304 research outputs found

    Foreword: Social Practices, Legal Narrative, and the Development of the Legal Tradition

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    Foreword: Social Practices, Legal Narrative, and the Development of the Legal Tradition

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    Why Ancient Law

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    Justitia et Misericordia dans les œuvres des décrétistes et décrétalistes (xiie-xve siècles)

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    Nous avons consacré le séminaire des deux dernières années à l’examen de la transformation institutionnelle du dualisme justice/miséricorde et de la transposition de ces vertus chrétiennes dans la doctrine médiévale de la juridiction ecclésiastique qui est développée dans les gloses et les commentaires au Décret de Gratien et aux décrétales (Liber Extra et Liber Sextus) entre les douzième et quatorzième siècles (Décret de Gratien Distinction 86 c. 19 : Misericordia est plenitudo virtutum. Ide..

    WBSN in IoT health-based application: toward delay and energy consumption minimizing

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    The wireless body sensor network (WBSN) technologies are one of the essential technologies of the Internet of things (IoT) growths of the healthcare paradigm, where every patient is monitored through a group of small-powered and lightweight sensor nodes. Thus, energy consumption is a major issue in WBSN. The major causes of energy wastage in WBSN are collisions and retransmission process. However, the major cause of the collision happened when two sensors are attempting to transmit data at exactly the same time and same frequency, and the major cause of the retransmission process happened when the collision takes place or data does not received properly due to channel fading. In this paper, we proposed a cognitive cooperative communication with two master nodes, namely, as two cognitive master nodes (TCMN), which can eliminate the collision and reduce the retransmission process. First, a complete study of a scheme is investigated in terms of network architecture. Second, a mathematical model of the link and outage probability of the proposed protocol are derived. Third, the end-to-end delay, throughput, and energy consumption are analyzed and investigated. The simulation and numerical results show that the TCMN can do system performance under general conditions with respect to direct transmission mode (DTM) and existing work

    Plastic deformation and residual stress of surface roughness asperities in elastohydrodynamic contact with consideration of surface fatigue

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    Micropitting is a contact initiated fatigue failure on the scale of surface roughness features that occurs in lubricated concentrated contacts which are subject to combined sliding and rolling motion. It is a significant problem in hardened and ground gears which, due to the surface roughness, operate in a micro-elastohydrodynamic lubrication (micro-EHL) regime, causing cyclic loads as the roughness features interact. To gain a much clearer understanding of the failure mechanism that is associated with rough surface elastohydrodynamic lubrication (EHL), a full theoretical model of the lubrication of gear contacts under rough surface and micro-EHL conditions is presented in this thesis. In addition, the study offers some important insights in to the influence of residual stresses on the fatigue life of rough surfaces. This significant residual stress, resulting from plastic deformation of rough surface asperities during the initial running-in process, has been instrumental in our understanding of the micropitting phenomenon. The Abaqus FEA package has been used to perform a full elastic-plastic contact analysis of real rough surfaces using profiles taken from the surfaces of unrun test disks, which are used in micropitting tests. The analysis provides a detailed view of the plastic deformation, and the magnitude and distribution of the residual stress fields at the asperity level. The residual geometry and stress field obtained over a range of applied loads are then used to introduce the residual stress in elastic fatigue calculations based on Micro-EHL simulations. Fatigue damage and fatigue life is then obtained at the scale of the surface roughness asperities by using multiaxial and variable amplitude fatigue models based on a critical plane approach. The results obtained allow the effects of the residual stress due to running-in to be quantified. The analysis method is also applied to test disk experiments to compare the predicted fatigue life with the observed onset of micropitting

