4 research outputs found

    A Prospective Study of Thrombocytopenia in all Trimesters of Pregnant Women in Baquba City in Iraq

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    Background: In pregnancy there is decrease in platelet count mainly in late stage, which is normal physiological phenomena in third  trimester, thrombocytopenia is a second common hematological condition affecting pregnant women after anaemia, unless its severe, otherwise it require no treatment. Objective: To estimate and evaluate the platelet count during different trimester of pregnancy, with presence or absence of thrombocytopenia. Patients and Methods: Platelet count was performed on pregnant women   attending Al-Batool Teaching Hospital for Maternity and Paediatric in Baquba - Diyala, and  some private clinic and laboratories  in Baquba, during the period from March 2013 to November 2015 . Ninety pregnant women were included in the study groupand thirtyhealthy non pregnant women as control group. Platelets count were done for them using automated hematology auto-analysers ABX-Horiba Micros 60, and  comparison in platelets counts done between study group and control group and between different trimesters of pregnancy. Results: Platelet count were lower  in pregnancy with range (57-399) in compared  with control group with range  (166-399), and its lower in third trimester mean(208.69) in compared with other trimesters (first and second with mean 262.96 , 261.56 respectively) and the differences were statistically significant p < 0.001. Conclusion: In this study we find a mild thrombocytopenia during pregnancy especially in third trimester, but this  had no effect on mother, fetus and may not cause  bleeding complication of delivery, which need only monthly follow up

    Association Between Chronic Renal Failure and Thyroid Hormone

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    Background: The idea of the study is to follow the relation between CR.E and thyroid hormones. Material and Methods: The levels of serum urea , creatinine ,total thyroxin (TT4) , Tri-iodothyronine (TT3) , free T4 (fT4) , freeT3 (fT3) and Thyrotropin (TSH) were measured in the serum of 80 Patients with varying grades of chronic renal failure (CRF) ; and 40 healthy individuals . They were divided into 3 groups  as : Group 1 containing 40 healthy individuals as control group; Group 2 containing 40 Patients on conservative management ; and Group 3 containing 40 Patients on Regular haemodialysis therapy.     Aim: The aim of the study was to investigate the association between chronic renal failure and thyroid function.   Results: Groups 2 and 3 showed significant increased in urea and creatinine compared with control group ( P< 0.001) and significant decreased in TT4(P < 0.01) , TT3(P < 0.001) , fT4( P < 0.01) and fT3( P< 0.001) , whereas TSH values were not significantly altered .      Conclusions: Uremia is accompanied with endocrine disorders , due to impaired degradation of hormones , because of failed kidney functions and to the interference of the uremic environment with extra renal degradation or synthesis and secretion of certain hormones

    Correlation with renin-angiotensin-aldosterone and glomerular filtration rate in chronic renal failure patients

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    Background: One of the more significant hormonal systems, the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system, controls the kidney function, adrenal gland through its effect on the balance of sodium and potassium, blood pressure, fluid volume, and also manages the functions of cardiovascular. Objective: To clarify the interrelationship between renal dysfunction and renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system. Patients and Methods: One hundred samples were collected from December 1, 2022, to February 18, 2023, from Al Shams Medical Laboratories (56 male, and 44) female, age range (of 45-60 years), all of them were volunteers suffering from chronic renal failure in the third stage the average glomerular filtration rate was 35. 70 ± 0.37 125 mL/min/1.73m2. and under conservative treatment. Kidney function test, active renin, angiotensin II, and aldosterone were assessed in the serum of all subjects. The p - value of differences less than 0.05 is measured significant, and uses the statistical package for the social sciences (23) software to calculate the correlation coefficient between various parameters. Results: The result shows relationship between the changes in GFR with creatinine, urea and active renin, the mean GFR showed significant negative correlated with mean creatinine (R = -0.76, p < 0.01. As well as the mean GFR with mean urea (R = -0.64, p < 0.01). The mean GFR also showed significant negative correlated with mean active renin in (R = -0.41, p < 0.01). Also, the mean serum active renin level was significantly positive correlated with mean aldosterone (R =0.33, p < 0.05). Conclusion: Renin enzyme is inversely related to renal dysfunction, so when the glomerular filtration rate decrease, the higher the renin increased, and as a result, the increase in blood pressure in chronic renal failure patients