505 research outputs found

    Modeling lithium rich carbon stars in the Large Magellanic Cloud: an independent distance indicator ?

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    We present the first quantitative results explaining the presence in the Large Magellanic Cloud of some asymptotic giant branch stars that share the properties of lithium rich carbon stars. A self-consistent description of time-dependent mixing, overshooting, and nuclear burning was required. We identify a narrow range of masses and luminosities for this peculiar stars. Comparison of these models with the luminosities of the few Li-rich C stars in the Large Magellanic Cloud provides an independent distance indicator for the LMCComment: 7 pages, 2 figure

    Non-equilibrium Lifshitz theory as a steady state of a full dynamical quantum system

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    In this work we analyze the validity of Lifshitz's theory for the case of non-equilibrium scenarios from a full quantum dynamical approach. We show that Lifshitz's framework for the study of the Casimir pressure is the result of considering the long-time regime (or steady state) of a well-defined fully quantized problem, subjected to initial conditions for the electromagnetic field interacting with real materials. For this, we implement the closed time path formalism developed in previous works to study the case of two half spaces (modeled as composite environments, consisting in quantum degrees of freedom plus thermal baths) interacting with the electromagnetic field. Starting from initial uncorrelated free subsystems, we solve the full time evolution, obtaining general expressions for the different contributions to the pressure that take part on the transient stage. Using the analytic properties of the retarded Green functions, we obtain the long-time limit of these contributions to the total Casimir pressure. We show that, in the steady state, only the baths' contribute, in agreement with the results of previous works, where this was assumed without justification. We also study in detail the physics of the initial conditions' contribution and the concept of modified vacuum modes, giving insights about in which situations one would expect a non vanishing contribution at the steady state of a non-equilibrium scenario. This would be the case when considering finite width slabs instead of half-spaces

    Acceleration of heavy and light particles in turbulence: comparison between experiments and direct numerical simulations

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    We compare experimental data and numerical simulations for the dynamics of inertial particles with finite density in turbulence. In the experiment, bubbles and solid particles are optically tracked in a turbulent flow of water using an Extended Laser Doppler Velocimetry technique. The probability density functions (PDF) of particle accelerations and their auto-correlation in time are computed. Numerical results are obtained from a direct numerical simulation in which a suspension of passive pointwise particles is tracked, with the same finite density and the same response time as in the experiment. We observe a good agreement for both the variance of acceleration and the autocorrelation timescale of the dynamics; small discrepancies on the shape of the acceleration PDF are observed. We discuss the effects induced by the finite size of the particles, not taken into account in the present numerical simulations.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figure

    Conformal invariance and apparent universality of semiclassical gravity

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    In a recent work, it has been pointed out that certain observables of the massless scalar field theory in a static spherically symmetric background exhibit a universal behavior at large distances. More precisely, it was shown that, unlike what happens in the case the coupling to the curvature \xi is generic, for the special cases \xi=0 and \xi = 1/6 the large distance behavior of the expectation value turns out to be independent of the internal structure of the gravitational source. Here, we address a higher dimensional generalization of this result: We first compute the difference between a black hole and a static spherically symmetric star for the observables and in the far field limit. Thus, we show that the conformally invariant massless scalar field theory in a static spherically symmetric background exhibits such universality phenomenon in D\geq 4 dimensions. Also, using the one-loop effective action, we compute for a weakly gravitating object. These results lead to the explicit expression of the expectation value for a Schwarzschild-Tangherlini black hole in the far field limit. As an application, we obtain quantum corrections to the gravitational potential in D dimensions, which for D=4 are shown to agree with the one-loop correction to the graviton propagator previously found in the literature.Comment: 11 page

    Decoherence induced by a fluctuating Aharonov-Casher phase

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    Dipoles interference is studied when atomic systems are coupled to classical electromagnetic fields. The interaction between the dipoles and the classical fields induces a time-varying Aharonov-Casher phase. Averaging over the phase generates a suppression of fringe visibility in the interference pattern. We show that, for suitable experimental conditions, the loss of contrast for dipoles can be observable and almost as large as the corresponding one for coherent electrons. We analyze different trajectories in order to show the dependence of the decoherence factor with the velocity of the particles.Comment: 13 pages, 3 figures. To appear in Phys. Rev.

    A complete O(alpha_S^2) calculation of the signal-background interference for the Higgs diphoton decay channel

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    We present the full {\cal O}(\as^2) computation of the interference effects between the Higgs diphoton signal and the continuum background at the LHC. While the main contribution to the interference originates on the gggg partonic subprocess, we find that the corrections from the qgqg and qqˉq\bar{q} channels amount up to 35% of it. We discuss the effect of these new subprocesses in the shift of the diphoton invariant mass peak recently reported by S. Martin in Ref.\cite{Martin:2012xc}.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figure

    Study of timing performance of Silicon Photomultiplier and application for a Cherenkov detector

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    Silicon photomultipliers are very versatile photo detectors due to their high photon detection efficiency, fast response, single photon counting capability, high amplification, and their insensitivity to magnetic fields. At our institute we are studying the performance of these photo detectors at various operating conditions. On the basis of the experience in the laboratory we built a prototype of a timing Cherenkov detector consisting of a quartz radiator with two 3×33\times 3 mm2^2 MPPCs S10362-33-100C from Hamamatsu Photonics as photodetectors. The MPPC sensors were operated with Peltier cooling to minimize thermal noise and to avoid gain drifts. The test measurements at the DAΦ\PhiNE Beam-Test Facility (BTF) at the Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati (LNF) with pulsed 490 MeV electrons and the results on timing performance with Cherenkov photons are presented.Comment: Conference proceedings of 12th Vienna Conference on Instrumentation 201
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