99 research outputs found
Die deutsche Neue Linke im Spiegel der USA
A comparison of the German and US Sixties Movements points to the role different political opportunity structures have played both in shaping the concrete form and direction of the protest in each country, and in the interpretations of the role and effects of these movements on society. The comparison with the US case sheds doubt on the widespread claim that '68 has »fundamentally liberalized« and »modernized« German society
Berlin - Los Angeles: Berlin auf dem Weg zur »Global City«?
This article explores the possible future ofunified Berlin against the backdrop of other advanced metropoles, particularly Los Angeles, using some of the findings of global city research as weil as that of L.A. school to shed light on the incipient developments of greater Berlin: industrial restructuring, growing intemationalization, de- and reconstruction of spatial configurations, and the intensifying economic and social polarization as trends which Berlin shares with other metropoles adjusting to globalization pressures, even though it does not play in the league of global cities
Das neue Elend der US-StÀdte: eine avancierte Form des Klassenkampfs von oben
The recent financial and economic crisis had its origins in the subprime mortgage collapse that wreaked havoc across urban America, with exploding foreclosure and eviction rates confronting municipalities with entirely new challenges. On top of these housing market and vacancy problems, the financial crisis has squeezed municipal budgets so that local politicians have themselves resorted to risky fiscal innovations as well as to increasingly severe cuts in public sector and social programs, aggravating poverty, homelessness and the decay of public urban infrastructures. While these developments occur unevenly across different types of cities and regions, and state measures to deal with the accelerating social problems have also varied, trends of instrumentalizing the âbudget crisisâ for consolidating class power can be identified. With the assault on public sector unions launched by a number of states and cities, some disparate protest and resistance movements have begun to emerge
Aufstand in Los Angeles
Siebenundzwanzig Jahre nach den »Watts Riots« brach in Los Angeles wieder Aufruhr aus - mit »Nachbeben« in Las Vegas, Atlanta, Seattle, Tampa und anderen GroĂtĂ€dten. Ausgelöst durch den Freispruch vier weiĂer Polizeibeamter, deren brutales Zusammenschlagen eines Schwarzen die Nation dank eines Zufalls ausnahmsweise mitbezeugen konnte, entluden sich Protest, Wut und Gewalt in amerikanischen InnenstĂ€dten, die in vielem an die ĂŒberwunden geglaubten Rassenunruhen der 60er Jahre erinnerten. Der Ausbruch an Gewalt legte aber auch die tiefe Kluft bloĂ, die sich wĂ€hrend der »booming 80s«, von der breiten Ăffentlichkeit unbemerkt, durch die amerikanische Gesellschaft gegraben hat: nach 36 Stunden Anarchie und Terror wurde sie plötzlich anerkannt, in allen Medien und von den wahlkĂ€mpfenden Politikern thematisiert und (re-)definiert: die Kluft zwischen WeiĂ und Farbig, die Kluft zwischen Suburbia und Innenstadt...
Die Bedeutung des Pringle-Manövers fĂŒr IschĂ€mie-ReperfusionsschĂ€den bei humanen Leberresektionen
StÀdtische Bewegungen in den USA: 'Gegenmacht' und Inkorporierung
EinschĂ€tzungen ĂŒber die Rolle von stĂ€dtischen Bewegungen fĂŒr gegenwĂ€rtig in der BRD stattfindende Umstrukturierungsprozesse sind von unterschiedlichsten und bisweilen merkwĂŒrdig konvergierenden politischen Interessen geprĂ€gt. Nicht nur die ĂkolibertĂ€ren bei den GRĂNEN propagieren die Nutzbarmachung kleiner Netze und intermediĂ€rerStrukturen, auch innerhalb der CDU wird die Ăffnung gegenĂŒber »alternativer Basiskultur« und Selbsthilfeinitiativen gefordert. Diesen Interessen an einer neuen »Sozialgesellschaft« entspricht in SPD-Kreisen eine Aufwertung von alternativen ökonomischen Projekten im Rahmen von AnsĂ€tzen zu einer unkonventionellen BeschĂ€ftigungspolitik. Was jedoch die jeweiligen Verwirklichungschancen oder die faktischen sozialstaats- oder beschĂ€ftigungswirksamen Effekte solcher Einbindungsstrategien sein könnten, ist in der BRD - da die Wirkungen lokaler Modellprojekte nur mit Vorsicht generalisiert werden dĂŒrfen - noch schwer ausmachbar
Die USA nach dem 11. September 2001: The War at Home
The article outlines the domestic consequences of 9-11. It details the war on the homefront by describing steps taken in the immediate aftermath of the attacks, such as the passage and content of the USA Patriot Act, its consequences for immigrants as well as U.S. citizens, and the secrecy surrounding the detention of more than a thousand suspects in what looks like a massive campaign in racial profiling. It also looks at the congressional debate on how the government should intervene to support affected economic sectors and regulate airport security
Congenital myelomeningocele - do we have to change our management?
