4 research outputs found

    Learning to learn at current Cuban university

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    Introducción: la Educación Superior cubana y en particular la Educación Superior para las Ciencias de la Salud están inmersas en un proceso de perfeccionamiento en aras de mejorar la pertinencia y calidad de sus egresados, donde aprender a aprender resulta imprescindible.Objetivo: socializar los resultados de la encuesta aplicada comprobando que los estudiantes universitarios a la luz de las nuevas transformaciones de la Educación Superior aprenden a aprender.Método: el análisis realizado se sustentó sobre la aplicación de una encuesta con un índice de fiabilidad de 0.969, a cuyos resultados se les realizó un análisis descriptivo haciendo uso de las medias, desviación típica y la correlación entre los diferentes indicadores.Resultados: los estudiantes encuestados otorgaron puntuaciones altas a cada uno de los indicadores, todo lo cual demuestra que los estudiantes universitarios, en especial los de las Ciencias de la Salud, desde su primer año aprenden a aprender.Conclusiones: independientemente de que los estudiantes universitarios dominen estrategias propias de aprendizaje, los docentes deben ser mediadores entre el conocimiento y la habilidad que poseen los estudiantes para aprender a aprender.ABSTRACTIntroduction: Cuban Higher Education and in particular Higher Education for Health Sciences are involved in a process of improvement in order to develop the relevance and quality of their graduates, where learning to learn is essential.Objective: to socialize the results of the applied survey to verify that university students learn how to learn in the light of the new changes in Higher Education.Method: the analysis was based on the application of a survey with a reliability index of 0.969, and on the results of a descriptive analysis using the means, standard deviation and the correlation between the different indicators.Results: the students surveyed provided high scores to each of the indicators, showing that university students, particularly those of the Health Sciences, learn how to learn from their first academic year.Conclusion: regardless of whether university students master their individual learning strategies, professors should be mediators between the acquisition of knowledge and skills regarding learning to learn

    Biology for the Degree in Primary Education

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    The treatment process of understanding scientific texts: A necessity in the current Cuban university

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    This work has as main purpose to emphasize the need for treatment of the process of understanding scientific texts in the university today, for the development of science and technology has placed at the forefront in every race the problem of processing scientific information. The ability to produce scientific texts has been somewhat spontaneity in the curriculum of professional training in Cuban university, which has resulted in some professionals do not yet have linguistic, discursive and strategic " tools " best to communicate the style of science, hence the study of the process of understanding of scientific texts in undergraduate currently constitute a need in our universities