429 research outputs found

    Electrification in granular gases leads to constrained fractal growth

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    The empirical observation of aggregation of dielectric particles under the influence of electrostatic forces lies at the origin of the theory of electricity. The growth of clusters formed of small grains underpins a range of phenomena from the early stages of planetesimal formation to aerosols. However, the collective effects of Coulomb forces on the nonequilibrium dynamics and aggregation process in a granular gas -- a model representative of the above physical processes -- have so far evaded theoretical scrutiny. Here, we establish a hydrodynamic description of aggregating granular gases that exchange charges upon collisions and interact via the long-ranged Coulomb forces. We analytically derive the governing equations for the evolution of granular temperature, charge variance, and number density for homogeneous and quasi-monodisperse aggregation. We find that, once the aggregates are formed, the system obeys a physical constraint of nearly constant dimensionless ratio of characteristic electrostatic to kinetic energy B(t)≤1\mathcal{B}(t)\le 1. This constraint on the collective evolution of charged clusters is confirmed both by the theory and the detailed molecular dynamics simulations. The inhomogeneous aggregation of monomers and clusters in their mutual electrostatic field proceeds in a fractal manner. Our theoretical framework is extendable to more precise charge exchange mechanism, a current focus of extensive experimentation. Furthermore, it illustrates the collective role of long-ranged interactions in dissipative gases and can lead to novel designing principles in particulate systems

    Stochastic Rotation Dynamics for Nematic Liquid Crystals

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    We introduce a new mesoscopic model for nematic liquid crystals (LCs). We extend the particle-based stochastic rotation dynamics method, which reproduces the Navier-Stokes equation, to anisotropic fluids by including a simplified Ericksen-Leslie formulation of nematodynamics. We verify the applicability of this hybrid model by studying the equilibrium isotropic-nematic phase transition and nonequilibrium problems, such as the dynamics of topological defects, and the rheology of sheared LCs. Our simulation results show that this hybrid model captures many essential aspects of LC physics at the mesoscopic scale, while preserving microscopic thermal fluctuations

    A universal scaling law for the evolution of granular gases

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    Dry, freely evolving granular materials in a dilute gaseous state coalesce into dense clusters only due to dissipative interactions. This clustering transition is important for a number of problems ranging from geophysics to cosmology. Here we show that the evolution of a dilute, freely cooling granular gas is determined in a universal way by the ratio of inertial flow and thermal velocities, that is, the Mach number. Theoretical calculations and direct numerical simulations of the granular Navier--Stokes equations show that irrespective of the coefficient of restitution, density or initial velocity distribution, the density fluctuations follow a universal quadratic dependence on the system's Mach number. We find that the clustering exhibits a scale-free dynamics but the clustered state becomes observable when the Mach number is approximately of O(1)\mathcal{O}(1). Our results provide a method to determine the age of a granular gas and predict the macroscopic appearance of clusters

    Multiparticle Collision Dynamics for Tensorial Nematodynamics

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    Liquid crystals establish a nearly unique combination of thermodynamic, hydrodynamic, and topological behavior. This poses a challenge to their theoretical understanding and modeling. The arena where these effects come together is the mesoscopic (micron) scale. It is then important to develop models aimed at capturing this variety of dynamics. We have generalized the particle-based multiparticle collision dynamics (MPCD) method to model the dynamics of nematic liquid crystals. Following the Qian--Sheng theory of nematics, the spatial and temporal variations of the nematic director field and order parameter are described by a tensor order parameter. The key idea is to assign tensorial degrees of freedom to each MPCD particle, whose mesoscopic average is the tensor order parameter. This new nematic-MPCD method includes backflow effect, velocity-orientation coupling and thermal fluctuations. We validate the applicability of this method by testing: (i) the nematic-isotropic phase transition, (ii) the flow alignment of the director in shear and Poiseuille flows, and (iii) the annihilation dynamics of a pair of line defects. We find excellent agreement with existing literature. We also investigate the flow field around a force dipole in a nematic liquid crystal, which represents the leading-order flow field around a force-free microswimmer. The anisotropy of the medium not only affects the magnitude of velocity field around the force dipole, but can also induce hydrodynamic torques depending on the orientation of dipole axis relative to director field. A force dipole experiences a hydrodynamic torque when the dipole axis is tilted with respect to the far-field director. The direction of hydrodynamic toque is such that the pusher- (or puller-) type force dipole tends to orient along (or perpendicular to) the director field
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