176 research outputs found

    Das Eltern-Kind-Programm EKP: ein Angebot der Erwachsenenbildung im Wandel der Zeit

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    Angebote der Erwachsenenbildung unterliegen dem Wandel der Zeit. Empirische Sozialforschung kann den Ist-Zustand erfassen und Anregungen für die Zukunft der Praxis geben. Das EKP® ist diesen Weg gegangen, um weiterhin attraktiv für Eltern zu bleiben

    Exploring the biophysical option space for feeding the world without deforestation

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    Safeguarding the world’s remaining forests is a high priority goal. We assess the biophysical option space for feeding the world in 2050 in a hypothetical zero deforestation world. We systematically combine realistic assumptions on future yields, agricultural areas, livestock feed and human diets. For each scenario, we determine whether the supply of crop products meets the demand and whether the grazing intensity stays within plausible limits. We find that many options exist to meet the global food supply in 2050 without deforestation, even at low crop-yield levels. Within the option space, individual scenarios differ greatly in terms of biomass harvest, cropland demand and grazing intensity, depending primarily on the quantitative and qualitative aspects of human diets. Grazing constraints strongly limit the option space. Without the option to encroach into natural or semi-natural land, trade volumes will rise in scenarios with globally converging diets, thereby decreasing the food self-sufficiency of many developing regions

    Natural gas of radiolytic origin: An overlooked component of shale gas.

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    SignificanceNatural gas is a key fossil fuel as the world transitions away from coal toward less polluting energy sources in an attempt to minimize the impact of global climate change. Historically, the origin of natural gas produced from conventional reservoirs has been determined based on gas compositional data and stable isotope fingerprints of methane, ethane, and higher n-alkanes, revealing three dominant sources of natural gas: microbial, thermogenic, and abiotic. In our detailed synthesis of published natural gas data from a variety of unconventional hydrocarbon reservoirs worldwide, we demonstrate that there is a previously overlooked source of natural gas that is generated by radiolysis of organic matter in shales

    Monitoring des effektiven Pensionsantrittsalters 2011

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    Die umlagefinanzierte gesetzliche Pensionsversicherung stellt weiterhin die größte Säule der Pensionsvorsorge in Österreich dar, wobei sie aufgrund geänderter Rahmenbedingungen so angepasst werden muss, dass ihre langfristige Finanzierbarkeit erhalten bleibt. Ausgehend von der Frage, inwieweit eine nachhaltige Finanzierung durch Aufteilung auf die fünf im Gesetz genannten Steuerungsparameter (Antrittsalter, Bundesmittel, Beitragssatz, Pensionsanpassung, Steigerungsbetrag) überhaupt sinnvoll und möglich ist, gelangt die Kommission zur langfristigen Pensionssicherung zur Ansicht, das primäre Zielobjekt zur Steuerung sei die Anhebung des effektiven Pensionsantrittsalters. Der vorliegende Bericht stellt demnach ein valides und umfassendes Monitoring dieses Parameters dar. Ziel ist die Darstellung des Pensionsantrittsverhaltens im Jahr 2011 und insbesondere die gezielte Analyse des effektiven Pensionsantrittsalters, wobei ein Konnex zur demografischen Entwicklung und zur Erwerbsbeteiligung hergestellt wird

    Acute Morphological and Toxicological Effects in a Human Bronchial Coculture Model after Sulfur Mustard Exposure.

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    International audienceSulfur mustard (SM) is a strong alkylating agent. Inhalation of SM causes acute lung injury accompanied by severe disruption of the airway barrier. In our study, we tested the acute effects after mustard exposure in an in vitro coculture bronchial model of the proximal barrier. To achieve this, we seeded normal human bronchial epithelial explant-outgrowth cells (HBEC) together with lung fibroblasts as a bilayer on filter plates and exposed the bronchial model after 31 days of differentiation to various concentrations of SM (30, 100, 300, and 500mM). The HBEC formed confluent layers, expressing functional tight junctions as measured by transepithelial electrical resistance (TER). Mucus production and cilia formation reappeared in the coculture model. TER was measured after 2 and 24 h following treatment. Depending on the different concentrations , TER decreased in the first 2 h up to 55% of the control at the highest concentration. After 24 h, TER seemed to recover because at concentrations up to 300mM values were equal to the control. SM induced a widening of intercellular spaces and a loss in cell-matrix adhesion. Mucus production increased with the result that cilia ceased to beat. Changes in the proinflammatory cytokines in-terleukin (IL)-6 and IL-8 were also observed. Apoptotic markers such as cytochrome c, p53, Fas-associated protein with death domain, and procaspase-3 were significantly induced at concentrations of less than 100mM. In summary, SM induces morphological and biochemical changes that reflect pathological effects of SM injury in vivo. It is hoped to use this coculture model to understand further the pathogenesis of SM-induced barrier injury and to search for novel approaches in SM therapy

    Barrier functions and paracellular integrity in human cell culture models of the proximal respiratory unit.

