113 research outputs found

    Tipos nomenclaturais e principais famílias do Herbário CNPO da Embrapa Pecuária Sul.

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    Conceitos Nomenclaturais; Tipos de Tipos Nomenclaturais; Holótipo; Lectótipo; Neótipo; Isótipo; Síntipo; Parátipo; Topótipobitstream/item/56603/1/DT116.pd

    Análise do teor de celulose de quatro espécies de Paspalum utilizando espectroscopia no infravermelho.

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    Resumo.Edição especial dos Anais do V Congresso Brasileiro de Recursos Genéticos, Fortaleza

    Introdução às ciências zootécnica e botânica para alunos do quarto ano em visita à Embrapa Pecuária Sul.

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    Abstract: Abstract: Research centers are very important to contribute and promote community scientific literacy of children impacts teaching in later grades, promotes the development of conscious citizens regarding the valuation of animal husbandry and food production. Thus, Embrapa has a vital role in society linked to food security through community interaction with agricultural research. The aim of this work was to connect local urban students with animal and botanical sciences and the origin of food, through sensorial and motor skills for a learning associated with daily life. A thematic visit was carried out by 50 students 9-11 years old from the Nossa Senhora Auxiliadora School, Bagé-RS, to Embrapa Southern Livestock, for a variety of forages and ruminants. The children attended the lecture in appropriate language about diet and animal category, different dairy products, animal fat where they saw flipcharts, manipulated dairy packaging, concentrate and roughage ingredients; asked the speakers more than 20 questions. Afterwards, they observed the germoplasm bank: exotic, white clover (Trifolium repens L.), Sudan grass (Sorghum sudanense (Piper) Stapf) BRS Birdsfoot Trefoil (Lotus corniculatus L.) BRS Posteiro; and Herbarium-CNPO with native exsiccates. The high participation of students demonstrated a good receptivity to the actives methodologies.5 p. Zootecnia Brasil 2018

    Herbário CNPO e Banco Ativo de Germoplasma de Forrageiras do Sul do Brasil: interface para coleta, conservação e informatização.

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    Resumo.Fernando Flores Cardoso, Daniel Portella Montardo, José Carlos Ferrugem Moraes, Marcos Flávio Silva Borba, Sandro da Silva Camargo, editores técnicos