145 research outputs found

    Sviluppo di applicazioni real-time multi-utente: un middleware basato sulla piattaforma Croquet

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    Il crescente aumento del numero di dispositivi connessi in rete e delle applicazioni che vengono sviluppate su di essa ha trasformato completamente lo standard delle applicazioni che una volta erano single-user, facendo quindi arrivare lo standard ad un modello multi-utente, dove si ha un ambiente collaborativo e condiviso in cui le azioni di un determinato utente vanno ad influire anche sugli altri. Altra necessità al giorno d'oggi è inoltre che queste applicazioni multi-utente siano anche real-time, ovvero che si aggiornino in tempo reale e che di conseguenza l'azione di un singolo utente debba essere trasmessa e notificata a tutti gli altri in modo che possano gestirla di conseguenza. Lo sviluppo di tali applicazioni risulta quindi particolarmente complesso, tuttavia esistono anche soluzioni architetturali e framework che risultano essere dedicati all'implementazione di tale tipo di applicazioni, il quale obiettivo è quindi quello di semplificarne e velocizzarne lo sviluppo, tramite l'utilizzo di pattern o architetture mirate all'implementazione di un tipo specifico di tali applicazioni. Un esempio di tali soluzioni è Croquet, che permette la creazione di applicazioni real-time multi-utente, senza la necessità di scrivere alcun codice per la parte server o per la gestione delle comunicazioni tra i peer, ma solamente sviluppando il modello del client, ovvero la parte in esecuzione sulla macchina dell'utente. Questa tesi andrà quindi ad effettuare uno studio sul funzionamento e sull'architettura di Croquet proseguendo quindi con lo sviluppo di un middleware che permetta la creazione di applicazioni real-time multi-utente indipendenti dal linguaggio di sviluppo, le quali si potranno quindi appoggiare sull'architettura di Croquet per funzionare e comunicare, avendo quindi a disposizione tutte le garanzie che vengono offerte da Croquet e dalla sua architettura

    Studio, analisi e progettazione di un prototipo di infrastructure as code

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    La tesi inserita in un periodo di forte transizione dai sistemi On­premises a sistemi Cloud ha avuto l'esigenza di risolvere alcune problematiche legate alla definizione delle infrastrutture. Come poter scalare le risorse all'evenienza ricreando gli stessi ambienti, monitorandoli e mettendo in sicurezza i dati critici delle applicazioni? La tesi ha risposto proprio a questa domanda definendo un nuovo paradigma nel concepire le infrastrutture chiamato Infrastructure as Code. La tesi ha approfondito le pratiche e le metodologie che si sono legate maggiormente all'Infrastructure as Code tra le quali Version Control, Configuration Management, Continuous Integration e Continuous Delivery. La tesi inoltre ha previsto la realizzazione di un prototipo finale nato dallo studio del flusso di sviluppo software aziendale, definendo gli ambienti in accordo ai sistemi di Version Control e Configuration Management, applicando pratiche di integrazione continua per giungere ad una deployment pipeline funzionale

    Neonatal functional treatment for Pierre Robin Sequence

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    Objective: Pierre Robin Sequence (PRS) is a heterogeneous pathological condition characterized by the coexistence of micrognathia, glossoptosis, and cleft palate, resulting in upper airway tract obstruction. Among the treatment modalities, the orthodontic approach is one part of the comprehensive care of those patients and will be present in the treatment modalities during all the growth period of the child.Methods: All patients with PRS observed in the period 2013-2017 were treated with a definite functional approach. The results were retrospectively analyzed with regard to functional outcome, total treatment time, and number of plates provided for a single patient.Results: In all the patients, the indicated treatment protocol has been applied as early impression and plate supply, stimulation of bottle feeding with the use of the plate, eventual substitution of the plate if no more adequate to the transverse and sagittal growth of the palate, and continuing the use until the surgical closure of the cleft. All the patients showed a positive outcome to the proposed treatment approach, evaluated with regard to the incidence of feeding improvement and weight gain, to the limit for the surgical phase, in the absence of adverse effects.Conclusion: The use of a functional obturator plate, removing functional alterations to mandibular growth, reduces and, in some cases, eliminates the need for surgical intervention. As also stated in the literature, if despite the presence of the plate nutritional problems persist, immediate different surgical approaches, mainly mandibular osteodistraction, become necessary

    Temporal correlation of morphological and biochemical changes with the recruitment of different mechanisms of reactive oxygen species formation during human SW872 cell adipogenic differentiation

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    none8noHuman SW872 preadipocyte conversion to mature adipocytes is associated with time-dependent changes in differentiation markers' expression and with morphological changes accompanied by the accumulation of lipid droplets (LDs) as well as by increased mitochondriogenesis and mitochondrial membrane potential. Under identical conditions, the formation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) revealed with a general probe was significant at days 3 and 10 of differentiation and bearly detectable at day 6. NADPH oxidase (NOX)-2 activity determined with an immunocytochemical approach followed a very similar pattern. There was no evidence of mitochondrial ROS (mROS), as detected with a selective fluorescence probe, at days 3 and 6, possibly due to the triggering of the Nrf-2 antioxidant response. mROS were instead clearly detected at day 10, concomitantly with the accumulation of very large LDs, oxidation of both cardiolipin and thioredoxin 2, and decreased mitochondrial glutathione. In conclusion, the morphological and biochemical changes of differentiating SW872 cells are accompanied by the discontinuous formation of ROS derived from NOX-2, increasingly implicated in adipogenesis and adipose tissue dysfunction. In addition, mROS formation was significant only in the late phase of differentiation and was associated with mitochondrial dysfunction.openFiorani, Mara; De Matteis, Rita; Canonico, Barbara; Blandino, Giulia; Mazzoli, Alessandro; Montanari, Mariele; Guidarelli, Andrea; Cantoni, OrazioFiorani, Mara; De Matteis, Rita; Canonico, Barbara; Blandino, Giulia; Mazzoli, Alessandro; Montanari, Mariele; Guidarelli, Andrea; Cantoni, Orazi

