11 research outputs found

    Narratives of Risk and Reform in Lifer Parole Hearings

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    Narratives of Risk and Reform in Lifer Parole Hearings

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    This dissertation investigates the ways that law and policy (co)construct identity within criminal legal settings, particularly for people often viewed as the ‘worst of the worst’ in California prisons – those sentenced to life in prison, though still with the possibility of being paroled. I explore how punishment-driven identities—such as violent, risky, and dangerous—intersect with other identities like age, race, gender, and disability within the parole hearing process. I examine this through the analysis of lifer parole hearing transcripts, the observation of public meetings of the Board of Parole Hearings and other parole-related events, and informal interviews a variety of actors involved with California parole. I employ ethnographic, textual, and narrative analysis within socio-legal and critical race theoretical frameworks to examine the relationship between identity and institutions of punishment, resulting in several main contributions: (1) an overview of common institutional and individual narratives in lifer parole hearings, as well as how they interact; (2) an analysis of how mental health, aging, and disability are used as an indicator for risk in both parole law and practice and how mental health is uniquely understood in these settings; (3) the role of expertise in understanding risk, identity, and mental health status within the lifer parole process; and (4) a comparative analysis of how time and temporality in carceral settings outline the way time is understood and discussed in relation to people with life sentences and rehabilitation. I end the dissertation with a discussion of how my findings fit into abolitionist goals of transformative reform of carceral systems, as well as practical suggestions for addressing issues with the parole hearing process that are addressed throughout my findings

    Interpreting the amendments to the decree of the Minister of Health of 29 March 2007 regarding the quality of potable water

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    Omówiono zasadnicze zmiany w przepisach dotyczących jakości wody przeznaczonej do spożycia przez ludzi, wprowadzone w życie rozporządzeniem Ministra Zdrowia z 29 marca 2007 r. Zmiana układu wymagań w odniesieniu do wskaźników jakości wody zawartych we wcześniej obowiązującym rozporządzeniu z 2002 r. miała na celu wypełnienie zaleceń unijnej dyrektywy 98/83/WE z 3 listopada 1998 r. w sprawie jakości wody przeznaczonej do spożycia. Podkreślono, że dokonana zmiana nie polega na ścisłym dostosowaniu polskich przepisów do wymagań UE, lecz na urealnieniu wymagań w odniesieniu do wskaźników mających bezpośredni wpływ na bezpieczeństwo zdrowotne wody. Stwierdzono, że zmiany w przepisach będą wymagały przygotowania przedsiębiorstw wodociągowych do pełnej kontroli laboratoryjnej produkowanej wody, chociaż nie jest możliwe, aby małe stacje wodociągowe mogły objąć swój wyrób własnym nadzorem laboratoryjnym w pełnym zakresie monitoringu Jest to kolejny poważny problem wymagający kompleksowego rozwiązania w skali całego kraju, a nie tylko poszczególnych wodociągów.Basic amendments to the regulations concerning potable water quality (put into effect in virtue of the Decree of the Minister of Health of 29 March 2007) are discussed. The purpose of introducing changes into the system of demands made on water quality parameters (specified in the Decree of 2002 which was still in force) was to ensure compliance with the Directive 98/83/EU of 3 November 1998 that pertained to the quality of tap water. It has been emphasized that the amendments do not consist in a strict matching of Polish regulations to relevant EU postulates but that the requirements concerning the water quality parameters which exert a direct effect on human health have to be adjusted to reality. It has been stated that the amendments will create the need for water producers to provide full and reliable laboratory monitoring and control of their product, though small waterworks do not seem to be able to establish their own systems of laboratory supervision and full-scale monitoring of the water produced. The problem raises serious concern and calls for joint solutions on a nationwide scale

