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    Pengembangan Video Pembelajaran Sebagai Upaya Mitigasi Ancaman UHI (Urban Heat Island) di SMA Al-Islam 1 Surakarta

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    The study aimed to: (1) Development learning video as an effort to mitigate the (Urban Heat Island) threats on global warming material and its impact on human life, (2) Knowing students' learning outcomes using learning video. Learning video was developed by using a modified model of 4D to 3D, which is define, design, and development. The research subject was grade X IPS 2 students with 33 students at SMA AL-Islam 1 Surakarta. The results showed that 1) the assessment of the material expert was 4.7 and the media expert was 4.6. The teacher's assesment was 4.6 and students were 4.7. The average of the four product assessments was 4.65. Based on product validation or assessment it met the criteria and was deemed worthy to be used in learning. 2) The value of students who were in low category with a value of less than 91 with 12 students (36%) While those belonging to the medium category with a value of 92 to 97 were 12 students (36%) and the high category with a value of more than 97 were 9 students (27%). The results showed that students can receive material that had never been conceived with understanding and clarity. The Learning videos of Urban Heat Island developed by researchers were worthed and students had good and satisfying learning outcomes