18 research outputs found

    Discriminating between the von Neumann and L\"uders reduction rule

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    Given an ensemble of systems in an unknown state, as well as an observable A^\hat A and a physical apparatus which performs a measurement of A^\hat A on the ensemble, whose detailed working is unknown ('black box'), how can one test whether the L\"uders or von Neumann reduction rule applies?Comment: 5 page

    Accurate "superluminal" transmission via entanglement, superoscillations and quasi-Dirac distributions

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    We analyse a system in which, due to entanglement between the spin and spatial degrees of freedom, the reduced transmitted state has the shape of the freely propagating pulse translated in the complex co-ordinate plane. In the case an apparently "superluminal" advancement of the pulse the delay amplitude distribution is found to be a peculiar approximation to the Dirac delta-function, and the transmission coefficient exhibits a well-defined super-oscillatory window. Analogies with potential tunnelling and the Wheeler's delayed choice experiment are highlighted

    Comment on "Foundations of quantum mechanics: Connection with stochastic processes"

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    Recently, Olavo has proposed several derivations of the Schrodinger equation from different sets of hypothesis ("axiomatizations") [Phys. Rev. A 61, 052109 (2000)]. One of them is based on the infinitesimal inverse Weyl transform of a classically evolved phase space density. We show however that the Schrodinger equation can only be obtained in that manner for linear or quadratic potential functions.Comment: 3 pages, no figure

    Unification of the conditional probability and semiclassical interpretations for the problem of time in quantum theory

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    We show that the time-dependent Schr\"odinger equation (TDSE) is the phenomenological dynamical law of evolution unraveled in the classical limit from a timeless formulation in terms of probability amplitudes conditioned by the values of suitably chosen internal clock variables, thereby unifying the conditional probability interpretation (CPI) and the semiclassical approach for the problem of time in quantum theory. Our formalism stems from an exact factorization of the Hamiltonian eigenfunction of the clock plus system composite, where the clock and system factors play the role of marginal and conditional probability amplitudes, respectively. Application of the Variation Principle leads to a pair of exact coupled pseudoeigenvalue equations for these amplitudes, whose solution requires an iterative self-consistent procedure. The equation for the conditional amplitude constitutes an effective "equation of motion" for the quantum state of the system with respect to the clock variables. These coupled equations also provide a convenient framework for treating the back-reaction of the system on the clock at various levels of approximation. At the lowest level, when the WKB approximation for the marginal amplitude is appropriate, in the classical limit of the clock variables the TDSE for the system emerges as a matter of course from the conditional equation. In this connection, we provide a discussion of the characteristics required by physical systems to serve as good clocks. This development is seen to be advantageous over the original CPI and semiclassical approach since it maintains the essence of the conventional formalism of quantum mechanics, admits a transparent interpretation, avoids the use of the Born-Oppenheimer approximation, and resolves various objections raised about them.Comment: 10 pages. Typographical errors correcte

    Time-of-arrival distribution for arbitrary potentials and Wigner's time-energy uncertainty relation

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    A realization of the concept of "crossing state" invoked, but not implemented, by Wigner, allows to advance in two important aspects of the time of arrival in quantum mechanics: (i) For free motion, we find that the limitations described by Aharonov et al. in Phys. Rev. A 57, 4130 (1998) for the time-of-arrival uncertainty at low energies for certain mesurement models are in fact already present in the intrinsic time-of-arrival distribution of Kijowski; (ii) We have also found a covariant generalization of this distribution for arbitrary potentials and positions.Comment: 4 pages, revtex, 2 eps figures include

    Action scales for quantum decoherence and their relation to structures in phase space

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    A characteristic action ΔS\Delta S is defined whose magnitude determines some properties of the expectation value of a general quantum displacement operator. These properties are related to the capability of a given environmental `monitoring' system to induce decoherence in quantum systems coupled to it. We show that the scale for effective decoherence is given by ΔS≈ℏ\Delta S\approx\hbar. We relate this characteristic action with a complementary quantity, ΔZ\Delta Z, and analyse their connection with the main features of the pattern of structures developed by the environmental state in different phase space representations. The relevance of the ΔS\Delta S-action scale is illustrated using both a model quantum system solved numerically and a set of model quantum systems for which analytical expressions for the time-averaged expectation value of the displacement operator are obtained explicitly.Comment: 12 pages, 3 figure

    Time-of-arrival distributions from position-momentum and energy-time joint measurements

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    The position-momentum quasi-distribution obtained from an Arthurs and Kelly joint measurement model is used to obtain indirectly an ``operational'' time-of-arrival (TOA) distribution following a quantization procedure proposed by Kocha\'nski and W\'odkiewicz [Phys. Rev. A 60, 2689 (1999)]. This TOA distribution is not time covariant. The procedure is generalized by using other phase-space quasi-distributions, and sufficient conditions are provided for time covariance that limit the possible phase-space quasi-distributions essentially to the Wigner function, which, however, provides a non-positive TOA quasi-distribution. These problems are remedied with a different quantization procedure which, on the other hand, does not guarantee normalization. Finally an Arthurs and Kelly measurement model for TOA and energy (valid also for arbitrary conjugate variables when one of the variables is bounded from below) is worked out. The marginal TOA distribution so obtained, a distorted version of Kijowski's distribution, is time covariant, positive, and normalized