46 research outputs found

    Multimodal Color Recommendation in Vector Graphic Documents

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    Color selection plays a critical role in graphic document design and requires sufficient consideration of various contexts. However, recommending appropriate colors which harmonize with the other colors and textual contexts in documents is a challenging task, even for experienced designers. In this study, we propose a multimodal masked color model that integrates both color and textual contexts to provide text-aware color recommendation for graphic documents. Our proposed model comprises self-attention networks to capture the relationships between colors in multiple palettes, and cross-attention networks that incorporate both color and CLIP-based text representations. Our proposed method primarily focuses on color palette completion, which recommends colors based on the given colors and text. Additionally, it is applicable for another color recommendation task, full palette generation, which generates a complete color palette corresponding to the given text. Experimental results demonstrate that our proposed approach surpasses previous color palette completion methods on accuracy, color distribution, and user experience, as well as full palette generation methods concerning color diversity and similarity to the ground truth palettes.Comment: Accepted to ACM MM 202

    Color Recommendation for Vector Graphic Documents based on Multi-Palette Representation

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    Vector graphic documents present multiple visual elements, such as images, shapes, and texts. Choosing appropriate colors for multiple visual elements is a difficult but crucial task for both amateurs and professional designers. Instead of creating a single color palette for all elements, we extract multiple color palettes from each visual element in a graphic document, and then combine them into a color sequence. We propose a masked color model for color sequence completion and recommend the specified colors based on color context in multi-palette with high probability. We train the model and build a color recommendation system on a large-scale dataset of vector graphic documents. The proposed color recommendation method outperformed other state-of-the-art methods by both quantitative and qualitative evaluations on color prediction and our color recommendation system received positive feedback from professional designers in an interview study.Comment: Accepted to WACV 202

    KnowIT VQA: Answering Knowledge-Based Questions about Videos

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    We propose a novel video understanding task by fusing knowledge-based and video question answering. First, we introduce KnowIT VQA, a video dataset with 24,282 human-generated question-answer pairs about a popular sitcom. The dataset combines visual, textual and temporal coherence reasoning together with knowledge-based questions, which need of the experience obtained from the viewing of the series to be answered. Second, we propose a video understanding model by combining the visual and textual video content with specific knowledge about the show. Our main findings are: (i) the incorporation of knowledge produces outstanding improvements for VQA in video, and (ii) the performance on KnowIT VQA still lags well behind human accuracy, indicating its usefulness for studying current video modelling limitations

    LayoutDM: Discrete Diffusion Model for Controllable Layout Generation

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    Controllable layout generation aims at synthesizing plausible arrangement of element bounding boxes with optional constraints, such as type or position of a specific element. In this work, we try to solve a broad range of layout generation tasks in a single model that is based on discrete state-space diffusion models. Our model, named LayoutDM, naturally handles the structured layout data in the discrete representation and learns to progressively infer a noiseless layout from the initial input, where we model the layout corruption process by modality-wise discrete diffusion. For conditional generation, we propose to inject layout constraints in the form of masking or logit adjustment during inference. We show in the experiments that our LayoutDM successfully generates high-quality layouts and outperforms both task-specific and task-agnostic baselines on several layout tasks.Comment: To be published in CVPR2023, project page: https://cyberagentailab.github.io/layout-dm

    Towards Flexible Multi-modal Document Models

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    Creative workflows for generating graphical documents involve complex inter-related tasks, such as aligning elements, choosing appropriate fonts, or employing aesthetically harmonious colors. In this work, we attempt at building a holistic model that can jointly solve many different design tasks. Our model, which we denote by FlexDM, treats vector graphic documents as a set of multi-modal elements, and learns to predict masked fields such as element type, position, styling attributes, image, or text, using a unified architecture. Through the use of explicit multi-task learning and in-domain pre-training, our model can better capture the multi-modal relationships among the different document fields. Experimental results corroborate that our single FlexDM is able to successfully solve a multitude of different design tasks, while achieving performance that is competitive with task-specific and costly baselines.Comment: To be published in CVPR2023 (highlight), project page: https://cyberagentailab.github.io/flex-d

    Generative Colorization of Structured Mobile Web Pages

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    Color is a critical design factor for web pages, affecting important factors such as viewer emotions and the overall trust and satisfaction of a website. Effective coloring requires design knowledge and expertise, but if this process could be automated through data-driven modeling, efficient exploration and alternative workflows would be possible. However, this direction remains underexplored due to the lack of a formalization of the web page colorization problem, datasets, and evaluation protocols. In this work, we propose a new dataset consisting of e-commerce mobile web pages in a tractable format, which are created by simplifying the pages and extracting canonical color styles with a common web browser. The web page colorization problem is then formalized as a task of estimating plausible color styles for a given web page content with a given hierarchical structure of the elements. We present several Transformer-based methods that are adapted to this task by prepending structural message passing to capture hierarchical relationships between elements. Experimental results, including a quantitative evaluation designed for this task, demonstrate the advantages of our methods over statistical and image colorization methods. The code is available at https://github.com/CyberAgentAILab/webcolor.Comment: Accepted to WACV 202