2 research outputs found

    Identification of Garlic Viruses Associated with Seed Bulbs and Consumption Bulbs from Several Locations in Indonesia

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    Virus infection is one of the major constraints in garlic production since the viruses are readily accumulated on vegetative propagation material (bulbs). This research aimed to detect garlic common latent virus (GCLV), shallot latent virus (SLV), onion yellow dwarf virus (OYDV), and leek yellow stripe virus (LYSV) infecting local garlic as seed bulb and imported garlic as consumption bulb. Seed bulb samples were obtained from seed breeders in several garlic growing centers in Indonesia. In contrast, consumption bulb samples were obtained from plant quarantine warehouses and three local markets in Bogor. Some bulb samples were used for morphological observations, and some were germinated in the laboratory until the leaves emerged. Leaves were collected for virus detection by RT-PCR using specific primers for GCLV, SLV, OYDV, and LYSV. Seed and consumption bulbs have differences in their morphological characteristics, especially in the type of neck hardness and the size of the bulb diameter. OYDV and LYSV infections were successfully detected in seed and consumption bulbs, while SLV was only found in consumption bulbs. Nucleotide sequence analysis showed that SLV from consumption bulbs formed one group, GCLV from seed bulbs formed one group, while OYDV and LYSV from seed and consumption bulbs were in different groups, indicating that the viruses came from different strains. Further research through high-throughput detection methods and providing virus-free planting material are needed to anticipate the spread of new strains of garlic viruses in Indonesia

    Pengaruh Curah Hujan Dan Hari Hujan Terhadap Produksi Kelapa Sawit Berumur 7, 10, Dan 13 Tahun Di Kebun Huta Padang PT. Perkebunan Nusantara III Persero : Influence of rainfall and rainy day on oil palm production 7, 10, and 13 years old in huta padang PT. Perkebunan Nusantara III Persero

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    Palm oil production depend on the rain and the age composition of plants. The purpose of this research was to determine the effect of rainfall and rainy day as well as the correlation of both on palm oil production in plants aged 7, 10 and 13 years. This research used primary data available in company administration, in the form data of production of fresh fruit bunches (FFB); componen production data as total bunches, average bunches weight, and total of productive trees in 2013, 2014,2015. Rainfall and rainy days data were taken a year before the production data in 2012, 2013, 2014. Analysis method used are double linier regression and correlation analysis. Model tested by classic asumption consists of normality test, heteroskedasticity test, multicollinearity, and autocorellations test by using statistic software SPSS.v.20 for windows. The result of t-partial test showed that rainfall variable had an effect not significantly on age 7, 10 and 13 years at alpha 5% (Sig > α 0.05). While on rainy day variable showed that rainy day had significant effect at age 7 year at alpha 5% (Sig < α 0.05) while at age 10 and 13 year rainy day had an effect not real. While on the regression analysis shows that rain fall and rainy day simultaneously variables unsignificanted with alpha 5% (Sig <α 0.05) to increase the production of FFB at the age of 7, and 10 years. While rain fall and rainy day variables significanted to increase the production of FFB at the age of 13 years. The influence of rainfall and rainy days the FFB production each from ages 7, 10 and 13 years was 50,4%, 44,7%, and 43,8% influence by other variables not included on the model. Correlation results in plants was 7, 10, and 13 years with two-way analysis test at 1% level showed variable rainfall and rainy days have a strong relationship, and positive direction.   Produksi tanaman kelapa sawit bergantung pada hujan dan komposisi umur tanaman. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengetahui pengaruh curah hujan dan hari hujan serta hubungan korelasi keduanya terhadap produksi kelapa sawit pada tanaman berumur 7, 10 dan 13 tahun. Penelitian ini mengunakan data primer yang tersedia di administrasi kebun, berupa data produksi tandan buah segar (TBS); data komponen produksi TBS berupa komponen jumlah janjang, berat janjang rata-rata, dan jumlah pokok produktif pada tahun 2013, 2014, dan 2015. Data curah hujan dan hari hujan diambil setahun sebelum data produksi yaitu pada tahun 2012, 2013, 2014. Metode analisis yang digunakan ialah analisis regresi linear berganda dan analisis korelasi. Model diuji kelayakannya dengan uji asumsi klasik meliputi uji normalitas, uji heteroskedastisitas, uji multikolinearitas, serta uji autokorelasi dengan menggunakan alat bantu statistik SPSS.v.20 for windows. Hasil dari uji t-parsial menunjukan bahwa variabel curah hujan berpengaruh secara tidak nyata pada umur 7, 10 dan 13 tahun pada alpha 5% (Sig > α 0.05). Sedangkan pada variabel hari hujan menunjukan bahwa hari hujan berpengaruh nyata pada umur 7 tahun pada alpha 5% (Sig < α 0.05) sedangkan pada umur 10 dan 13 tahun hari hujan berpengaruh secara tidak nyata. Hasil analisis regresi menunjukkan bahwa variabel curah hujan dan hari hujan secara serempak berpengaruh tidak nyata pada alpha 5% (Sig > α 0.05) terhadap peningkatan produksi TBS pada umur 7, dan 10 tahun. Sementara curah hujan dan hari hujan berpengaruh nyata pada umur 13 tahun. Pengaruh curah hujan dan hari hujan terhadap produksi TBS dari umur 7, 10, dan 13 tahun adalah sebesar 50,4%, 44,7%, dan 43,8% dipengaruhi oleh variabel lain yang tidak dimasukkan didalam model. Hasil analisis korelasi pada tanaman berumur 7, 10, dan 13 tahun dengan analisis dua arah pada taraf uji 1% menunjukkan variabel curah hujan dan hari hujan memiliki hubungan yang kuat, nyata dan (positif) searah