249 research outputs found

    Application of a Parametric Level-Set Approach to Topology Optimization of Fluids with the Navier–Stokes and Lattice Boltzmann Equations

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    Traditional material distribution based methods applied to the topology optimization of fluidic systems often suffer from rather slow convergence. The local influence of the design variables in the traditional material distribution based approaches is seen as the primary cause, leading to small gradients which cannot drive the optimization process sufficiently. The present work is an attempt to improve the rate of convergence of topology optimization methods of fluidic systems by employing a parametric level-set function coupled with a topology description approach. Using level-set methods, a global impact of design variables is achieved and the material description is decoupled from the flow field discretization. This promises to improve the gradients with respect to the design variables and can be applied to rather different types of fluid formulations and discretization methods. In the present work, a finite element method for solving the Navier-Stokes equations and a hydrodynamic finite difference lattice Boltzmann method are considered. Using a 2D example the parametric level-set approach is validated through comparison with traditional material distribution based methods. While the parametric level-set approach leads to the desired optimal designs and has advantages such as improved modularity and smoothness of design boundaries when compared to material distribution based methods, the present study does not reveal improvements for the convergence of the optimization problem

    Whole-Genome Sequence Analysis of an Extensively Drug-Resistant Salmonella enterica Serovar Agona Isolate from an Australian Silver Gull (Chroicocephalus novaehollandiae) Reveals the Acquisition of Multidrug Resistance Plasmids.

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    Although most of the approximately 94 million annual human cases of gastroenteritis due to Salmonella enterica resolve without medical intervention, antimicrobial therapy is recommended for patients with severe disease. Wild birds can be natural hosts of Salmonella that pose a threat to human health; however, multiple-drug-resistant serovars of S. enterica have rarely been described. In 2012, silver gull (Chroicocephalus novaehollandiae) chicks at a major breeding colony were shown to host Salmonella, most isolates of which were susceptible to antibiotics. However, multiple-drug-resistant (MDR) Escherichia coli with resistance to carbapenems, ceftazidime, and fluoroquinolones was reported from this breeding colony. In this paper, we describe a novel MDR Salmonella strain subsequently isolated from the same breeding colony. SG17-135, an isolate of S. enterica with phenotypic resistance to 12 individual antibiotics but only nine antibiotic classes including penicillins, cephalosporins, monobactams, macrolides, fluoroquinolones, aminoglycosides, dihydrofolate reductase inhibitors (trimethoprim), sulfonamides, and glycylcyclines was recovered from a gull chick in 2017. Whole-genome sequence (WGS) analysis of SG17-135 identified it as Salmonella enterica serovar Agona (S Agona) with a chromosome comprising 4,813,284 bp, an IncHI2 ST2 plasmid (pSG17-135-HI2) of 311,615 bp, and an IncX1 plasmid (pSG17-135-X) of 27,511 bp. pSG17-135-HI2 housed a complex resistance region comprising 16 antimicrobial resistance genes including blaCTX-M-55 The acquisition of MDR plasmids by S. enterica described here poses a serious threat to human health. Our study highlights the importance of taking a One Health approach to identify environmental reservoirs of drug-resistant pathogens and MDR plasmids.IMPORTANCE Defining environmental reservoirs hosting mobile genetic elements that shuttle critically important antibiotic resistance genes is key to understanding antimicrobial resistance (AMR) from a One Health perspective. Gulls frequent public amenities, parklands, and sewage and other waste disposal sites and carry drug-resistant Escherichia coli Here, we report on SG17-135, a strain of Salmonella enterica serovar Agona isolated from the cloaca of a silver gull chick nesting on an island in geographic proximity to the greater metropolitan area of Sydney, Australia. SG17-135 is closely related to pathogenic strains of S Agona, displays resistance to nine antimicrobial classes, and carries important virulence gene cargo. Most of the antibiotic resistance genes hosted by SG17-135 are clustered on a large IncHI2 plasmid and are flanked by copies of IS26 Wild birds represent an important link in the evolution and transmission of resistance plasmids, and an understanding of their behavior is needed to expose the interplay between clinical and environmental microbial communities

    Cultivating a Culture of Inclusivity in Heliophysics

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    A large number of heliophysicists from across career levels, institution types, and job titles came together to support a poster at Heliophysics 2050 and the position papers for the 2024 Heliophysics decadal survey titled “Cultivating a Culture of Inclusivity in Heliophysics,” “The Importance of Policies: It’s not just a pipeline problem,” and “Mentorship within Heliophysics.” While writing these position papers, the number of people who privately shared disturbing stories and experiences of bullying and harassment was shocking. The number of people who privately expressed how burned out they were was staggering. The number of people who privately spoke about how they considered leaving the field for their and their family’s health was astounding. And for as much good there is in our community, it is still a toxic environment for many. If we fail to do something now, our field will continue to suffer. While acknowledging the ongoing growth that we as individuals must work toward, we call on our colleagues to join us in working on organizational, group, and personal levels toward a truly inclusive culture, for the wellbeing of our colleagues and the success of our field. This work includes policies, processes, and commitments to promote: accountability for bad actors; financial security through removing the constant anxiety about funding; prioritization of mental health and community through removing constant deadlines and constant last-minute requests; a collaborative culture rather than a hyper-competitive one; and a community where people can thrive as whole persons and do not have to give up a healthy or well-rounded life to succeed

    The Intentional Use of Service Recovery Strategies to Influence Consumer Emotion, Cognition and Behaviour

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    Service recovery strategies have been identified as a critical factor in the success of. service organizations. This study develops a conceptual frame work to investigate how specific service recovery strategies influence the emotional, cognitive and negative behavioural responses of . consumers., as well as how emotion and cognition influence negative behavior. Understanding the impact of specific service recovery strategies will allow service providers' to more deliberately and intentionally engage in strategies that result in positive organizational outcomes. This study was conducted using a 2 x 2 between-subjects quasi-experimental design. The results suggest that service recovery has a significant impact on emotion, cognition and negative behavior. Similarly, satisfaction, negative emotion and positive emotion all influence negative behavior but distributive justice has no effect

    Detection and Verification of Mammalian Mirtrons by Northern Blotting

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    microRNAs (miRNAs) have vital roles in regulating gene expression—contributing to major diseases like cancer and heart disease. Over the last decade, thousands of miRNAs have been discovered through high throughput sequencing-based annotation. Different classes have been described, as well as a great dynamic range of expression levels. While sequencing approaches provide insight into biogenesis and allow confident identification, there is a need for additional methods for validation and characterization. Northern blotting was one of the first techniques used for studying miRNAs, and remains one of the most valuable as it avoids enzymatic manipulation of miRNA transcripts. Blotting can also provide insight into biogenesis by revealing RNA processing intermediates. Compared to sequencing, however, northern blotting is a relatively insensitive technology. This creates a challenge for detecting low expressed miRNAs, particularly those produced by inefficient, non-canonical pathways. In this chapter, we describe a strategy to study such miRNAs by northern blotting that involves ectopic expression of both miRNAs and miRNA-binding Argonaute (Ago) proteins. Through use of epitope tags, this strategy also provides a convenient method for verification of small RNA competency to be loaded into regulatory complexes
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