concrete mix design while, through the adoption of an ad-hoc random distribution algorithm, a realistic disposition of the inclusions is guaranteed. The industrial CT instead, is able to reproduce exactly the tested specimens; the geometry of the inclusions and their placement. Once reconstructed realistic geometries for the models, the mechanical behaviour of concrete under uniaxial compression tests is numerically studied. A specific constitutive behaviour is assigned to each component; an elasto-plastic law with damage is assumed for the cement matrix while the aggregates are conceived to behave elastically. The implemented damage-plasticity model consists in the combination of the non-associated plasticity model by Men\ue9trey-Willam, where the yield surface is described in function of the second and the third invariant of the deviatoric stress tensor and the scalar isotropic damage model by Mazars. Comparisons between numerical and experimental results fairly prove the correctness of the suggested approach

    Nonlinear Modelling, Design, and Test of Steel Blast-Resistant Doors

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    The nonlinear dynamic response for steel blast-resistant doors is here described, referring to an innovative experience at both national and international level requiring an ad hoc design and specific numerical simulations. The elements capability to sustain thermal loads due to fire hazards is additionally accounted for. The study has been conducted to define and characterize the nonlinear behaviour of a large number of doors, with the objective of sustaining dynamic loads from explosive hazards of fixed magnitude, as well as variable design and clearing times. The local overcome of the material strength limit (with correspondent plastic response) and possible formation of plastic hinges has been critically discussed. Numerical models have allowed for refining first design sketches and subsequently understanding the real thermomechanical behaviour for the investigated elements. Some experimental tests have been additionally performed, verifying the correctness of the already available numerical results, validating the adopted procedures, and correspondingly guaranteeing the doors' structural efficiency even under dynamic loads higher than design ones

    The beginning of high mountain occupations in the Pyrenees. Human settlements and mobility from 10,500 cal BP to 4500 cal BP

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    During the last two decades, the archaeological research carried out in the Pyrenees challenged the traditional images of the past in this mountain area. The archaeological sequence of the range goes back and sites like Balma Margineda, treated until recently as an exception, now are seen as part of more global process. Actual data suggest that main valleys of the Pyrenean frequented by humans at the end of the last glacial period, with sites slightly over 1000 o.s.l. After the Younger Dryas, the human presence ascended to alpine and subalpine areas, in accordance with current archaeological data. The Neolisitation process was early in some hillsides, with intense remains of farming and pastoralism in many sites from dated in the second half of the 6th millennia cal BC. Human settlements like Coro Tracito, Els Trocs and El Sardo confirm the full introduction of agrarian activity in the central part of the Pyrenees between 5300 and 4600 cal BC. After 3500/3300 cal BC the indices oh sheepherding rises to alpine areas, with an abrupt increase of known archaeological sites in alpine areas, above the current timberline. This phenomena, as well as the signs of anthropic disturbance of the alpine environment in sedimentary sequences, suggests a more stable and ubiquitous human presence, probably largely associated with the development of mobile herding practices