34 research outputs found

    Laju Pertumbuhan Tanaman Dan Produksi Dua Varietas Kacang Hijau (Phaseolus Radiatus L.) Dengan Pemeberian Pupuk Guano

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    The aim of this research was aplication guano on mung bean which hope to can increase the growth and production. This research was conducted at experimental field of Agriculture Faculty USU in Juli-September 2014 using factorial randomized block design with two factor, i.e. types of varieties (betet and walet) and guano (none; 200; 400 and 600 kg/ha). Parameter observed were relative growth rate and dry weight of seeds per sample. The result showed that varieties and guano application significantly affect the parameters of relative growth rate in the 10-21 day after planted (DAP). The interaction of two factor significantly affect on parameters dry weight of seeds per sample. However application of guano on mung bean no significant effect the parameters crop growth rate, days to flowering, days to harvesting, number of seed per sample, weight of 1000 seed and seed production per plot

    Pengujian Kompos Tithonia (Tithonia Diversifolia) Pada Dua Varietas Sorgum (Sorghum Bicolor (L.) Moench) Di Desa Siopat Sosor Kabupaten Samosir

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    The aim of this research was to know growth response and production of some sorghum varieties to the addition of tithonia compost. The research was held from July - November 2014, used randomized block design with three factors addition of tithonia compost (0, 10, and 20 ton/ha) and two varieties (Kawali and Numbu). Parameters measured were plant height,the number of leaves , flowering time, weight of panicle seed per sample, weight of panicle seed per plot, yield per sample, yield per plot, and 1000 grains weight. The result showed that compost doesn't affected significantly on all of parameters. Varieties affected significantly on plant height, the number of leaves, flowering time, yield per sample, yield per plot, and 1000 grains weight. There were not any interaction between compost and variety on all parameters. The best result was found in the combination of 10 kg tithonia compost and numbu variety

    Studi Pertumbuhan Dan Produksi Sistem Tanam Dan Varietas Kedelai (Glycine Max Merrill) Di Antara Barisan Tanam Kelapa Sawit Umur 16 Tahun

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    The objective of this research was to study growth and yield of soybean varieties on different plantspacing. This research was done in PTPN 3 Afdeling VII Kebun Rambutan, Sumatera Utara. Usingrandomized block design of two factor were plant spacing (squared and penta) and varieties ofsoybean (Anjasmoro, Nanti). The result showed that plant spacing was significantly effect to plantheight at 3 and 4 WAP (week after planting). Varieties significantly effect to plant height at 4 and 6WAP (week after planting), productivity/plot and weight of 100 seeds. The interaction of plantspacing and varieties significantly effect to leaf number

    Respons Pertumbuhan Dan Produksi Kedelai Hasil Seleksi Terhadap Pemberian Asam Askorbat Dan Inokulasi Fungi Mikoriza Arbuskular Di Tanah Salin

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    Using of saline land to grow up soybean has constraints such yield decreasing. By using ofsaline tolerant soybean, using ascorbate acid, and inoculation of mychorrizha vesicular arbuscular(MVA) aimed to increasing growth and yield of soybean in saline land.This research was conductedat Kecamatan Percut Sei Tuan Kabupaten Deli Serdang in Februari – Mei 2013, using split split plotdesign with three factors, i.e. variety of saline tolerant soybean (Grobogan no selection andGrobogan F4 selection), giving of ascorbate acid (0 dan 500 ppm) and MVA isolate (MVA type 1,type 2, type 3, type 4 and type 5). Parameter observed were plant height, number of leaves, numberof productive branches, production per plant.The result of the research showed that using of salinetolerant soybean significantly increase all parameters observed. Giving of ascorbate acidsignificantly increase number of productive branches. Inoculation of MVA significantly effect allparameters observed. Interaction between variety of saline tolerant soybean and giving ascorbateacid were not significantly effect all parameters observed. Interaction between variety of salinetolerant soybean and giving of MVA significantly effected number of leaves 5 week after planting(WAP) and production per plant. Interaction between giving of ascorbate acid and MVA were notsignificantly effect all parameters observed. Interaction of three factors were not significantly effectall parameters observed

    Pertumbuhan Dan Produksi Jagung Hibrida Pada Berbagai Campuran Pupuk Kandang Sapi Dan N, P, K, Mg

