6 research outputs found

    Kurşun İzotoplarının Toplam Fotonötron Tesir Kesiti

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    Taking high doses of radiation, although there are a wide range of applications that are harmful to health, radiation protection is an important study of physics in recent years. The selection of armor material for radiation protection is important to know the interaction of radiation with matter. In this sense, the total cross section of the material to be chosen as the armor material must be known. In this study, photoneutron reaction cross sections are calculated for lead and isotopes that the most important materials used in radiation armored. TALYS 1.2 computer programme is used for calculated cross sections. The calculated cross sections have been compared with the experimental (EXFOR-Experimental Nuclear Reaction Data) and evaluated (TENDL- TALYS based Evaluated Nuclear Data Library) cross sections. It was seen that the agreement between all results, calculated cross section with experimental and evaluated cross sections, are goo

    İnsuline bağımlı diyabetes mellituslu çocuklarda tiroid fonksiyonları

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    Thyroid functions in insulin dependent diabetes mellitus vary depending on different causes. Not only metabolic reasons due to hyperglicemia and ketoasidosis cause these changes, but destruction of the gland by autoimmune factors can be the reason as well. in this study, the changes of thyroid functions at the time of diagnosis and during the course of illness were analyzed. Thyroid functions and thyroid autoantibodies ( anti-thyroglobulin antibody and anti-microsomal antibody ) were examined in 28 patients with IDDM at the time of diagnosis and at the first, the third and the fifth years of the illness. Total T3 (tT3 )/ Total T4 (tT4 ) ratio and tT3 levels at the time of diagnosis were found decreased when compared with the findings during the follow up. in this period, there was a significant decline at tT3 and tT4 levels of healthy children.İnsuline bağımlı diyabetes mellitus'ta (İBDM) tiroid fonksiyonları çeşitli nedenlerle değişiklikler gösterir. Bu değişiklikler hiperglisemi ve ketasidoza bağlı metabolik nedenler sonucu olabildiği gibi bezin otoimmun nedenlerle hasarlanmasına da bağlı olabilir. Bu çalışmada hastalığın tanı zamanında ve izlem sırasındaki tiroid fonksiyonlanndaki değişiklikler araştırıldı. İBDM 'lu 28 hastada tanı zamanı ve hastalığın 1, 3, ve 5 yıllarında tiroid fonksiyonları ve tiroid otoantikorları (antitiroglobulin antikor ve antimikrosomal antikor) bakıldı.. Tanı zamanında total T3 (tT3)/total T4 (tT4) oranı ve tT3 düzeylerinde izlem sırasındaki verilere göre azalma saptandı. Bu dönemde sağlıklı çocuk tT3 ve tJ4 değerlerine göre de anlamlı azalma vardı

    Shielding property of natural biomass against gamma rays

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    WOS: 000324904100003PubMed: 24912221Algae and cyanobacteria are capable living under harsh conditions in the natural environments and can develop peculiar survival processes. In order to evaluate radiation shielding properties of green algae; Chlorella vulgaris, Scenedesmus obliquus, and cyanobacteria; Synechococcus sp., Planktothrix limnetica, Microcystis aeruginosa, Arthrospira maxima, Anabaena affinis, Phormidium articulatum, and Pseudoanabaena sp. were cultured in batch systems. Air dried biomass was tested for its high tolerance to gamma-radiations in terms of linear attenuation coefficients. In the present work, the linear and mass attenuation coefficients were measured at photon energies of 1173 and 1332keV. Protection capacity of some biomass was observed to be higher than a 1-cm thick lead standard for comparison. Gamma ray related protection depends not only to thickness but also to density (g/cm(3)). Hence the effect of biomass density also was tested and significantly found the tested biomass absorbed more of the incoming energy on a density basis than lead. This paper discusses the a new approach to environmental protection from gamma ray, The findings suggest that the test samples, especially cyanobacteria, have a potential for reducing gamma ray more significantly than lead and can be used as shielding materials

    Natural Radioactivity Concentration of Peanuts in Osmaniye-Turkey.

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    The peanut is grown in Osmaniye where located in southern Turkey. Due to it is grown underground, the measurements of natural radioactivity of peanuts become important. For this reason some peanut samples have been collected from different places of Osmaniye and the measurements of natural activity concentrations for 40K, 226Ra and 232Th in some peanuts samples have been carried out using a NaI(Tl) gamma-ray spectrometer. Activity of 40K was measured from its intensive line at 1460 keV, for 226Ra activity peak from 214Bi at 1760 keV and 232Th activity, peak from 208Tl at energy of 2610 keV was used