<p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Eagerly awaiting the results of the Management of Myelomeningocele Study (MOMS) and with an increasing interest in setting up intrauterine myelomeningocele repair (IUMR), the optimal management of patients suffering from congenital myelomeningocele (MMC) has become a matter of debate again. We performed a cross-sectional study at our referral-center for MMC to determine the outcome for our expectantly managed patients.</p> <p>Materials and methods</p> <p>A computed chart review at our institution revealed 70 patients suffering from MMC. Forty-three patients were eligible for the study and analyzed further. A retrospective analysis was performed only in patients that underwent MMC repair within the first two days of life and were seen at our outpatient clinic between 2008 and 2009 for a regular multidisciplinary follow-up. Data were collected on: gestational age (GA) and weight at birth, age at shunt placement and shunt status after the first year of life, radiological evidence for Arnold-Chiari malformation (ACM) and tethered cord (TC), need for surgery for TC, bladder function, lower leg function and educational level. Data were compared to published results for IUMR and to studies of historical controls.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Patients were born with MMC between 1979 and 2009 and are now 13.3 ± 8.9 (mean ± SD) years of age. At birth, mean GA was 37.8 ± 2.3 weeks and mean weight was 2921.3 ± 760.3 g, both significantly higher than in IUMR patients. Shunt placement in our cohort was required in 69.8% at a mean age of 16.0 ± 10.7 days, which was less frequent than for historical controls. Amongst our cohort, radiological observations showed 57.1% had ACM II and 41.9% had TC. Only two of our patients underwent a surgical correction for TC. Clean intermittent catheterization was performed in 69.7% of our patients, 56.4% were (assisted) walkers and 64.1% attended regular classes, both comparable to historical controls.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>With a close and interdisciplinary management by pediatric surgeons, neurologists and urologists, the long-term outcome of patients suffering from MMC can currently be considered satisfactory. With respect to the known drawbacks of fetal interventions for mother and child, especially preterm delivery, the results of the MOMS trial should be awaited with caution before proceeding with a complex intervention like IUMR.</p
Herrschaftskritik und radikale Demokratie: Zum Tod von Wolf-Dieter Narr (1937-2019)
Nachruf auf Wolf-Dieter Narr.Obituary to Wolf-Dieter Narr
Patient-Reported Side Effects of Intradetrusor Botulinum Toxin Type A for Idiopathic Overactive Bladder Syndrome
Objective: The aim of the study was a prospective assessment of patient-reported side effects in an open-label study after intradetrusor botulinum toxin injections for idiopathic overactive bladder (OAB). Patients and Methods: Botulinum toxin A injection was performed in 56 patients with idiopathic OAB. Patients were followed up for 6 months concerning side effects and patients' satisfaction. Results: Different types of side effects were assessed such as dry mouth (19.6%), arm weakness (8.9%), eyelid weakness (8.9%), leg weakness (7.1%), torso weakness (5.4%), impaired vision (5.4%) and dysphagia (5.4%). In all cases, symptoms were mild and transient. Urological complications such as gross hematuria (17.9%), acute urinary retention (8.9%) and acute urinary tract infection (7.1%) were noticed. In all cases, acute urinary retention was transient and treated with temporary intermittent self-catheterization. There was no statistically significant correlation between dosage and observed side effects. Patients' satisfaction rate was high (71.4%). Conclusion: Intradetrusor injection of botulinum toxin was associated with a high rate of neurourological side effects. In general, side effects were transient, mild and did not require special treatment. Copyright (C) 2010 S. Karger AG, Base
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