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    The purpose of research is to find out the growth and production of hybrid corn at various manure cow mixture and N, P, K, Mg. This research was conducted at Tanjung Anom Village from October 2015 until January 2016. This research used non factorial randomized design, Application of manure cow mixture and N, P, K, Mg significant effect to plant height 6, 7 WAP and stem diameter. Application of manure cow mixture and N, P, K, Mg was not significant effect to leaf area, number of rows per cob, cob diameter, cob length, dry root weight, dry seeds weight per sample, dry 100 seeds weight, production per plot, production per hectare. The best application of manure cow mixture (5 ton/ha) + N (300 kg urea/ha) + K (120 kg KCl/ha) + Mg (400 kg Dolomit/ha) was 9,20 ton per hectare

    Respon Bawang Merah (Allium Ascalonicum L.) Varietas Medan Pada Tanah Terkena Debu Vulkanik Dengan Pemberian Bahan Organik

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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengetahui pertumbuhan dan produksi bawang merah(Allium ascalonicum L.) var. Medan terhadap pemberian bahan organik pada tanah terkena debuvulkanik Gunung Sinabung. Penelitian dilaksanakan di lahan percobaan Fakultas Pertanian USU,Medan, yang berada ± 25 dpl, dari bulan Juli sampai September 2014. Penelitian menggunakanRancangan Acak Kelompok dengan dua Faktor perlakuan. Faktor pertama kompos jerami padi (0;15; 30 g/polibag) dan faktor kedua pupuk kandang ayam (0; 15; 30 g/polibag). Parameter yangdiamati : tinggi tanaman, jumlah anakan, jumlah daun, jumlah siung, diameter umbi basah dankering, bobot umbi basah dan kering per sampel, bobot umbi basah dan kering per plot. Hasilpenelitian menunjukkan perlakuan kompos jerami padi (P) berpengaruh nyata meningkatkan tinggitanaman umur 5 MST, menurunkan jumlah anakan umur 5 MST, meningkatkan diameter umbibasah dan kering, meningkatkan bobot umbi basah dan kering per sampel. Perlakuan pupukkandang ayam (J) berpengaruh nyata meningkatkan tinggi tanaman umur 4 - 5 MST, meningkatkandiameter umbi basah dan kering, bobot umbi basah dan kering per sampel. Interakasi antara keduaperlakuan tersebut berpengaruh nyata meningkatkan diameter umbi basah dan kering

    Uji Perbedaan Sistem Jajar Legowo Terhadap Beberapa Varietas Padi (Oryza Sativa L.) Pada Lahan Sawah Tadah Hujan

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    The row spacing system on varieties of rice (Oryza sativa L.) in rain fed field, guided by Lisa Mawarni and Rosmayati. This research is to know the differences effect of row spacing system to growth and production of rice plant in rain water paddy field. This research had done at Desa Sendang Rejo, Kecamatan Binjai, North Sumatera with the 50 meters of sea level, from April until August 2015. This research used split-plot design with two factors and three replicates. The first factor was row spacing system (square, row spacing 2:1, row spacing 4:1). The second factor was varieties (Ciherang, Mekongga, and IR 64). The result show that the planting system effect was not significant to all parameters but the varieties significantly influence the high plant, tiller numbers, leaf length , weight of panicle per sample, weight of 1000 grain, weight of grain per panicle and production per plot. The interaction significantly influence for plant height 2,3 and 6 weeks after planting (wap), numbers of tillers 2,5 and 6 wap, and weight of grain per panicle. The highest production variety was Ciherang 3,84 kilograms per areas (4,5 m²) and the lowest production was IR 64 variety 2,92 kilograms per areas

    Respons Pertumbuhan Dan Produksi Tanaman Ubi Jalar (Ipomoea Batatas L.) Terhadap Pemberian Pupuk Bokashi Dan Frekuensi Pembumbunan

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan dosis bokashi dan frekuensi pembumbunan yang dapat meningkatkan pertumbuhan dan produksi ubi jalar. Penelitian dilaksanakan di Desa Tanjung Anom, Medan Sunggal pada Oktober 2015 sampai Januari 2016. Metode penelitian menggunakan rancangan acak kelompok faktorial dengan dua faktor yaitu pupuk bokashi (0, 5, 10, 15 ton/ha) dan frekuensi pembumbunan (2, 3 dan 4 kali). Parameter yang diamati adalah pertambahan panjang tanaman per sampel, jumlah umbi per sampel, panjang umbi per sampel, diameter umbi per sampel, bobot umbi per sampel, bobot umbi per plot, bobot biomassa tanaman per sampel, rataan bobot umbi dan indeks panen. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan dosis pupuk bokashi berpengaruh nyata meningkatkan bobot umbi per sampel. Frekuensi pembumbunan berpengaruh nyata meningkatkan diameter umbi per sampel. Interaksi antara dosis pupuk bokashi dan frekuensi pembumbunan berpengaruh tidak nyata terhadap seluruh parameter