5,270 research outputs found

    No Pulsar Kicks from Deformed Neutrinospheres

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    In a supernova core, magnetic fields cause a directional variation of the neutrino refractive index so that resonant flavor oscillations would lead to a deformation of the "neutrinosphere" for, say, tau neutrinos. The associated anisotropic neutrino emission was proposed as a possible origin of the observed pulsar proper motions. We argue that this effect was vastly overestimated because the variation of the temperature over the deformed neutrinosphere is not an adequate measure for the anisotropy of neutrino emission. The neutrino flux is generated inside the neutron star core and is transported through the atmosphere at a constant luminosity, forcing the temperature gradient in the atmosphere to adjust to the inflow of energy from below. Therefore, no emission anisotropy is caused by a deformation of the neutrinosphere to lowest order. An estimate of the higher-order corrections must take into account the modified atmospheric temperature profile in response to the deformation of the neutrinosphere and the corresponding feedback on the core. We go through this exercise in the framework of a simplified model which can be solved analytically.Comment: Final version with minor corrections, to be published in PRD. Includes a "Note Added" in response to astro-ph/981114

    Mass estimation in the outer regions of galaxy clusters

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    We present a technique for estimating the mass in the outskirts of galaxy clusters where the usual assumption of dynamical equilibrium is not valid. The method assumes that clusters form through hierarchical clustering and requires only galaxy redshifts and positions on the sky. We apply the method to dissipationless cosmological N-body simulations where galaxies form and evolve according to semi-analytic modelling. The method recovers the actual cluster mass profile within a factor of two to several megaparsecs from the cluster centre. This error originates from projection effects, sparse sampling, and contamination by foreground and background galaxies. In the absence of velocity biases, this method can provide an estimate of the mass-to-light ratio on scales ~1-10 Mpc/h where this quantity is still poorly known.Comment: 14 pages, 7 figures, MN LaTeX style, MNRAS, in pres

    Towards a Stable Numerical Evolution of Strongly Gravitating Systems in General Relativity: The Conformal Treatments

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    We study the stability of three-dimensional numerical evolutions of the Einstein equations, comparing the standard ADM formulation to variations on a family of formulations that separate out the conformal and traceless parts of the system. We develop an implementation of the conformal-traceless (CT) approach that has improved stability properties in evolving weak and strong gravitational fields, and for both vacuum and spacetimes with active coupling to matter sources. Cases studied include weak and strong gravitational wave packets, black holes, boson stars and neutron stars. We show under what conditions the CT approach gives better results in 3D numerical evolutions compared to the ADM formulation. In particular, we show that our implementation of the CT approach gives more long term stable evolutions than ADM in all the cases studied, but is less accurate in the short term for the range of resolutions used in our 3D simulations.Comment: 17 pages, 15 figures. Small changes in the text, and a change in the list of authors. One new reference adde

    On the Microlensing Optical Depth of the Galactic Bar

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    The microlensing probability (optical depth τ\tau) toward the Galactic center carries information about the mass distribution of the Galactic bulge/bar, so can be used to constrain the very uncertain shape parameters of the bar. We find tautau depends on the bar mass, radial profile, angle, axis scale lengths and boxyness by a few simple analytical formulae, which shows: (1) τ\tau is proportional to the mass of the bar, MM. (2) τ\tau falls along the minor axis with a strong gradient. (3) An oblate bulge can have more optical depth than a triaxial bar if the bar angle α>45\alpha>45 degress. (4) τ\tau is the largest if the angle α\alpha and the axis ratio y0/x0y_0/x_0 conspires so that y0/x0=tanαy_0/x_0=\tan \alpha. (5) At a fixed field on the minor axis but away from the center, boxy bars with a flat density profile tend to give a larger optical depth than ellipsoidal bars with a steep profile. (6) Main sequence sources should have a significantly lower (20-50\% lower) optical depth than red clump giants if main sequence stars are not observed as deep as the bright clump giants. An application to four COBE-constrained models (Dwek et al. 1994) shows most models produce optical depth 2σ2\sigma lower than MACHO and OGLE observed values even with both a massive bar 2.8×1010M2.8\times 10^{10} M_\odot and a full disk. The high τ\tau argues for a massive (>2×1010M> 2\times 10^{10}M_\odot) boxy bar with y0/x0tanαy_0/x0\approx \tan\alpha and α<20\alpha<20 deg and with a flat radial profile up to corotation.Comment: 28 pages including 6 postscript figures in uuencoded compressed tar file. Submitted to MNRA

    Microwave polarization in the direction of galaxy clusters induced by the CMB quadrupole anisotropy

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    Electron scattering induces a polarization in the cosmic microwave background (CMB) signal measured in the direction of a galaxy cluster due to the presence of a quadrupole component in the CMB temperature distribution. Measuring the polarization towards distant clusters provides the unique opportunity to observe the evolution of the CMB quadrupole at moderate redshifts, z~0.5-3. We demonstrate that for the local cluster population the polarization degree will depend on the cluster celestial position. There are two extended regions in the sky, which are opposite to each other, where the polarization is maximal, 0.1(tau/0.02) microK in the Rayleigh-Jeans part of the CMB spectrum (tau being the Thomson optical depth across the cluster) exceeding the contribution from the cluster transverse peculiar motion if v_t<1300 km/s. One can hope to detect this small signal by measuring a large number of clusters, thereby effectively removing the systematic contribution from other polarization components produced in clusters. These polarization effects, which are of the order of (v_t/c)^2 tau, (v_t/c) tau^2 and (kT_e/m_ec^2) tau^2, as well as the polarization due to the CMB quadrupole, were previously calculated by Sunyaev and Zel'dovich for the Rayleigh-Jeans region. We fully confirm their earlier results and present exact frequency dependencies for all these effects. The polarization is considerably higher in the Wien region of the CMB spectrum.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figures, submitted to MNRA

