8 research outputs found


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    Islamic bond is a long-term securities issued by Islamic principles issuers to holders of Islamic bonds, which require the issuer to pay income to the holders of Islamic bonds in the form of profit sharing/margin/fee, as well as repay the bonds at maturity. So it can be seen from here that the contract of Islamic bonds instead of debts but the inclusion or investment. Under the provisions of DSN, the current Islamic bonds issued in Indonesia is still limited to two contract namely mudharabah and Ijarah. With the product of Islamic bonds is expected that the Muslims did not have doubts anymore if you want to invest in the capital market. There are many opportunities for Islamic bonds such as 1) Sukuk can be utilized to build the nation's economy and create a welfare society, 2) The investor has the alternative investments that are relatively safe and return her quite tempting, and 3) To strengthen the Indonesian economy and restrain bubble economy for will increase the portfolio of foreign currencies other than dollars. Barriers sukuk is 1) Socialization is not enough, AND 2) Opportunity cost is simply translated as "second best choice"


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    Ekofeminisme bertujuan untuk membentuk kesadaran manusia dalam pentingnya menjaga keberlangsungan siklus hidup. Dengan mengajukan komunitas organik sebagai garda utama untuk membentuk masyarakat yang bertanggung jawab akan kehidupan, bukan hanya memusatkan kepentingan dan keuntungan pribadi diatas segalanya,melalui kepekaan sadar ekologi dalam kegidupan sehari-hari dengan mengurangi dan mendaur ulang limbah rumah tangga dan lingkungan, bertanam sayur organik, serta mendukung petani dan pasar tradisional. Pasar Yosomulyo Pelangi adalah pasar yang menyajikan makanan dan jajanan tradisional, kegiatan di pasar yosomulyo bertujuan untuk bagaimana menggerakan warga untuk bisa menciptakan pergerakan ekonomi, juga tentang bagaimana memberikan kesempatan warga untuk beraktifitas yang bernilai ekonomis. Selain itu Pasar Yosomulyo pelangi juga mengajarkan bagaimana konsep pasar dan prilaku entrepreneur yang tetap memperhatikan  keramahan lingungan, dengan menjaga lingkungan tetap bersih dan indah


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    The government has an important role in the welfare of the people's economy. One of them is through the role of the central bank by carrying out monetary policy. This policy was adopted by the central bank or Bank Indonesia (BI) through several instruments, including through regulating discount rates for commercial banks. In this case, BI sets the inflation target as a reference for determining interest rates. When the inflation rate exceeds the targeted, BI will raise interest rates which in turn will reduce the credit issued by commercial banks to the public, because commercial banks must pay higher interest rates to the central bank. And the results of the analysis that the interest rate charged in the credit (Lending Facility) discount facility is classified as an act of usury. Meanwhile, the profits obtained from the deposit of funds in the Facility Deposit transaction are not permitted in the Islamic economy, because in the Islamic economy there is no interest rate but profit sharing, given the fixed and concrete interest rates. In addition, the discount facility is also incompatible with some Islamic economic principles, including; the principle of Illahiyah, Justice, and the government

    Strategi Bursa Efek Indonesia Dalam Meningkatkan Literasi Investor Terhadap Penentuan Sinyal Beli Dan Jual Pada Saham Dengan MenggunakanTeknikal IndikatorStochastic Oscillator

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    Investasi merupakan strategi untuk mendapatkan keuntungan lebih banyak di masa depan. Salah satunya melalui transaksi jual beli saham dengan menggunakan teknikal stocastic oscillator. Dengan teknik ini seseorang dapat mengetahui timing saat jual dan beli saham, sehingga dapat meminimalisir resiko kerugian bagi trader maupun investor. Karena selama ini masih banyak investor yang belum menguasai strategi yang harus dilakukan dalam menentukan jual beli pada transasksi saham, sehingga tidak jarang investor mengalami kerugian dan capitalossl. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan masih minimnya literasi dan pengetahuan investor dalam menggunakan analisis teknikal ketika menentukan sinyal beli dan jual saham, adapun strategi yang dilakukan RHB Sekuritas dengan memberikan edukasi secara baik melalui kegiatan workshop, sekolah pasar modal dan event atau kegiatan seputar pasar saham. Sehingga dengan adanya kegiatan ini literasi investor menjadi lebih baik dari sebelumnya

