27 research outputs found

    Partisipasi Masyarakat dalam Pembangunan Fisik di Kepenghuluan Bangko Pusaka Kecamatan Bangko Pusako Kabupaten Rokan Hilir

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    Community Participation in Physical Development in Kepenghuluan Bangko Pusaka Bangko Pusako Heritage District of Rokan Hilir. Adviser : Mayarni. Community participation in development is the participation of the community in the development process either in the planning stages of development through musrenbangkep, the implementation phase of development, to evaluate the development and benefit the development. Community participation in development planning through development planning meetings (musrenbang) is still minimal and passive, this was due to lack of public understanding of the development planning, low levels of education, and lack of socialization of the then government did not include the community in development planning.The concept of the theory used is participation. Researchers used Soetomo theory. This study aims to determine how the public\u27s participation in physical development in Kepenghuluan Bangko Pusaka Bangko Pusako Heritage District of Rokan Hilir. This study uses qualitative research methods with an assessment of descriptive data. In collecting the data the researcher used interview, observation and documentation. By using key informants as a source of information.The results showed that participation in physical development is still very minimal and passive, meaning that there are still many people who are not involved in any stage of development to be carried out and they handed over all decisions to the other party. In this case the researchers advise people to participate actively in every stage of development and the government should also seek more public participation and active for the idea / ideas that come from the community more so that it can be considered as well as the evaluation for the next year

    Partisipasi Masyarakat Dalam Pengembangan Kepariwisataaan Kelurahan Agrowisata Di Kota Pekanbaru

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    This research was conducted with the aim of knowing and explaining how community participation in tourism development and the inhibiting factors in carrying out tourism development in the Agrowisata Urban Village in Pekanbaru City. The theory used is the form of community participation according to Yadav in Totok Mardikanto which is divided into four types in the development and development process (1) participation in decision making (2) participation in implementation (3) participation in benefit (4) participation in evaluation. The type of research used is descriptive qualitative, data collection techniques obtained through observation, interviews, and documentation. The results of this study indicate that at the decision making stage, has involved the community in urban village deliberations activities to determine the policies for the activities carried out, the implementation carried out in the development has been going well with some of the activities carried out have received attention and brought tourists and the benefits of the results of the activities carried out have had an impact on development in the Agrowisata urban village area, but the benefits of tourism management have not been felt by all circles of society in the evaluation of tourist destinations developed in the management carried out it looks less competent, so that the development of agro-tourism destinations has not materialized. The inhibiting factors are human resources (HR), limited funds and the COVID-19 pandemic

    Pelaksanaan Program Pemagangan dalam Negeri oleh Dinas Tenaga Kerja Kota Pekanbaru Tahun 2016

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    The demands of the workforce of skilled labor encourage job seekers to attend job training and apprenticeship to add to their skills. Pekanbaru City Manpower Office to create and implement employment programs for job seekers to create a program that is the Internal Apprenticeship Program in collaboration with Private Work Training Institute in Pekanbaru city. Total employment after training and apprenticeship in 2016 is 85% where as many as 143 participants are absorbed into the world of work. This means that the implementation of the program in accordance with the expected where the participants who trained and traded to get a job and make their own business (independent). The purpose of this study is to see how the Implementation of Internal Apprenticeship Program by the Municipal Labor Office Pekanbaru Year 2016 and know what factors that influence it. Researchers use the Nakamura and Smallwod theory which mentions that there are three dominant ways to know the success of program implementation: bureaucratic obedience to policies set forth in the Act, Functioning of routine procedures in the implementation of the program and the achievement of program objectives. This research uses qualitative descriptive method, data collection techniques through observation and interview where the parties involved in this research as an informant. The results of this study indicate that the implementation of Internal Apprenticeship Program by the Department of Work in Pekanbaru City in 2016 runs well where the labor absorbed is 85%. This can happen because the three components in the successful implementation of the program, namely the bureaucracy compliance with the policies set forth in the Act, the functioning of routine procedures in the implementation of the program and the achievement of program objectives that are well designed and executed. Factors influencing the Implementation of Internal Apprenticeship Program by the Manpower Office of Pekanbaru City in 2016 is a good coordination between all implementing parties of domestic apprenticeship programs and adequate facilities and infrastructure