    Dynamics of Primordial Black Hole Formation

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    We present a numerical investigation of the gravitational collapse of horizon-size density fluctuations to primordial black holes (PBHs) during the radiation-dominated phase of the Early Universe. The collapse dynamics of three different families of initial perturbation shapes, imposed at the time of horizon crossing, is computed. The perturbation threshold for black hole formation, needed for estimations of the cosmological PBH mass function, is found to be δc0.7\delta_{\rm c} \approx 0.7 rather than the generally employed δc1/3\delta_{\rm c} \approx 1/3, if δ\delta is defined as \Delta M/\mh, the relative excess mass within the initial horizon volume. In order to study the accretion onto the newly formed black holes, we use a numerical scheme that allows us to follow the evolution for long times after formation of the event horizon. In general, small black holes (compared to the horizon mass at the onset of the collapse) give rise to a fluid bounce that effectively shuts off accretion onto the black hole, while large ones do not. In both cases, the growth of the black hole mass owing to accretion is insignificant. Furthermore, the scaling of black hole mass with distance from the formation threshold, known to occur in near-critical gravitational collapse, is demonstrated to apply to primordial black hole formation.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figures, revtex style, submitted to PR

    The Correlation Function of Clusters of Galaxies and the Amplitude of Mass Fluctuations in the Universe

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    We show that if a sample of galaxy clusters is complete above some mass threshold, then hierarchical clustering theories for structure formation predict its autocorrelation function to be determined purely by the cluster abundance and by the spectrum of linear density fluctuations. Thus if the shape of the initial fluctuation spectrum is known, its amplitude σ8\sigma_8 can be estimated directly from the correlation length of a cluster sample in a way which is independent of the value of Ω0\Omega_0. If the cluster mass corresponding to the sample threshold is also known, it provides an independent estimate of the quantity σ8Ω00.6\sigma_8\Omega_0^{0.6}. Thus cluster data should allow both σ8\sigma_8 and Ω0\Omega_0 to be determined observationally. We explore these questions using N-body simulations together with a simple but accurate analytical model based on extensions of Press-Schechter theory. Applying our results to currently available data we find that if the linear fluctuation spectrum has a shape similar to that suggested by the APM galaxy survey, then a correlation length r0r_0 in excess of 20\mpch for Abell clusters would require σ8>1\sigma_8>1, while r_0<15\mpch would require σ8<0.5\sigma_8<0.5. With conventional estimates of the relevant mass threshold these imply \Omega_0\la 0.3 and \Omega_0\ga 1 respectively.Comment: Latex, 25 pages (including 8 PS figures). The PS-file of the paper is also available via anonymous ftp at: ftp://ibm-3.mpa-garching.mpg.de/pub/jing/xicc.ps . Submitted to MNRAS. In the replaced version, a typo in Eq.(1a) is fixe

    Three-dimensional simulations of type Ia supernovae

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    We present the results of three-dimensional hydrodynamical simulations of the subsonic thermonuclear burning phase in type Ia supernovae. The burning front model contains no adjustable parameters so that variations of the explosion outcome can be linked directly to changes in the initial conditions. In particular, we investigate the influence of the initial flame geometry on the explosion energy and find that it appears to be weaker than in 2D. Most importantly, our models predict global properties such as the produced nickel masses and ejecta velocities within their observed ranges without any fine tuning.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figures, accepted by A&

    Unbiased Reconstruction of the Large Scale Structure

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    We present a new Unbiased Minimal Variance (UMV) estimator for the purpose of reconstructing the large--scale structure of the universe from noisy, sparse and incomplete data. Similar to the Wiener Filter (WF), the UMV estimator is derived by requiring the linear minimal variance solution given the data and an assumed prior model specifying the underlying field covariance matrix. However, unlike the WF, the minimization is carried out with the added constraint of an unbiased reconstructed mean field. The new estimator does not necessitate a noise model to estimate the underlying field; however, such a model is required for evaluating the errors at each point in space. The general application of the UMV estimator is to predict the values of the reconstructed field in un-sampled regions of space (e.g., interpolation in the unobserved Zone of Avoidance), and to dynamically transform from one measured field to another (e.g., inversion of radial peculiar velocities to over-densities). Here, we provide two very simple applications of the method. The first, is to recover a 1D signal from noisy, convolved data with gaps, e.g., CMB time-ordered data. The second application is a reconstruction of the density and 3D peculiar velocity fields from mock SEcat galaxy peculiar velocity catalogs.Comment: Revised version with new section and figures. To appear in MNRA

    An analytical model for the non-linear redshift-space power spectrum

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    We use N-body simulations to test the predictions of the redshift distortion in the power spectrum given by the halo model in which the clustering of dark matter particles is considered as a result both of the clustering of dark halos in space and of the distribution of dark matter particles in individual dark halo. The predicted redshift distortion depends sensitively on several model parameters in a way different from the real-space power spectrum. An accurate model of the redshift distortion can be constructed if the following properties of the halo population are modelled accurately: the mass function of dark halos, the velocity dispersion among dark halos, and the non-linear nature of halo bias on small scales. The model can be readily applied to interpreting the clustering properties and velocity dispersion of different populations of galaxies once a cluster-weighted bias (or equivalently an halo occupation number model) is specified for the galaxies. Some non-trivial bias features observed from redshift surveys of optical galaxies and of IRAS galaxies relative to the standard low-density cold dark matter model can be easily explained in the cluster weighted bias model. The halo model further indicates that a linear bias can be a good approximation only on for k <= 0.1 hMpc^{-1}.Comment: 10 pages, 10 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA