5 research outputs found

    Maximum likelihood tree.

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    <p>Maximum likelihood tree inferred from SRP54 sequences. Species codes represent the species names (Car - <i>M. carmabi</i>, For – <i>M. Formosa</i>, Dec – <i>M. decactis</i>) followed by sample number. Additional indices i.e. 1 or 2, represent alleles of the heterozygote samples. Bootstrap values (1000 replicate; >50%) are shown next to the branches.</p

    CT-scans of four Madracis colonies.

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    <p>Volume rendering of the CT-scans of the Madracis coral colonies: a) <i>M. carmabi</i>, b) <i>M. carmabi</i> sample Car436 in the data set, c) <i>M. decactis</i> and d) <i>M. formosa.</i></p

    Morphometrics of branching coral colonies.

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    <p>a) Morphological skeleton generated from a volume of a CT scan of a Madracis colony, b) branch thickness, da – white sphere, db – black sphere, dc – gray sphere, c) branch spacing (br-spacing) and d) branching angle relative to the growth direction (g_angle).</p

    Comparison between genetic and morphological clustering.

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    <p>a) Topology of the phylogenetic tree inferred from average ATPSα genetic distances using maximum likelihood method. b) Morphological tree inferred from the three main morphological features (branch thickness, branch spacing and branch length to thickness ratio) using average linkage. Species codes represent the species names (Car - M. carmabi, For – M. formosa, Dec – M. decactis) followed by a sample number. Coloured ellipses indicate similar clades in both trees.</p