6 research outputs found
Computer modeling of coupled electromagnetic, temperature and magnetohydrodynamic fields in the induction heating and melting devices
Computer modeling is necessary part of design new induction heating and melting devices [1]. One of the complicated technologies when it is necessary to simulate coupled electromagnetic, temperature and magnetohydrodynamic fields is heating and melting of titanium alloys in the alternating electromagnetic field. Thermal processing of titanium alloys in the inductor has some features that it is necessary to take into account on the designing of the advanced technology and equipment. Low thermal conductivity and high temperature losses at the surface result in maximum temperature inside of the billet that could under appropriate conditions exceed melting point. In this way it is possible to obtain liquid phase of titanium alloy inside of the billet and protect it from the contact with surrounding atmosphere. To get this it is necessary to choose the right regime of processing, frequency of current, power and thermal conditions. At the same time precise heating with very strong execution of the temperature profile during the heating time are essential for thermal processing of titanium alloys in this technology [2]. Mathematical model comprising computation of electromagnetic, temperature, MHD fields after getting melt zone and dynamic of its growth was developed. The calculation of the melting process has been carried out by the method “enthalpy-porosity” with application of models of turbulent currents k-ω SST in a non-static setting. Electromagnetic forces and heat sources have been defined by solving a harmonic task by the method of finite elements on a vector magnetic potential in the system “inductor – load” for each iteration of the hydrodynamic task. Experiments confirmed need in simulation of MHD fields to receive good coincidence. Using of the developed models for simulation of electromagnetic processing billets make it easy to develop and implement optimal heat processing systems for the crucibleless induction melting of titanium alloys.The calculations on the basis of the model and the analysis of physical processes with non-crucible melting of titanium alloys have also been carried out
Game Modeling of the Organization's Management Strategy and Training in Strategic Thinking Based on Game Analogies - Discussion
The article examines the problems arising in modern economic conditions in organizations of various sectors of the national economy in the implementation of strategically-oriented management systems. Despite the prevalence of such systems, there are great diffi culties in their modeling and development of strategic thinking among managers and entrepreneurs
Research into spontaneous activity of myocardial cells under normal and pathological conditions using the hardware and software complex based on nanosensors
Cardiovascular diseases are the leading cause of death in the world. The paper focuses on the capability of a nanosensor-based hardware and software complex (HSC) developed at Tomsk Polytechnic University to measure the activity of myocardial cells from the surface of the human body. A comparative study of nanosensors used in the HSC and conventional AgCl electrodes by FIAB Spa (Florence, Italy) was carried out. It is shown that the value of electromagnetic interference in conventional electrodes is several times higher compared to nanosensors. ECG was recorded using the developed HSC in order to show the possibility to control the activity of myocardial cells
Advanced features of ECG mapping
Cardiovascular diseases are the leading cause of death worldwide. A great number of methods have been developed to monitor the state of the heart, each of which has its own advantages and limitations. One of the most promising method is surface mapping. To improve reliability and informativity of this method, researchers of Medical Engineering Laboratory of TPU developed nanosensors with unique metrological characteristics for non-invasive measurement of ECG signals of microvolt and nanovolt levels. The results of previous studies showed that metrological characteristics of the developed nanosensors significantly exceed those of conventional electrodes. Based on this, nanosensors used for surface ECG mapping will enable qualitative improvement of data obtained and diagnostic capabilities of this method
Синтез полисопряженного полимера альдольной конденсацией 2,5-диформилфурана и ацетона
Pioneer synthesis of the product of aldol polycondensation between 2,5-diformylfuran and acetone
is presented. The synthesis was accomplished by a direct reaction of diformylfuran and acetone in
dimethyl sulfoxide with addition of aqueous sodium hydroxide as a catalyst. The fact of the aldol
condensation occurrence and formation of the polyconjugated oligomers in this system is confirmed
by 1H nuclear magnetic resonance and molecular absorption spectroscopy. Cannizzaro reaction plays
a significant side process role in the studied system, leading to the loss of diformylfuran’s aldehyde
groups and their inability to participate in polymer chain growth. A solid polymeric product of brown
color was isolated with the yield of 28 % based on the initial diformylfuran. The solid product is
insoluble (judging by the lack of coloration in liquid) in various tested solvents: water, 1,4-dioxane,
dimethyl sulfoxide, acetone, chloroform, or 1,2-dichloroethane with trifluoroacetic acid mixed in
different proportions. The presence of polyconjugated chains in the solid product is confirmed by
electron spin resonance spectroscopyВпервые синтезирован продукт кротоновой (альдольной) поликонденсации
2,5-диформилфурана и ацетона. Синтез проведен непосредственным взаимодействием
диформилфурана и ацетона в диметилсульфоксиде с добавками водного раствора NaOH
в качестве катализатора. Факт протекания кротоновой конденсации и образования
полисопряженного олигомера в этой системе подтвержден методами протонного магнитного
резонанса и электронной спектроскопии в УФ- и видимой области. Побочный процесс, реакция
Канниццаро, играет важную роль в процессе, приводя к потере альдегидных групп и обрыву
цепей полимеризации. Выделен твердый полимерный продукт с выходом 28 % в расчете на
исходный диформилфуран. Продукт нерастворим в воде, диоксане, диметилсульфоксиде,
ацетоне, хлороформе, дихлорэтане и его смесях с трифторуксусной кислотой в различных
пропорциях. Наличие полисопряженных цепей в полимере подтверждено спектроскопией
Синтез полисопряженного полимера альдольной конденсацией 2,5-диформилфурана и ацетона
Pioneer synthesis of the product of aldol polycondensation between 2,5-diformylfuran and acetone
is presented. The synthesis was accomplished by a direct reaction of diformylfuran and acetone in
dimethyl sulfoxide with addition of aqueous sodium hydroxide as a catalyst. The fact of the aldol
condensation occurrence and formation of the polyconjugated oligomers in this system is confirmed
by 1H nuclear magnetic resonance and molecular absorption spectroscopy. Cannizzaro reaction plays
a significant side process role in the studied system, leading to the loss of diformylfuran’s aldehyde
groups and their inability to participate in polymer chain growth. A solid polymeric product of brown
color was isolated with the yield of 28 % based on the initial diformylfuran. The solid product is
insoluble (judging by the lack of coloration in liquid) in various tested solvents: water, 1,4-dioxane,
dimethyl sulfoxide, acetone, chloroform, or 1,2-dichloroethane with trifluoroacetic acid mixed in
different proportions. The presence of polyconjugated chains in the solid product is confirmed by
electron spin resonance spectroscopyВпервые синтезирован продукт кротоновой (альдольной) поликонденсации
2,5-диформилфурана и ацетона. Синтез проведен непосредственным взаимодействием
диформилфурана и ацетона в диметилсульфоксиде с добавками водного раствора NaOH
в качестве катализатора. Факт протекания кротоновой конденсации и образования
полисопряженного олигомера в этой системе подтвержден методами протонного магнитного
резонанса и электронной спектроскопии в УФ- и видимой области. Побочный процесс, реакция
Канниццаро, играет важную роль в процессе, приводя к потере альдегидных групп и обрыву
цепей полимеризации. Выделен твердый полимерный продукт с выходом 28 % в расчете на
исходный диформилфуран. Продукт нерастворим в воде, диоксане, диметилсульфоксиде,
ацетоне, хлороформе, дихлорэтане и его смесях с трифторуксусной кислотой в различных
пропорциях. Наличие полисопряженных цепей в полимере подтверждено спектроскопией