44 research outputs found

    What on Earth! Slated Globes, School Geography and Imperial Pedagogy

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    Mayar M. What on Earth! Slated Globes, School Geography and Imperial Pedagogy. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF AMERICAN STUDIES. 2020;15(2).Manufactured by leading American globe-making companies, slated globes were adopted in the second half of the nineteenth century as educational aid materials, recommended for teaching world geography from the 4th grade on. Focusing on their production and use in the US context at the turn of the twentieth century, and following an examination of their role in teaching American children the fundaments of terrestrial geography, I probe these now forgotten, blank, black, educational table globes' capacity in offering a timely "spatial fix" to the prosaic finality of an already overly and overtly known world that the globally rising US Empire was grappling with. Provoking, in equal measure, playfulness and patriotism, I argue, slated globes were washed of imperial colors and freed of the border lines imposed on them, drained of water and emptied of landmasses, only to be once more scathed, and tattooed with lines, colors, and names, watered and landed-in sum, to be "globed" in the hands of the generations of American youth, future stewards of the US Empire who were learning how to (re-)imagine the terra that was already made cognita by earlier colonial powers. Furthermore, I read slated globes as generative of terra incognita iterum (territory made unknown again)-a terra incognita of a different kind and for different purposes than the terra nondum cognita (territory yet unknown) of the previous centuries: a blank fraught with colonial urges of a young empire and charged with imperial pedagogics

    Dialogics of Silence: Punctuation, Prosody, and Performance in ‘A Primer for the Punctuation of Heart Disease’

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    Mayar M. Dialogics of Silence: Punctuation, Prosody, and Performance in ‘A Primer for the Punctuation of Heart Disease’. In: Mayar M, Schulte M, eds. Silence and Silencing: Conversations Across disciplines. London, UK: Palgrave Macmillan; Submitted

    Survival as Species Narrative: (Supra-)Referentiality in Humanitarian Crisis Video Games

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    Mayar M. Survival as Species Narrative: (Supra-)Referentiality in Humanitarian Crisis Video Games. Loading….: Journal of Canadian Game Studies. 2018;11(18):81-98

    book review

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    Mayar M. Valeska Huber, Channelling Mobilities: Migration and Globalisation in the Suez Canal Region and Beyond 1869-1914 (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2013). die Historische Zeitschrift. 2014;298

    book review

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    Mayar M. Anthony Pagden, The Burdens of Empire: 1539 to the Present (New York: Cambridge University Press, 2015). H-Net Empire. 2018

    bibliographical long essay

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    Mayar M. Children, Childhood, and Empire: An Annotated Bibliography. In: Oxford Bibliographies. Oxford University; 2022

    Introduction to Special Issue

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    Mayar M. Done with Eurocentrism? Unpacking a Plural Construct. InterDisciplines: Journal of History and Sociology. 2016;8(2):1-20

    A Case for Serious Play: Virtual Pacifism and Historical Digital Games

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    Mayar M. A Case for Serious Play: Virtual Pacifism and Historical Digital Games. Zeitschrift des Arbeitskreises Militär und Gesellschaft in der Frühen Neuzeit 20. 2017:117-135

    Introduction to Special Issue

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    Mayar M, ed. Spaces and Spatialities of Empire: An Introduction. US Studies Online (USSO). 2020