10 research outputs found

    Matter-Wave Tractor Beams

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    Optical and acoustic tractor beams are currently the focus of intense research due to their counterintuitive property of exerting a pulling force on small scattering objects. In this Letter we propose a matter-wave tractor beam and utilize the de Broglie waves of nonrelativistic matter particles in analogy to “classical” tractor beams. We reveal the presence of the quantum-mechanical pulling force for the variety of quantum mechanical potentials observing the resonant enhancement of the pulling effect under the conditions of the suppressed scattering known as the Ramsauer-Townsend effect. We also derive the sufficient conditions on the scattering potential for the emergence of the pulling force and show that, in particular, a Coulomb scatterer is always shoved, while a Yukawa (screened Coulomb) scatterer can be drawn. Pulling forces in optics, acoustics, quantum mechanics, and classical mechanics are compared, and the matter-wave pulling force is found to have exclusive properties of dragging slow particles in short-range potentials. We envisage that the use of tractor beams could lead to the unprecedented precision in manipulation with atomic-scale quantum objects

    Cytokine Imbalance as a Biomarker of Intervertebral Disk Degeneration

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    The intervertebral disk degeneration (IDD) and its associated conditions are an important problem in modern medicine. The onset of IDD may be in childhood and adolescence in patients with a genetic predisposition. IDD progresses with age, leading to spondylosis, spondylarthrosis, intervertebral disk herniation, and spinal stenosis. The purpose of this review is an attempt to summarize the data characterizing the patterns of production of pro-inflammatory and anti-inflammatory cytokines in IDD and to appreciate the prognostic value of cytokine imbalance as its biomarker. This narrative review demonstrates that the problem of evaluating the contribution of pro-inflammatory and anti-inflammatory cytokines to the maintenance or alteration of cytokine balance may be a new key to unlocking the mystery of IDD development and new therapeutic strategies for the treatment of IDD in the setting of acute and chronic inflammation. The presented data support the hypothesis that cytokine imbalance is one of the most important biomarkers of IDD

    Candidate Genes Encoding Dopamine Receptors as Predictors of the Risk of Antipsychotic-Induced Parkinsonism and Tardive Dyskinesia in Schizophrenic Patients

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    (1) Introduction: Extrapyramidal disorders form the so-called extrapyramidal syndrome (EPS), which is characterized by the occurrence of motor disorders as a result of damage to the basal ganglia and the subcortical-thalamic connections. Often, this syndrome develops while taking medications, in particular antipsychotics (APs). (2) Purpose: To review studies of candidate genes encoding dopamine receptors as genetic predictors of development of AP-induced parkinsonism (AIP) and AP-induced tardive dyskinesia (AITD) in patients with schizophrenia. (3) Materials and Methods: A search was carried out for publications of PubMed, Web of Science, Springer, and e-Library databases by keywords and their combinations over the last 10 years. In addition, the review includes earlier publications of historical interest. Despite extensive searches of these commonly used databases and search terms, it cannot be ruled out that some publications were possibly missed. (4) Results: The review considers candidate genes encoding dopamine receptors involved in pharmacodynamics, including genes DRD1, DRD2, DRD3, and DRD4. We analyzed 18 genome-wide studies examining 37 genetic variations, including single nucleotide variants (SNVs)/polymorphisms of four candidate genes involved in the development of AIP and AITD in patients with schizophrenia. Among such a set of obtained results, only 14 positive associations were revealed: rs1799732 (141CIns/Del), rs1800497 (C/T), rs6275 (C/T), rs6275 (C/T) DRD2; rs167771 (G/A) DRD3 with AIP and rs4532 (A/G) DRD1, rs6277 (C/T), rs6275 (C/T), rs1800497 (C/T), rs1079597 (A/G), rs1799732 (141CIns/Del), rs1045280 (C/G) DRD2, rs6280 (C/T), rs905568 (C/G) DRD3 with AITD. However, at present, it should be recognized that there is no final or unique decision on the leading role of any particular SNVs/polymorphisms in the development of AIP and AITD. (5) Conclusion: Disclosure of genetic predictors of the development of AIP and AITD, as the most common neurological adverse drug reactions (ADRs) in the treatment of patients with psychiatric disorders, may provide a key to the development of a strategy for personalized prevention and treatment of the considered complication of AP therapy for schizophrenia in real clinical practice

    Nutrient Effects on Motor Neurons and the Risk of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis

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    Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is an incurable chronic progressive neurodegenerative disease with the progressive degeneration of motor neurons in the motor cortex and lower motor neurons in the spinal cord and the brain stem. The etiology and pathogenesis of ALS are being actively studied, but there is still no single concept. The study of ALS risk factors can help to understand the mechanism of this disease development and, possibly, slow down the rate of its progression in patients and also reduce the risk of its development in people with a predisposition toward familial ALS. The interest of researchers and clinicians in the protective role of nutrients in the development of ALS has been increasing in recent years. However, the role of some of them is not well-understood or disputed. The objective of this review is to analyze studies on the role of nutrients as environmental factors affecting the risk of developing ALS and the rate of motor neuron degeneration progression. Methods: We searched the PubMed, Springer, Clinical keys, Google Scholar, and E-Library databases for publications using keywords and their combinations. We analyzed all the available studies published in 2010–2020. Discussion: We analyzed 39 studies, including randomized clinical trials, clinical cases, and meta-analyses, involving ALS patients and studies on animal models of ALS. This review demonstrated that the following vitamins are the most significant protectors of ALS development: vitamin B12, vitamin E > vitamin C > vitamin B1, vitamin B9 > vitamin D > vitamin B2, vitamin B6 > vitamin A, and vitamin B7. In addition, this review indicates that the role of foods with a high content of cholesterol, polyunsaturated fatty acids, urates, and purines plays a big part in ALS development. Conclusion: The inclusion of vitamins and a ketogenic diet in disease-modifying ALS therapy can reduce the progression rate of motor neuron degeneration and slow the rate of disease progression, but the approach to nutrient selection must be personalized. The roles of vitamins C, D, and B7 as ALS protectors need further study

    Genetic Predisposition to Schizophrenia and Depressive Disorder Comorbidity

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    Background: Patients with schizophrenia have an increased risk of depressive disorders compared to the general population. The comorbidity between schizophrenia and depression suggests a potential coincidence of the pathophysiology and/or genetic predictors of these mental disorders. The aim of this study was to review the potential genetic predictors of schizophrenia and depression comorbidity. Materials and Methods: We carried out research and analysis of publications in the databases PubMed, Springer, Wiley Online Library, Taylor & Francis Online, Science Direct, and eLIBRARY.RU using keywords and their combinations. The search depth was the last 10 years (2010–2020). Full-text original articles, reviews, meta-analyses, and clinical observations were analyzed. A total of 459 articles were found, of which 45 articles corresponding to the purpose of this study were analyzed in this topic review. Results: Overlap in the symptoms and genetic predictors between these disorders suggests that a common etiological mechanism may underlie the presentation of comorbid depression in schizophrenia. The molecular mechanisms linking schizophrenia and depression are polygenic. The most studied candidate genes are GRIN1, GPM6A, SEPTIN4, TPH1, TPH2, CACNA1C, CACNB2, and BCL9. Conclusion: Planning and conducting genome-wide and associative genetic studies of the comorbid conditions under consideration in psychiatry is important for the development of biological and clinical predictors and a personalized therapy strategy for schizophrenia. However, it should be recognized that the problems of predictive and personalized psychiatry in the diagnosis and treatment of schizophrenia and comorbid disorders are far from being resolved

    Molecular Basic of Pharmacotherapy of Cytokine Imbalance as a Component of Intervertebral Disc Degeneration Treatment

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    Intervertebral disc degeneration (IDD) and associated conditions are an important problem in modern medicine. The onset of IDD may be in childhood and adolescence in patients with a genetic predisposition. With age, IDD progresses, leading to spondylosis, spondylarthrosis, herniated disc, spinal canal stenosis. One of the leading mechanisms in the development of IDD and chronic back pain is an imbalance between pro-inflammatory and anti-inflammatory cytokines. However, classical therapeutic strategies for correcting cytokine imbalance in IDD do not give the expected response in more than half of the cases. The purpose of this review is to update knowledge about new and promising therapeutic strategies based on the correction of the molecular mechanisms of cytokine imbalance in patients with IDD. This review demonstrates that knowledge of the molecular mechanisms of the imbalance between pro-inflammatory and anti-inflammatory cytokines may be a new key to finding more effective drugs for the treatment of IDD in the setting of acute and chronic inflammation

    Association of a Single-Nucleotide Variant rs11100494 of the NPY5R Gene with Antipsychotic-Induced Metabolic Disorders

