15 research outputs found

    Distribution of real samples and distractors.

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    Partitioning across the three sets (training, development, test) and data group (A, B, C, D) is indicated. The distribution of speakers is: Training (A = 2, B and C = 6 each, D = 16; Development and Test (A, B, C, D = 2 each).</p

    ML performance excluding the distractors from the training set.

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    ML performance excluding the distractors from the training set.</p

    Recall per class and UAR (in%) for human perception and MLP classifier.

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    The MLP is trained on data group D with wav2vec2 features. Results are given on EXP-2 considering all SNRs together for the noisy conditions. Mean across conditions (μ) is also given.</p

    Confusion matrix for the classification of data group D with MLP and wav2vec2 features in clean and rain conditions.

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    Confusion matrix for the classification of data group D with MLP and wav2vec2 features in clean and rain conditions.</p

    Perceptual results for clean and noisified conditions.

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    Perceptual results for clean and noisified conditions.</p

    Non-Metric Multi-Dimensional Scaling (NMDS).

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    The 2-dim(ensional) solutions represent (a) listeners’ perception and (b) automatic classification: hot anger (HO), panicked fear (PA), irritation (IR), depressed sadness (SA), elation (EL), and pleasure (PL); in clean and in rain noise. Kruskal’s stress for perception in (a): Clean (.115); Rain noise (.036); for classification in (b): Clean (.150); Rain noise (.114); bottom left, the x-axis is mirrored to display the dimensions similarly for perception and classification.</p

    Spectral distribution.

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    Frequencies between 0–8 kHz (most important for speech) and amplitudes between -40 to 40 dB, are shown for the artificial (brown, pink, white) and the real-life (bell, rain, train station) noises. All samples have 10 sec. length (Root Mean Square is normalised).</p

    Experimental design.

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    Main components of the ML workflow: Data groups (A, B, C, and D) represented according to the diverse sizes of their training set; Feature sets (ComParE and wav2vec2); and ML models (SVM and MLP).</p

    Overview of the study.

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    The methods considered to go beyond the state-of-the-art in the investigated worlds are illustrated: beyond the Closed World (bottom left), both real and distractor labels are used; beyond the Clean World (upper left), 6 types of noise at 4 SNRs are applied; beyond the Small World (upper middle), four data groups with different training sizes, two feature sets and two models are optimised through 3-fold speaker independent cross validation (CV) in 16 experiments; beyond the One World (bottom middle), classification and perception results by machines and humans are assessed through a one-to-one comparison of the Confusion Matrices (CM); in the Fuzzy World (right), the confusion patterns of the perception and classification experiments are evaluated.</p

    Confusion matrix for the perception of emotions by 132 listeners.

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    Confusion matrix for the perception of emotions by 132 listeners.</p