    The Geographical Potentials of Agricultural Tourism in Karbala Governorate

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    تعد سياحة الزراعة ظاهرة جديدة تتطلب البحث والدراسة والتأمل لما لها من أثر في تحقيق التنمية، فتتميز سياحة الزراعة بقدرتها على دفع عجلة الاقتصاد الوطني لذا كان من الضروري توسيع قاعدة سياحة الزراعة بما تمتلكه أية منطقة في العالم من خصائص متنوعة طبيعية أكانت أم بشرية في تنمية النشاطات السياحية في تلك المنطقة واستثمارها ضمن هذه العملية، من خلال إعداد برامج سياحية تعتمد على اختيار مواقع سياحية مميزة لها القدرة على جذب السياحة. وتمتلك محافظة كربلاء من المقومات والمؤهلات الطبيعية والبشرية الكبيرة التي يمكن استثمارها في تطوير سياحة الزراعة التي ستنعكس بشكل أكبر على محافظة كربلاء فيما لو استثمرت بشكل صحيح فيكون مردودها الاقتصادي كبيراً. تهدف الدراسة الى معرفة أهمية وأهداف سياحة الزراعة ومعرفة مدى توفر المقومات الطبيعية والبشرية للنهوض وتطوير سياحة الزراعة في منطقة الدراسة، وتطرق البحث إلى التوزيع الجغرافي لعناصر الجذب للمناطق الزراعية في محافظة كربلاء التي يمكن استثمارها للجذب السياحي.Agricultural tourism is a new phenomenon that requires research, study and reflection because of its impact on achieving development. Agricultural tourism is characterized by its ability to advance the national economy. Therefore, it is necessary to expand the scope of agricultural tourism with what any region in the world possesses of various natural or human characteristics in developing tourism in that region and investing it within this process by preparing tourism programs that depend on choosing distinctive tourist sites that have the ability to attract tourism. Karbala governorate possesses large natural and human resources and qualifications that can be invested in developing agricultural tourism in Karbala governorate, if invested properly, its economic gain will be great. Thus, this study aims to know the importance and objectives of agricultural tourism and to know the availability of natural and human resources for the advancement and development of agricultural tourism in the study area. The research also tackles the geographical distribution of the elements of attraction for agricultural areas in Karbala governorate that can be invested in tourist attractions. &nbsp

    Propuesta de un plan HACCP y control estadístico de proceso en la elaboración de queso mozzarella para la empresa Lacteus S.A.C.

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    Ciclo Optativo de Especialización y Profesionalización en Gestión de Calidad Total y ProductividadEl presente trabajo de titulación tuvo como objetivo principal diseñar un Sistema para la línea de queso Mozzarella a través de la elaboración del Plan HACCP (Análisis de Peligros y Puntos Críticos de Control) y aplicar un control estadístico para la variable pH en la etapa de segundo reposo del proceso de obtención de queso Mozzarella de la empresa Lacteus S.A.C. La evaluación y diagnóstico de la empresa se realizó utilizando herramientas de calidad como listas de verificación, lluvia de ideas y matriz de selección de problemas. Los resultados de la aplicación de la Lista de Verificación de los Requisitos de Higiene en Planta en la empresa Lacteus S.A.C., indicaron que el cumplimiento de las condiciones de higiene en la empresa es “Regular” (81.28 %), mientras que los resultados de la Lista de Verificación Documentaria de los Prerrequisitos del Sistema HACCP indicó que la empresa “Requiere Mejora” (71.15 %). Asimismo, al aplicar las herramientas de calidad se obtuvieron como principales problemas: Sistema de Gestión de Inocuidad parcialmente documentado y poco eficaz; y escaso uso de técnicas estadísticas para el control de procesos. Por lo que las propuestas de mejora fueron: El desarrollo del Plan de Análisis de Peligros y Puntos Críticos de Control – HACCP para la línea de queso Mozzarella y la aplicación de un control estadístico para la variable crítica del proceso productivo en la etapa de segundo reposo: el pH. En la elaboración del Plan HACCP se consignan dos puntos críticos de control: Leche cruda como materia prima y Pasteurización como etapa de proceso. Además en la aplicación del Control Estadístico de Procesos se obtuvo como promedio un pH de la cuajada de 5.21 con una desviación estándar de 0.09 lo que indica que esta variable se encuentra dentro de la especificación (5.2 ± 0.2), asimismo el coeficiente de variabilidad de 1.66% mostró que la variable es homogénea.This work had as main objective the design of a system for the line of Mozzarella cheese through the elaboration of the HACCP Plan (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points) and the implementation of statistical control for the pH variable in the second stage rest of the process to obtain the Mozzarella cheese in Lacteus SAC Company. The evaluation and diagnosis of the enterprise were done using quality tools such as checklists, brainstorming and problem selection matrix. The Checklist of the Requirements Plant Sanitation indicated that compliance relate to the hygiene conditions in the company was "Regular" (81.28%), while the results of the Checklist of Documentary HACCP Pre-requirements said that the company "Requires Improvement" (71.15%). Also, as results of the implementation of the quality tools, were obtained as major problems: Safety Management System was partially documented and ineffective; and limited use of statistical techniques for control process. Some improvement proposals were: development Plan Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points - HACCP line Mozzarella cheese and the implementation of statistical control to the critical variable in the production process at the stage of second rest: pH.The elaboration of the HACCP Plan established two critical control points: Raw Milk as raw material and Pasteurization as process step. Also, in the application of Statistical Process Control as a result it was obtained as an average pH of 5.21 with a standard deviation of 0.09 which indicates that the variable is within specification (5.2 ± 0.2), also the coefficient of variability of 1.66% showed that the pH variable of is homogeneous.Tesi

    Parasites of Cockroach Periplaneta americana (L.) in Al-Diwaniya province,Iraq.

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    Out of 150 cockroaches examined in this study, 125 cockroaches (83. 33%) were infected with one or several species of external parasites (33.3) or gastro-intestinal helminthes (80%). The percentage infection and number of parasites of Cockroaches trapped in the toilets of houses more than infection of cockroaches trapped from the kitchens of houses (100% and 50%respectively) and 2-62 parasites/ml of Cockroaches trapped in the toilets while those trapped from the kitchens was1- 28 parasites/ml houses. A seven species were isolated from the external surface and intestinal tract represented two protozoa and five nematodes. This species were: Entamoeba blatti (33%), Nyctotherus ovalis (65.3 %), Hammersmiditiella diesingi (33.3 %), Thelastoma bulhoe (51.4 %), Gordius robustus (Horsehair worm) (1.3%), Enterobius vermicularis eggs , (2%) Ascaris lumbricoids eggs (1.3%). No Cestodes were records in the study. Prevalence of intestinal worms was statistically higher significant than the protozoa in (P<0.05). The number of worms per cockroaches ranged from 1-3 while protozoa 42 parasites/ml. Prevalence of endoparasites were higher than ectoparasites and intestinal worms was statistically higher significant than the protozoa in (80%; 3. 3%) and (83. 3%; 65.3 %) respectively. This study revealed Cockroach represent an important reservoir or carrier for medical importance parasites of human in houses as Enterobius vermicularis and Ascaris lumbricoids . The work presents the first record of cockroach's parasites in Al-Diwaniya

    Measurement of some heavy metals in tissues infect by intestinal worms of two kind of fishes in Al-Qadisiyah Province

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    The present study has been conducted in four parts of AL-Qadisiyah (Al-Diwaniyah center, Shamiya, Hamza and Afak). A sample of 945 fish of Barbus grypus and Liza abu has been examined. It was found that 205 of the Barbus grypus fish and 344 of the Liza abu were infected with parasitic intestinal worms. Some parasitic intestinal worms have been detected such as the Neoechinorynchus iraqensis in both fish types. The female paulisentus, Bothriocephalus acheilognathi were found in both Barbus grypus, Liza abu and the larva of Contracaecum spp was seen in the Liza abu and Barbus grypus type. Four heavy metals were measured. They included Cadmium, Lead, Zinc, Nickel, by means of an atomic absorption spectrophotometer issues from the a fore mentioned types of fish were measured for these heavy metals these tissues were from the liver, muscles, gills, from four districts of Al-Diwaniyah throughout the year, Cadmium registered high concentrations in autumn (12.67) Mg/ gm in the liver of the Barbus grypus. Lower concentrations of Cadmium were registered in winter (1.30) Mg/ gm in the liver of Liza abu. The Barbus grypus livers had high concentrations of lead in autumn (21.03) Mg/ gm in Hamza rivers, whereas gills of the Liza abu registered lower concentrations (6.43) Mg/gm in spring. The livers of the Barbus grypus registered high concentrations of zine in autumn which where (32.27)Mg/ gm in Hamza river while Shamiya river they dropped to 21.17 Mg/ gm in spring, It was observed that Nickel had high concentrations in the livers, muscles, gills, of both fish types, The highest of which was in autumn, the Hamza river had the highest concentrations in autumn which were (29.17,28.63,27.67) Mg/g in Barbus grypus , in spring the nickel concentrations were low in the gills of the Liza abu11.10 Mg/ gm in Shamiya river