    Disiplin Pegawai Negeri Sipil dalam Melayani Pembuatan Surat Keterangan Ganti Rugi pada Kantor Camat Tampan Kota Pekanbaru

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    This research based on of a problem from a phenomenon that happened at TampanDistrict Office, Pekanbaru. The phenomenon that happened there is employees, who lessdiscipline. This case is seen from some employees who do service in making indemnity letterat Tampan District.The purpose of this research is to find out how discipline the employee of civil servantemployees in making service of indemnity letter and what factors that affect the civil servantemployees at Tampan District Office, Pekanbaru. This research used discipline theory fromMalayu S.P Hasibuan and to find out the factors that affect the of employees discipline.The result of this research showed that, the discipline of civil servant in makingservice of indemnity letter at Tampan District Office Pekanbaru, have done, but there aresome aspect that is not as appropriate as wishing. The deviation of employees in service isthe priority attention, and the influencing factors like the lack of observation by the leader,uneffective attendance list and the influencing factors like the lack of applying disciplinepenalization for the employees of Tampan District Office, Pekanbaru.Keywords: Discipline, Employee Discipline and Servic

    Pengawasan Perizinan Depot Air Minum Di Kecamatan Singingi Hilir Kabupaten Kuantan Singingi

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    The Drinking Water Refill Depot business is present in the community as a small industry effort in fulfilling daily drinking water needs. The drinking water depot in its management utilizes technology to streamline the time to meet drinking water needs. The industry of drinking water depots is widespread, with water quality and location and service vary. To meet the quality of drinkable water, the owner of the drinking water depot must meet the business licensing requirements as set forth in Kepmenperindag No. 651 / MPP / Kep / 2004. However, in its development in Kecamatan Singingi Hilir still found drinking water depots that do not have a commercial license or a sign of Industrial List in its operation. Therefore, we need to supervise the business requirements.In this study, referring to the supervision theory proposed by Brantas (2009). The research method used qualitative descriptive method with data collection techniques include observation, interview, study documentation related to research objectives. Sources and types of data in this study consisted of primary and secondary data. Primary data were obtained through interviews with research informants consisting of employees of Dinas Kesehatan and Dinas Koperasi, Small, Medium Enterprises, Trade and Industry of Kuansing Regency, as well as with the owner or employee of drinking water depot business.The results show that the monitoring of permits for drinking water depots has not been running optimally, where the assessment and improvement actions are more focused on the applicant for drinking water depots and periodic limited inspection of the drinking water depots located on the main road in Kecamatan Singingi Hilir, has not been done thoroughly. The influencing factors include, the ability of the supervisory executive, the lack of coordination between the related agencies, and the limited operational budget of supervision

    Efektifitas Bidang Pendidikan Dasar pada Dinas Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Kabupaten Kampar

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    The Basic Education Sector at the Education and Culture Office of Kampar regency has the main duty to assist the head of the office in organizing curriculum and student activities, basic education and basic education infrastructure in the work environment of Kampar Education and Culture Office. The purpose of Basic Education in the Department of Education and Culture Kampar regency, the management of educational units at the level of primary school education, and First and Secondary Schools public and private equivalent so as to improve the quality of education and public access to adequate education services, Equitable, and affordable.The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative method, that is describing or explaining the existing problem by giving answer to the problem presented, referring to the theory concerned with the problem. The data collecting used in this research is interview, observation, and documentation study. Then, after all the information required in this study collected, then drawn conclusions.The results of the research show that for the achievement of the objectives in the Basic Education Sector, the strategy used only focuses on the mandate of duty which has been written in juridical. The process of analysis and policy formulation, and education needs planners have not involved educational units (schools) directly, or not yet integrated (integrated). Factors affecting the effectiveness of Basic Education Sector, including low coordination with education unit (school) is insidential (if needed), human resource capacity (employee) Basic Education Field which do not conduct study / scale priority of education requirement in unit Basic education, and inadequate facilities and technology thasana with the implementation of computerized system in the implementation of administrative service tasks

    Tata Kelola Pasar Tradisional di Kota Pekanbaru

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    So far, the market \u27s sector in Pekanbaru is not maximal executed, so that still has no a great contribution to increase the region economic\u27s growth. Traditional market can not defeat the expansion of modern markets, indeed. Whereas the traditional market is more strategic to be accessed by people in this case and also we know that traditional market is one of the reached place by a low-economic-doer which occupied in majority level. A good and professional market\u27s management could increase the competitiveness of the traditional market and increase the economics matters. To push the professional market\u27s management in Pekanbaru City, it needs a market\u27s management guideline. This guideline is expecting to be a good references for the market\u27s managers. The Purpose of this research is to know and analyse how to manage the traditional market in Pekanbaru City and also the elements which influencing that system management.This research is using a descriptive-qualitative method which it\u27d explicate and detail according to the facts. Then, the theory of this research is A Basic Functions of Management George R. Terry in Manullang (2008). He defined the basic functions of management are consists of Planning, Organizing, Actuating and Controlling. Datas are collected by the observation and interview. The Analyse technique is using a descriptive-qualitative method.After the research it found that the realization of system management of the traditional market in Pekanbaru City wasn\u27t implemented well and too far from the expectation. One of the matter is because the lack of policy and the controlling on market\u27s system management from the government and also it caused by the lack of awareness of the societies and the traders to obey the regulations about the market\u27s activity in accordance with the regulations of law in effect. There are many reasons why, like the human resource, the financial resource, the infrastructures, and also the communication

    Manajemen Pelaksanaan Program Penguatan Infrastruktur Perdesaan Di Desa Tasik Serai Barat Kecamatan Pinggir Kabupaten Bengkalis Tahun 2014

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    The program implementation of rural infrastructure strengthen refers to aid program that is given by Bengkalis regency government to all villages in Bengkalis regency to increase the quality of rural infrastructure. The aims of this program are to increase donation and the basic infrastructure needs of rural society through program of society endeavoring but in reality get many deviations of rural infrastructure foundation. It is caused of foundation control lacking. The aims of this research is to know and analyze management implementation of infrastructure strengthening program in West Tasik Serai Pinggir subdistrict Bengkalis regency on 2014.The basic theory was management that included planning, organization, implementation and supervisor. In analyzing the data the researcher used George R. Terry theory. This research was qualitative that focus on descriptive. In collecting the data, the writer used interview, observation, and documentation. This research used key informers as the information sources tringulasi technique as the sources in data validity testing. After doing this research, the writer found that the implementation management of strengthen program of rural infrastructure was not good. There was many deviations in the implementation of local society organization formation (OMS) and also untranfaransi of cost planning calculation (RAB). Besides that there are factors that influenced management implementation like lack of workers (OMS), there was effort and mutual cooperation from society, untranfaransi of cost planning calculation (RAB) in the implementation management of strengthen program of rural infrastructur

    Sosialisasi Program Rumah Susun Sederhana Sewa Bagi Masyarakat Berpenghasilan Rendah di Kota Pekanbaru (Studi Kasus Rusunawa Rejosari)

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    The problem of housing and settlement is one of the problems that untilnow is still common in Indonesia, especially in large cities that have a large population and the limitations of residential land. One of the efforts to handle housing and settlement problems is to build a simple housing vertically or commonly called a rental apartment (rusunawa). However, the realization of the rusunawa program is not fully successeful as expected because of the skills and skills in socialization as well as insufficient funding support to provide facilities for socialization. The purpose of this study is to identify, describe, and analyze the socialization of Rusunawa Program conducted by UPTD Rusunawa Pekanbaru by forming a technical team.This research use grand theory of Harold D. Laswell (Effendy 2005:10) which is there are five indicators on it: 1) Who ( who said), 2) Say What (what message to say), 3.) In Which Channel (the media), 4) The Whom (to whom is's addressed), 5) With What Effect (effect/impact).After research, it's found that the socialization who is done by the technical team is considered still not optimal. Because after the socialization of many people who don't know about Rusunawa Program, the information is not up to that, affect the success of socialization of Rusunawa Program for low income communities in Kota Pekanbaru