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    Background: The usage of antipsychotics (APs) is the most robust and scientifically based approach in the treatment of schizophrenia spectrum disorders (SSDs). The efficiency of APs is based on a range of target receptors of the central nervous system (CNS): serotoninergic, dopaminergic, adrenergic, histaminergic and cholinergic. Metabolic disorders are the most severe adverse drug reactions (ADRs) and lead to cardiovascular diseases with a high rate of mortality in patients with SSDs. Neuropeptide Y receptor Y5 (NPY5R) is known in the chain of interaction to target receptors for APs, agouti-related peptide receptors and proopiomelanocortin receptors. We studied the association of the single-nucleotide variants (SNVs) rs11100494 and rs6837793 of the NPY5R gene, and rs16147, rs5573, rs5574 of the NPY gene, with metabolic disorders in Russian patients with SSDs. Methods: We examined 99 patients with SSDs (mean age—24.56 years old). The mean duration of APs monotherapy was 8 weeks. The biochemical blood test included levels of glucose, cholesterol, lipoproteins, alanine aminotransferase (ALT), aspartate aminotransferase (AST), total protein and albumin. Anthropometry included weight, height, waist circumference and hip circumference. We used real-time PCR to study the carriage of major and minor alleles of the SNV rs11100494 (1164C>A) of the NPY5R gene (chromosome localization—4q32.2). Group 1 comprised 25 patients with SSDs taking APs with a change in body weight of more than 6% since the start of APs therapy. Group 2 comprised 74 patients with SSDs taking APs with a change in body weight of less than 6% since the start of APs therapy. Results: We show the significance of genetic risk factors (carriage of major allele C of SNV rs11100494 of the NPY5R gene) for the development of AP-induced weight gain in Russian patients with SSDs. The allele C predisposes to AP-induced weight gain (OR = 33.48 [95% CI: 12.62; 88.82], p-value < 0.001). Additionally, the results of our study demonstrate that first-generation APs (FGAs) are more likely to cause an increase in serum transaminase levels but are less likely to increase body weight. Second-generation APs (SGAs) are more likely to cause weight gain and changes in serum glucose levels. Conclusion: Our study shows the predictive role of the allele C of SNV rs11100494 of the NPY5R gene in the development of AP-induced weight gain. However, we did not find a significant association between biochemical markers and this SNV in Russian patients with SSDs

    Molecular Basic of Pharmacotherapy of Cytokine Imbalance as a Component of Intervertebral Disc Degeneration Treatment

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    Intervertebral disc degeneration (IDD) and associated conditions are an important problem in modern medicine. The onset of IDD may be in childhood and adolescence in patients with a genetic predisposition. With age, IDD progresses, leading to spondylosis, spondylarthrosis, herniated disc, spinal canal stenosis. One of the leading mechanisms in the development of IDD and chronic back pain is an imbalance between pro-inflammatory and anti-inflammatory cytokines. However, classical therapeutic strategies for correcting cytokine imbalance in IDD do not give the expected response in more than half of the cases. The purpose of this review is to update knowledge about new and promising therapeutic strategies based on the correction of the molecular mechanisms of cytokine imbalance in patients with IDD. This review demonstrates that knowledge of the molecular mechanisms of the imbalance between pro-inflammatory and anti-inflammatory cytokines may be a new key to finding more effective drugs for the treatment of IDD in the setting of acute and chronic inflammation

    High-Tech Methods of Cytokine Imbalance Correction in Intervertebral Disc Degeneration

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    An important mechanism for the development of intervertebral disc degeneration (IDD) is an imbalance between anti-inflammatory and pro-inflammatory cytokines. Therapeutic and non-therapeutic approaches for cytokine imbalance correction in IDD either do not give the expected result, or give a short period of time. This explains the relevance of high-tech medical care, which is part of specialized care and includes the use of new resource-intensive methods of treatment with proven effectiveness. The aim of the review is to update knowledge about new high-tech methods based on cytokine imbalance correction in IDD. It demonstrates promise of new approaches to IDD management in patients resistant to previously used therapies, including: cell therapy (stem cell implantation, implantation of autologous cultured cells, and tissue engineering); genetic technologies (gene modifications, microRNA, and molecular inducers of IDD); technologies for influencing the inflammatory cascade in intervertebral discs mediated by abnormal activation of inflammasomes; senolytics; exosomal therapy; and other factors (hypoxia-induced factors; lysyl oxidase; corticostatin; etc.)