    Bacteria of the genus Legionella present in the processed water at work

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    Instalacje i urządzenia wodne, w tym systemy wody technologicznej/chłodzącej są rezerwuarami, które mogą być zasiedlane przez szereg mikroorganizmów tym bakterie z rodzaju Legionella. Zakażenie człowieka pałeczkami Legionella następuje na drodze inhalacyjnej w przypadku przedostania się łych mikroorganizmów wraz z aerozolem wodnym bezpośrednio do układu oddechowego. Badania przeprowadzone w zakładach mechanicznej obróbki szkła potwierdziły obecność bakterii Legionella w wodzie technologiczne) urządzeń generujących aerozol wodny, co wskazuje na ryzyko wystąpienia zakażeń oddechowych pracowników zatrudnionych przy ich obsłudze. Ze względu na istniejące zagrożenie zdrowotne powodowane zasiedlaniem instalacji i urządzeń wodnych przez pałeczki Legionella. należy prowadzić okresowy monitoring wody technologicznej w kierunku wykrywania obecności tych bakterii oraz opracować procedury stosowania regularnych zabiegów czyszczenia i dezynfekcji, urządzeń generujących bioaerozol.Installations and water equipment, including cooling water systems are reservoirs that can be inhabited by a variety of microorganisms, including Legionella genus. Human infection with Legionella occurs through inhalation during introduction of these micro-organisms, together with the water spray directly to the respiratory system. Studies in mechanical glass processing factories have confirmed the presence of Legionella in technological water devices generating bioaerosol, indicating the risk of respiratory infections by their employees. In view of existing health risks caused by colonisation of installation and water equipment with the Legionella, periodical monitoring towards the detection of these bacteria and developing procedures for including regular cleaning and disinfection treatments of devices that generate bioaerosol needs to be applie

    Results of MRILwell logging and NMR laboratory experiments for reservoir rocks evaluation

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    Results of NMR well logging and laboratory experiments were analyzed. The testing material comprised NMR data from the Upper Jurassic carbonates formation from a well located in the western part of the Carpathian Foredeep. Qualitative analysis of the T1 (longitudinal) and T2 (transverse) distributions from the NMR well logging was performed to illustrate differences in the plots regarding time position and amplitude of peaks in sandstones, carbonates and claystones. Quick identification of the reservoir zones in the borehole section was highlighted. Porosity values from NMR laboratory experiments, helium pycnometer measurements and NMR well logging were compared and the differences were explained emphasizing additional information derived from discrepancies. Permeability was calculated based on the NMR laboratory experiment results comprising free water, capillary-bound water and clay-bound water. NMR permeability calculations were compared with the results of Zawisza formula calculations and results presented by Halliburton Co. The permeability results were different, but the trend of the changes was similar. The analysis shows that NMR logging is very useful in the qualitative and quantitative interpretation of reservoirs despite the difference between the point laboratory results and continuous curves of logging outcomes. The final conclusion is as follows: to complete proper interpretation of very informative NMR laboratory and well logging data the full information about calibration of measurements should be available

    Kabuki (Niikawa-Kuroki) syndrome associated with immunodeficiency

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    We report a case of a 19-year-old male with the cardinal features of the Kabuki syndrome (KS) and, in addition, with severe immunodeficiency. Finding immune deficiency in a KS patient, prompted us to determine whether this association was related to a deletion within the DiGeorge chromosomal region. Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) with the Oncor probe N25(D22S75) revealed no deletion of 22q11.2 in the patient

    Exertional dyspnea as initial manifestation of Takayasu's arteritis--a case report and literature review

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    BACKGROUND: Takayasu's arteritis is a chronic systemic inflammatory disease that usually affects the aorta, its primary branches and occasionally the pulmonary and coronary arteries. Female gender in reproductive age and Asian origin are known factors associated with higher disease prevalence. The clinical manifestations vary considerably and are typically caused by limb or organ ischemia illness and fever. The estimated incidence rate in the western world is 2.6 cases per million persons per year. Occasionally, exertional dyspnea can be the sole primary clinical manifestation of Takayasu's arteritis. CASE PRESENTATION: We report the case of a 57-year-old woman who was referred to our institution with increasing exertional dyspnea caused by pulmonary artery involvement in Takayasu's arteritis. In a review of the literature we discuss demographic data, clinical and radiographic findings and available therapeutic options. CONCLUSIONS: Dyspnea due to pulmonary artery involvement can be the initial symptom of Takayasu's arteritis. Simple clinical tests, including a complete pulse-status and blood pressure measuring at both arms can lead to the right diagnosis and should always be done beyond the auscultation of the heart and lungs in patients with dyspnea