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    International audienceAirway epithelial cells provide a barrier to the translocation of inhaled materials. Tight (TJ) and adherens junctions (AJ) play a key role in maintaining barrier functions, and are responsible for the selective transport of various substances through the paracellular pathway. In this study we compared a bronchial cell line (16HBE14o-) and primary bronchial cells (HBEC), both cocultivated with the fibroblast cell line Wi-38, with respect to their structural differentiation and their reaction to cytokine stimulation. HBEC formed a pseudostratified epithelial layer and expressed TJ and AJ proteins after 2 weeks in coculture. Mucus-producing and ciliated cells were found within 24 days. Additionally, a beating activity of the ciliated HBEC (14-19 Hz) could be detected. 16HBE14o-in coculture showed a multilayered growth without differentiation to a pseudostratified airway epithelium. Simultaneous exposure to TNF-a-and IFN-c-induced significant changes in barrier function and paracellular permeability in the cocultures of HBEC/Wi-38 but not in the 16HBE14o-/Wi-38. In summary, HBEC in coculture mimic the structure of native polarized bronchial epithelium showing basal, mucus-producing and ciliated cells. Our system provides an opportunity to examine the factors that influence barrier and mucociliary function of bronchial epithelium within a time frame of 3 weeks up to 3 months in an in vivo-like differentiated model

    Recognition and ER Quality Control of Misfolded Formylglycine-Generating Enzyme by Protein Disulfide Isomerase

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    Schlotawa L, Wachs M, Bernhard O, et al. Recognition and ER Quality Control of Misfolded Formylglycine-Generating Enzyme by Protein Disulfide Isomerase. Cell Reports. 2018;24(1):27-37.e4.Multiple sulfatase deficiency (MSD) is a fatal, inherited lysosomal storage disorder characterized by reduced activities of all sulfatases in patients. Sulfatases require a unique post-translational modification of an active-site cysteine to formylglycine that is catalyzed by the formylglycine-generating enzyme (FGE). FGE mutations that affect intracellular protein stability determine residual enzyme activity and disease severity in MSD patients. Here, we show that protein disulfide isomerase (PDI) plays a pivotal role in the recognition and quality control of MSD-causing FGE variants. Overexpression of PDI reduces the residual activity of unstable FGE variants, whereas inhibition of PDI function rescues the residual activity of sulfatases in MSD fibroblasts. Mass spectrometric analysis of a PDI+FGE variant covalent complex allowed determination of the molecular signature for FGE recognition by PDI. Our findings highlight the role of PDI as a disease modifier in MSD, which may also be relevant for other ER-associated protein folding pathologies

    Pars Plana Vitrectomy and Internal Limiting Membrane Peeling in Epimacular Membranes: Correlation of Function and Morphology across the Macula

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    Purpose: To analyze the correlation between morphological and functionalresults 12 months after epiretinal membrane (ERM) surgery. Methods: 31eyes from 31 consecutive patients with nnetamorphopsia and bestcorrected visual acuity (BCVA) below 20/32 underwent a transconjunctival23-gauge vitrectomy with ERM and internal limiting membrane peeling. Preoperatively and 3, 6 and 12 months postoperatively, we assessed BCVA,microperimetry (MP-1) and spectral domain optical coherence tomography(SD-OCT). Photoreceptor inner and outer segment (IS/OS) was graded onSD-OCT images and correlated with microperimetry measurements in thefovea and parafoveal region. Results: The postoperative BCVA wassignificantly better in eyes with an intact IS/OS junction (p < 0.01).In addition, the mean defect depth was postoperatively decreased in thefoveal and parafoveal area in eyes with an intact IS/OS junction. Acorrelation of SD-OCT IS/OS images and microperinnetry in eyes withimprovement in BCVA of at least 2 lines revealed a statisticallysignificant result for the parafoveal quadrants (p < 0.011 for SD-OCTand p < 0.005 for microperimetry) but not for the foveal area alone.Conclusions: The IS/OS regeneration in the parafoveal quadrantscontributes significantly to the recovery of BCVA following ERM surgery.Consequently, functional and morphological tests of the macular areashould not be limited to the fovea but should be extended to theparafoveal region
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