8 research outputs found

    Implementasi Case-based Reasoning Untuk Sistem Tanya Jawab Penyakit Pada Anjing

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    This debriefing question answering system using Case Base Reasoning algorithm. Case Base Reasoning is an algorithm to solve new problems by comparing the old problems or solve new problems by providing answers from a document.In this system uses several methods to process the document as an information / knowledge that makes the system increasingly relevant in answering the question. The method used is the Modified K-Nearest Neighbour, Vector Space Model and Paragraph Based Passage. M-KNN method is used to facilitate in classifying diseases in dogs, VSM method is used to search for relevant documents that match the query. then to provide answers to relevant documents obtained by the system used method Based Paragraph Passage. This level of accuracy obtained from this exchange system using training data 228 is equal to 92% with a value of k = 3

    Analisis Emosi Pada Teks Bahasa Indonesia Dengan Metode Neighbour-weighted K-nearest Neighbour

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    Currently, the electronic media in the form of text became one of the primary of communication, so communication indirectly be a form of communication that is often used. Communication with text can not deliver emotions directly and can be misunderstood because of the perception of words so it needs application to help determine emotions in text communication. Analysis of emotions using Neighbour-Weighted K-Nearest Neighbour to classify the uneven distribution of data. The accuracy of emotion analysis system in the Indonesian language text by using Neighbour-Weighted K-Nearest Neighbour is about 76%

    Pembuatan Game Simulasi Living Without Money Menggunakan Unity

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    Simulation game "Living Without Money" is a series of life simulation game the theme story of a fictional essay. This game has a background story i.e. the player plays as the grandson of a grandmother who lived through the Bethany way, raising and barter with residents of the village of Verdon. Barter trading process is done with a pretty unique. The game is played using the Android mobile device. How to play this game fairly easily. The player can touch screen smartphone for redirecting a folder properly and start the game. Players simply run the mission stated on the menu quest to ascend the next level. This game is interesting enough to be played by all circles both children, teens and adults. Game testing is done through three phases namely blackbox testing, alpha testing and beta testing. Through the blackbox testing, all of the modules contained in the game works and runs fine. Alpha testing is testing a game that made according or not before given to the user. After going through the stage of beta testing, the game was summed up by the respondent related that argues the game is quite interesting and worthy played all ages

    Pengembangan Sistem Agregator Berita Bahasa Indonesia Menggunakan Content Extraction Dan Hierarchical Agglomerative Clustering

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    The main focus of this study is to develop system to aggregate Indonesian online newspaper and cluster it according to its topic automatically. The system use content extraction to get the main content of articles and Hierarchical Agglomerative Clustering to group articles by its topic with Dice Similarity Coefficient for similarity measure. To determine the cutting point, we cut dendrogram where the gap between two successive combination similarities is largest. Additionally, we add threshold to limit cutting area to improve cluster result. We use Standard Boolean Model for searching feature and Silhouette to evaluate cluster results. Test results using 998 articles shows that limiting cutting area with 0.1 and 0.5 can produce highest average silhouette value 0.264

    Personal Identification Berbasis Web Menggunakan Multinomial Naïve Bayes

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    Personality is a whole way an individual reacts and interacts with other individuals[1] In this personal identification using the basic theory of Hippocrates. The method used for classification is Multinomial Naïve Bayes. There are several stages of preprocessing such as casefolding, tokenizing with unigram and Bigram well as term frequency. The results of the classification is divided into four categories: sanguine, melancholic, plegmatis and choleric. Confusion matrix is used as evaluation with 85 % accuracy value of 160 training data and 40 testing data consist each category