9 research outputs found

    Analisis Pengaruh PDB, Nilai Tukar Rupiah, Non Performing Finance (NPF), Bopo terhadap Profitabilitas (Roa) Perbankan Syariah di Indonesia Periode 2008-2013

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    This study aims to determine the effect of the influence of GDP,Exchange rate, NPF,Ratio Operational Cost for Operational Income to the Return on Asset of Islamic Banking. The data used in this study is a time series data from 2008 to 2013. The samples are all of BUS and UUS in Indonesia. The method used in this study, namely multiple linier regression with Eviews 3.0. This study tested the hypothesis of regression coefficient (coefficient of determination, a significant test concurrent/F test, and the significant individual test / t test). The result showed that the variable GDP,exchange rate, NPF, Ratio operational cost for operational income at once / simultaneously have a significant influence on the realitation Return on Asset (ROA) of Islamic Banking . The individual test/partial showed that ratio Operational cost for operational income variable acquired that contributes greater than the variable GDP, exchange rate,and NPF on the realitation return on asset of Islamic Banking in Indonesia. The amount of influence that caused (R2) in the return on asset Islamic Banking of 57,2864%. While the remaining 42,7136% is influenced by othervariables not included in thestudy.Keywords: Return On asset, GDP, Exchange rate, NPF, Ratio Operational cost for Income Operational

    Pengaruh Kurs, Inflasi, Libor dan PDB terhadap Foreign Direct Invesment (Fdi) di Indonesia

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    This study aims to determine the effect of the influence of Exchange Rates, Inflation, Libor, and GDP to the Foreign Direct Invesment (FDI) In Indonesia. The data used in this study is a time series data from 1998 to 2013 were sourced from Invesment Coordinating Board (Badan Koordinasi Penanaman Modal), Bank Indonesia, and Central Bureau of Statistics (Badan Pusat Statisitik). This study used quantitative research methods, and analyzed using multiple linear regression analysis using SPSS 20 application for Windows computers. In this study, the independent variable is Exchange Rates (X1), Inflation (X2), Libor (X3), and GDP (X4), while the dependent is realitation Foreign Direct Invesment (Y).This study tested the hypothesis of regression coefficient (coefficient of determination, a significant test concurrent / F test, and the significant individual test / t test). The result showed that the variable Exchange Rates, Inflation, libor and GDP at once / simultaneously have a significant influence on the realitation Foreign Direct Invesment (FDI). The individual test / partial showed that Gross Domestic Product variable acquired that contributes greater than the variable rate of Exchange Rates, Inflation,and Libor ont the realitation Foreign Direct Invesment (FDI).Keywords:Exchange Rate, Inflation, London Inter Bank Offering Rate (LIBOR), Gross Domestic Product (GDP), and Foreign Direct Invesment (FDI)

    FEASFeasibility Analysis of Business Abon Catfish Small Medium (SMEs) in the District Kampar

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    This study aims to determine whether or not the business shredded catfish on Small and Medium Enterprises to run. The location of this study conducted in Kampar district.The type of data used are secondary data sourced from Statistics KamparKampar district PDRB Contribution of economic sectors to PDRB Kampar, Kampar and Contributions Population According Livelihood Year 2009-2012. Primary data is sourced from Shredded Entrepreneur Catfish in Kampar district. The analytical method used is a feasibility analysis to determine the feasibility conditions shredded catfish in Kampar district views from the large value of Net Present Value (NPV),Benefit Cost Ratio (B / C ratio) and Internal Rate of Return (IRR).Based on the results of the feasibility analysis calculation shows that the effort shredded catfish feasible. It can be seen from the feasibility test using the calculation of NPV, B / C ratio and IRR. NPV value obtained for 369 111 369 111 This suggests that> 1 means business shredded catfish in Kampar regency feasible. The B / C ratio of 1.094 is obtained showed that 1.094> 1 means business shredded catfish feasible. Values obtained for 68.54% IRR shows that 68.54%> 14% means business shredded catfish feasible.Keywords: Feasibility Study, Small and Medium Enterprise