    Prenatal Exposure to BPA: The Effects on Hepatic Lipid Metabolism in Male and Female Rat Fetuses

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    Bisphenol A (BPA) is an organic chemical compound widely used for manufacturing plastics. BPA exposure originates principally from the diet, but it can also originate from dermal contact. In over 90% of individuals, including pregnant women, BPA is detectable in several body fluids. The effects of this exposure on the fetus are under active investigation in several research laboratories. The aim of our work was to study the impact of prenatal exposure to BPA in the liver of rat fetuses from a sex-dependent point of view. We particularly investigated the effects of prenatal BPA exposure on hepatic lipids because of their crucial role, not only for the liver, but also for the whole-body functions. Our results demonstrate that the liver of rat fetuses, in utero exposed to a very low dose of BPA (2.5 µg/kg/day), displays significant modulations with regard to proteins involved in cholesterol and fatty acid biosynthesis and trafficking. Moreover, an impact on inflammatory process has been observed. All these effects are dependent on sex, being observable only in female rat fetuses. In conclusion, this work demonstrates that maternal exposure to BPA compromises hepatic lipid metabolism in female offspring, and it also reveals the perspective impact of BPA on human health at doses currently considered safe

    Nahoum Index in Brachyfacial Patients: A Pilot Study

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    Objective:Our aim is to test the Nahoum Index as a support in the cephalometric study of vertical dimension and therapeutic orientation in adult patients suffering from Class II malocclusion, deep bite, or short face syndrome.Methods:Twenty-three patients with molar Class II and an overbite >4 mm were stratified into two groups: orthodontic (G2) and surgical orthodontic (G1). The ANB angle and Nahoum Index were calculated for cephalometric tracing pre- and post-treatment. The difference between the ANB and Nahoum Index values were analyzed using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences software.Results:In G1, the Nahoum Index decreased from 0.954 to 0.797, and the ANB angle decreased from 5.2° to 3.2°. In G2, the Nahoum Index decreased from 0.825 to 0.817, and the ANB angle decreased from 4.4° to 4°.Conclusion:In G1, the difference between before and after treatment was significant for the Nahoum Index only. The difference between before and after values was not significant in the G2 group. It is possible to indicate the Nahoum Index of 0.934 as the limit value in case of which a patient may be treated with orthodontics only. This limit is the opposite of the limit proposed by Nahoum for vertical excess cases and respect the same interval. Therefore, we can consider the range 0.81-0.934 to indicate borderline patients, and >0.934 to indicate surgical patients. If the ratio is close to the normal value as 0.81, the treatment will be orthodontic; if it is further increased, the treatment will be surgical

    Age determination by \ub5-PIXE analysis of cheralite-(Ce) from emerald-bearing Pegmatites of Vigezzo Valley (Western Alps, Italy).

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    A green transparent homogenous crystal of cheralite-(Ce) was separated from an albitized pegmatitic dike outcropping at the summit of Mount Pizzo Marcio (Vigezzo valley, Western Alps, Verbania, Italy) and analysed with a proton-induced X-ray emission microprobe (\u3bc-PIXE) for total U-Th-Pb age determination. 9 spot analyses have been performed, obtaining ages in the range 30.4-34.3 Ma, with errors on single analysis of \ub11.6 Ma. These ages are not statistically different and do not show systematic distributions within the analysed crystal (i.e. either in the core or in the rim). Therefore an average age of 32.7 Ma was calculated, with a propagated error of \ub1 3.2 Ma, representing the youngest total U-Th-Pb age ever obtained on a mineral of the monazite group. Such an age indicates that during the Alpine event two potential sources of pegmatitic magmas producing the Vigezzo valley pegmatitic field can be taken into consideration. A first potential magmatic source is represented by the granodioritic-tonalitic Masino-Bregaglia pluton, aged from 32.9 to 28 Ma., associated with the peraluminous two micas granitic stock of S. Fedelino 25 Ma old (MOTICSKA, 1970, BERGER et al., 1996, HANSMANN, 1996). A second potential source could be related to the Barrovian metamorphism responsible for the development of the so called Lepontine Gneiss Dome (WINTER, 2001), that affected the Central Western Alps during Oligocene. Such metamorphism was concomitant with dextral strike-slip movements along the Insubric Line. Subsequently, the main thermal updoming producing migmatites, which started about 32-30 Ma ago with the intrusion of the Masino-Bregaglia pluton, migrated towards west reaching the metamorphic peak in the Simplon Alpine region, about 20 Ma ago (ENGI et al., 1995, BOSQUET et al., 1997 )