8 research outputs found

    Laser Ablated Nanocrystalline Diamond Membrane for Infrared Applications

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    We are reporting on laser microstructuring of thin nanocrystalline diamond membranes, for the first time. To demonstrate the possibility of microstructuring, we fabricated a diamond membrane, of 9 μm thickness, with a two-dimensional periodic array of closely located chiral elements. We describe the fabrication technique and present the results of the measurements of the infrared transmission spectra of the fabricated membrane. We theoretically studied the reflection, transmission, and absorption spectra of a model structure that approximates the fabricated chiral metamembrane. We show that the metamembrane supports quasiguided modes, which appear in the optical spectra due to grating-assisted diffraction of the guided modes to the far field. Due to the C4 symmetry, the structure demonstrates circular dichroism in transmission. The developed technique can find applications in infrared photonics since diamond is transparent at wavelengths >6 μm and has record values of hardness. It paves the way for creation of new-generation infrared filters for circular polarization

    Printing of Crumpled CVD Graphene via Blister-Based Laser-Induced Forward Transfer

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    The patterning and transfer of a two-dimensional graphene film without damaging its original structure is an urgent and difficult task. For this purpose, we propose the use of the blister-based laser-induced forward transfer (BB-LIFT), which has proven itself in the transfer of such delicate materials. The ease of implementation of laser techniques reduces the number of intermediate manipulations with a graphene film, increasing its safety. The work demonstrates the promise of BB-LIFT of single-layer graphene from a metal surface to a SiO2/Si substrate. The effect of the parameters of this method on the structure of transferred graphene islands is investigated. The relevance of reducing the distance between irradiating and receiving substrates for the transfer of free-lying graphene is demonstrated. The reasons for the damage to the integrity of the carbon film observed in the experiments are discussed. The preservation of the original crystal structure of transferred graphene is confirmed by Raman spectroscopy

    Laser Ablated Nanocrystalline Diamond Membrane for Infrared Applications

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    We are reporting on laser microstructuring of thin nanocrystalline diamond membranes, for the first time. To demonstrate the possibility of microstructuring, we fabricated a diamond membrane, of 9 μm thickness, with a two-dimensional periodic array of closely located chiral elements. We describe the fabrication technique and present the results of the measurements of the infrared transmission spectra of the fabricated membrane. We theoretically studied the reflection, transmission, and absorption spectra of a model structure that approximates the fabricated chiral metamembrane. We show that the metamembrane supports quasiguided modes, which appear in the optical spectra due to grating-assisted diffraction of the guided modes to the far field. Due to the C4 symmetry, the structure demonstrates circular dichroism in transmission. The developed technique can find applications in infrared photonics since diamond is transparent at wavelengths >6 μm and has record values of hardness. It paves the way for creation of new-generation infrared filters for circular polarization

    Efficiency of Photoconductive Terahertz Generation in Nitrogen-Doped Diamonds

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    The efficiency of the generation of terahertz radiation from nitrogen-doped (∼0.1–100 ppm) diamonds was investigated. The synthetic polycrystalline and monocrystalline diamond substrates were pumped by a 400 nm femtosecond laser and tested for the photoconductive emitter operation. The dependency of the emitted THz power on the intensity of the optical excitation was measured. The nitrogen concentrations of the diamonds involved were measured from the optical absorbance, which was found to crucially depend on the synthesis technique. The observed correlation between the doping level and the level of the performance of diamond-based antennas demonstrates the prospects of doped diamond as a material for highly efficient large-aperture photoconductive antennas

    Efficiency of Photoconductive Terahertz Generation in Nitrogen-Doped Diamonds

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    The efficiency of the generation of terahertz radiation from nitrogen-doped (∼0.1–100 ppm) diamonds was investigated. The synthetic polycrystalline and monocrystalline diamond substrates were pumped by a 400 nm femtosecond laser and tested for the photoconductive emitter operation. The dependency of the emitted THz power on the intensity of the optical excitation was measured. The nitrogen concentrations of the diamonds involved were measured from the optical absorbance, which was found to crucially depend on the synthesis technique. The observed correlation between the doping level and the level of the performance of diamond-based antennas demonstrates the prospects of doped diamond as a material for highly efficient large-aperture photoconductive antennas

    Buried graphite electrodes in single crystal CVD Diamond investigated with MeV protons and electrons

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    The paper reports the study of an asymmetric detector with graphite contacts, about 20 µ m in diameter, buried within a synthetic single crystal diamond. To induce diamond-to-graphite transformation a femtosecond IR laser is used on the surface and bulk volume. Optical microscopy with crossed polarizers has evidenced optical anisotropy laterally the buried pillared contacts whereas the regions between pillars exhibited the presence of both tensile and compressive stress there around, as revealed with Raman spectroscopy mapping. Notwithstanding the strain, the buried electrodes showed linear electrical response and demonstrated ability to collect the charge carriers produced by 3.0 and 4.5 MeV protons as well as MeV electrons emitted by 90Sr. The charge collection efficiency (CCE) dependence on voltage evaluated using 4.5 MeV protons in the ±100 V range saturates at around 92±2% at 100 V, while coincidence experiments with MeV electrons confirmed that the whole pillars length is active in collecting the charge carriers. The mapping of CCE spatial distribution with an ion beam induced current technique showed that only a narrow (a few microns) damaged zone around the graphite electrodes has a reduced CCE, while the main diamond volume preserves excellent detection properties