11 research outputs found

    Idiopathic hepatitis liver datasets: a) Read reduction following mapping subtraction and k-mer similarity filtering.

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    <p>b) Effect of k-mer filtering (K-mer) & host mapping subtraction (Map) on post-assembly contig number. c) Effect of k-mer filtering (K-mer) & host mapping subtraction (Map) on viral contig size and reference coverage.</p

    SURPI assembled contigs comparison: a) contig coverage of viral references (artificial metagenomics viral dataset) range and mean.

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    <p>SURPI SD = 28, Mapper SD = 15.5, MAP+k-mer SD = 25.9. b) HCV viral infected liver tissue NGS datasets at 9x and 0.7x coverage with Largest viral assembled contig (blue) and total viral reference coverage of all contigs (red).</p