    Faktor-Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Keberlangsungan Lembaga Keuangan Mikro : Baitul Maal Wat Tamwil Di Lampung

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    Artikel ini memfokuskan pada bagaimana cara BMT di Lampung menjaga keberlangsungan usaha yang sedang dijalani. Dan selanjutnya diketahui bahwa ada beberapa factor yangturut menyumbang andil besar dalam menjaga keberlangsungan lembaga keuangan mikro. Factor tersebut diantaranya adalah pertama, kemahiran BMT di Lampung dalam mengakses modal, kedua, pemanfaatan dana ZIS yang dihimpun dari masyarakat, ketiga, selalu memberikan pelatihan terhadap karyawan dalam rangka menciptakan sumber daya manusia yang berkompeten, dan berkualitas, keempat, kemampuan mengatasi kredit bermasalah dengan menerapkan 5 C dan 3 R, dan kelima, kberfungsian pengawasanbaik internal maupun internal


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    This paper examines the financial literacy of the citizens of Metro City for investment products in Sharia Insurance and Sharia Deposit. Financial literacy is reviewed by distributing questionnaires to 100 Metro City citizens. The result of descriptive analysis of respondent literacy for financial management is moderate with percentage 72%. The value is between 60% <80%. Then the literacy of respondents for sharia insurance is also in a moderate position with a percentage of 73%. As for syariah deposits only 49% (low).Tulisan ini menelaah secara mendalam literasi keuangan masyarakat Kota Metro terhadap produk-produk investasi di Asuransi Syariah dan Deposito Syariah. Literasi keuangan dikaji dengan menyebarkan angket kepada 100 orang warga Kota Metro. Hasil analisis deskriptif literasi responden untuk pengelolaan keuangan adalah sedang dengan prosentase 72 %. Nilai tersebut diantara kisaran 60% < 80%. Kemudian literasi responden untuk asuransi syari’ah juga berada pada posisi sedang dengan prosentase 73%. Sedangkan untuk deposito syariah hanya 49% (rendah)

    Halal Life Style: Pengaruh Labelitas Halal Dan Harga Makanan Olahan Impor Terhadap Keputusan Pembelian Masyarakat Di Kota Metro

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    Food is a basic human need. A person is given complete freedom to consume whatever they need. However, when making purchasing decisions, a Muslim is not permitted to consume food that is not halal (haram). It is feared that the rise of imported processed food circulating in Indonesia will trigger Muslim communities to buy processed food not based on the halal label but only considering the price of the product. This type of research is field research using quantitative methods. The technique used in sampling in this research is Non Probability. The number of samples used was 100 respondents, namely the Muslim community in Metro City. With multiple regression analysis using SPSS version 23 which functions to prove the research hypothesis. The results of this research show that the halal label variable has a partial and significant effect on purchasing decisions and the price variable has a partial and significant positive effect on purchasing decisions. Then, through the F test, the halal label and price simultaneously influence the decision to purchase imported processed food products. This effect is explained by the large significant level of the halal label and the price of 0.000 which is less than 0.1 or tcountttable (21.752) (2.3

    Sharia Economic Law Regulation on The Development of Sharia Financial Institutions in Indonesia

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    The analysis of this study aims to provide an objective description and suggest to be able to strengthen and optimize related to the regulation of financial institutions or Islamic banking. In this case, the researcher uses a normative juridical method whose research refers to the rules or regulations of law as reference data which is analyzed with a qualitative description pattern. And the result is that this research illustrates that legal regulations play a role in the development, empowerment and establishment of the regulation of Islamic economic or financial institutions. The implication of study is the creation of progress and synchronization or correlation between financial institutions or Islamic banking in Indonesia. The harmony of regulations and the harmony of legal regulations must have an impact on public trust and have an impact on improving service facilities, protection for the community or customers, economic actors and even Islamic financial institutions themselves