105 research outputs found


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    Ultrasonically determined thyroid volume and thyroid functions in lithium-naive and lithium-treated patients with bipolar disorder: a cross-sectional and longitudinal study

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    Objective This study investigated thyroid volume, hormone levels and antibodies in long-term lithium-treated and lithium-naive bipolar patients, some of whom underwent prospective follow-up evaluations

    Percutaneous Transhepatic Removal of Bile Duct Stones: Results of 261 Patients

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    To determine the effectiveness of percutaneous transhepatic removal of bile duct stones when the procedure of endoscopic therapy fails for reasons of anatomical anomalies or is rejected by the patient

    Unexpected complete aortorenal occlusion

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    In chronic aorto-iliac occlusive disease, pre-existing renal artery stenosis may give rise to sufficient development of collateral blood flow and prevent ischaemic symptoms for a long time and therefore may cause delay in diagnosis. An early diagnosis of aorto-iliac disease is necessary in order to avoid fatal outcome. Duplex scanning is generally used to rule out a renal artery stenosis. This can generally detect the occlusion, but has some drawbacks such as obesity gas interposition, accessory renal arteries or the anatomy of the left renal artery, which may hinder complete examination of both renal arteries and may give rise to misdiagnosis. On the other hand, CT may provide detailed anatomic information

    Endovascular treatment in a patient with recurrent angina

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    The left internal mammary artery (IMA) is the preferred native graft for left anterior descending revascularisation owing to its favourable long-term patency and resistance to atherosclerosis. Incomplete ligation of the IMA side branches may cause recurrent angina due to flow diversion. Reoperation for ligating this unligated side branches may be performed but damage to the internal mammary artery or saphenous graft are the potential complications of this procedure. Therefore less invasive endovascular methods should be preferred. In this paper we report a patient with recurrent angina due to a large unligated left internal mammary artery side branch that was succesfully treated with percutaneous coil embolisation

    Endovascular treatment of lower limb penetrating arterial traumas

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    Purpose: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of percutaneous arterial embolization in patients with penetrating peripheral arterial trauma.PURPOSE:The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of percutaneous arterial embolization in patients with penetrating peripheral arterial trauma.MATERIALS AND METHODS:Twelve patients with penetrating peripheral arterial trauma were treated with percutaneous arterial embolization between 2002 and 2007. All injuries were secondary to penetrating stab wounds. Active bleeding (eight patients), recurrent bleeding episodes (one patient), persistent pain and mass (one patient), leg edema, claudication, swelling (one patient), local hyperemia, and pain (one patient) were the presenting symptoms. Microcatheter systems were used for catheterization. We used n-butyl cyanoacrylate mixture as the embolizing agent in all patients.RESULTS:On angiograms the inferior gluteal artery (one patient), internal pudendal artery (one patient), perforating branch of the profundal femoral artery (six patients), superficial femoral artery (one patient), peroneal artery (two patients), and anterior tibial artery (one patient) were found to be injured. In all patients, the source of arterial bleeding could be reached, and a safe embolization was achieved. Nontarget embolization due to backflow of n-butyl cyanoacrylate mixture was detected in two patients and inguinal hematoma at the puncture site occurred in one patient.CONCLUSIONS:We conclude that embolization-particularly n-butyl cyanoacrylate embolization-is technically feasible in patients with penetrating peripheral arterial trauma