83 research outputs found

    Lakseprisens effekt på norske havbruksleverandører

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    Guds brente barn : Ein analyse av Tor Edvin og Håkon Dahl si bok Vi som ikke kommer til himmelen

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    Master's thesis in Nordic languages and literature (NO500)The book Vi som ikke kommer til himmelen by the two brothers Tor Edvin and HåkonDahl tells a story about a childhood of events that left them emotionally scarred. These wounds and the consequences of what they experienced linger to this day, though they now are men of age. They look back and reflect upon the phenomenaand events thatare linked to their family and their upbringing in the Pentacostal church, two components that are tightly interwined in their story.The book is an autobiographical representation, and I have hence worked on the story basedon different views on autobiography asa genre. I have mainly discussed the theories of Philippe Lejeune and Paul de Man,and concludedthat we need both these perspectives in the analysis of this book. Both brothers are putting into words their experience of being traumatized, and they feel haunted by events and persons from the past. I have therefore utilized mainly two theoretical approaches in my portrayal, hauntology and theoretical views on mediated memories. The haunting in particular becomes evident working with this book. By this I mean that traumatic events and phenomenaare passed on through generations where ‘phantoms’ haunt and torment the following generations, even if those individuals may be unaware of the past events that form the foundation of the trauma. The way I read this book the transgenerational trauma isthe main theme of thestory. This trauma provides the background for the settlement of the narrative of authority that the Pentecostal church presented to them in their upbringing. In my opinion this settlement with the simplification of life interpretation is the driving force for this book

    Tilrettelegging for nyttedyr i jordbrukslandskapet

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    Integrert plante- og pollinatorvern (IPPV) er et relativt nytt konsept som omfatter tiltak med mål om å forbedre bærekraften i norsk jordbruk. Gjennom målrettede IPPV tiltak legges det til rette for økt biologisk mangfold i jordbrukslandskapet, både for å begrense bruk av plantevernmidler og forbedre pollineringen. Både pollinering og naturlig skadedyrkontroll er viktige økosystemtjenester som jordbruket kan dra stor nytte av.Tilrettelegging for nyttedyr i jordbrukslandskapetpublishedVersio

    Arbuscular mycorrhizas are present on Spitsbergen

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    A previous study of 76 plant species on Spitsbergen in the High Arctic concluded that structures resembling arbuscular mycorrhizas were absent from roots. Here, we report a survey examining the roots of 13 grass and forb species collected from 12 sites on the island for arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) colonisation. Of the 102 individuals collected, we recorded AM endophytes in the roots of 41 plants of 11 species (Alopecurus ovatus, Deschampsia alpina, Festuca rubra ssp. richardsonii, putative viviparous hybrids of Poa arctica and Poa pratensis, Poa arctica ssp. arctica, Trisetum spicatum, Coptidium spitsbergense, Ranunculus nivalis, Ranunculuspygmaeus, Ranunculus sulphureus and Taraxacum arcticum) sampled from 10 sites. Both coarse AM endophyte, with hyphae of 5–10 μm width, vesicles and occasional arbuscules, and fine endophyte, consisting of hyphae of 1–3 μm width and sparse arbuscules, were recorded in roots. Coarse AM hyphae, vesicles, arbuscules and fine endophyte hyphae occupied 1.0–30.7, 0.8–18.3, 0.7–11.9 and 0.7–12.8% of the root lengths of colonised plants, respectively. Principal component analysis indicated no associations between the abundances of AM structures in roots and edaphic factors. We conclude that the AM symbiosis is present in grass and forb roots on Spitsbergen

    SWOT-analyse av det norske landbaserte matproduksjonssystemets bidrag til matsikkerhet

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    Det norske landbasert matsystemet kan defineres som et system bestående av produksjon, foredling, transport og konsumpsjon av jordbruksprodukt. I denne rapporten presenteres resultatene av en SWOT-analyse med hensyn til norsk matsikkerhet av produksjonsdelen av matsystemet. Formålet med SWOT-analysen var å 1) avdekke de viktigste komponenter for å sikre bærekraft for norsk selvforsyning og hvilke trekk i matsystemet som kan svekke denne bærekraften, og 2) drøfte effekten av forventet politikkutvikling på disse komponentene, og klargjøre hvordan dette påvirkere selvforsyningen, dvs. evaluere selvforsyningens robusthet.SWOT-analyse av det norske landbaserte matproduksjonssystemets bidrag til matsikkerhetpublishedVersio

    Long-term Effects of Shifts in Grazing Pressure on Alpine Plant Species along an Elevational Gradient

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    Sheep (Ovis aries) are the main large herbivore in Norwegian mountains during summer and these herbivores have shaped alpine plant communities over a long land-use history. Sheep are selective feeders, and increased livestock densities increases the pressure on some plant species and growth form groups while others benefit from grazing. Cessation of grazing also alters the competitive relationship among plants, but how plant species respond to shifts in grazing pressure along an elevational gradient in the long term is less known. I used a large-scale enclosure experiment, located in the low- to mid-alpine zone, with fixed sheep densities (0, 25 (maintained density) and 80 sheep km-2). Frequency changes of plant species (n = 37) and growth form groups were studied in permanent vegetation plots during 12 years of experimental grazing. Few effects were detected in response to changes in grazing intensity in general, except for the tall herbs, which increased in response to cessation of grazing. More responses appeared, both on growth form- and species level, when considering the effects along the elevational gradient, where low herbs increased at low elevations in response to enhanced grazing and dwarf shrubs moved upward along the elevational gradient in response to cessation of grazing. This study demonstrates that elevation is an important factor when assessing responses of plant species to changes in grazing pressure, and that varying responses are found among species with same growth form. These results are valuable in terms of understanding indirect effects of the current climate- and land-use driven changes in sub-alpine and alpine ecosystems

    The influence of entrepreneurial role models on commercialization of research from universities

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    Det har de siste tiårene vært et økt fokus på akademisk entreprenørskap, med mål om økt kommersialisering fra universiteter. Entreprenørielle rollemodeller er ansett som én av mange faktorer som påvirker kommersialiseringsprosessen positivt. Til tross for dette finnes det begrenset forskning på entreprenørielle rollemodeller i akademia. Formålet med denne studien er å utforske hvordan entreprenørielle rollemodeller bidrar til økt kommersialiseringsrate fra universiteter. Spesielt effekten av entreprenørielle rollemodeller på andre akademikeres entreprenørielle intensjoner og atferd vil bli undersøkt. To problemstillinger har blitt definert for dette formålet: Problemstilling 1: Hvordan blir akademikeres entreprenørielle intensjoner og atferd påvirket av entreprenørielle rollemodeller? Problemstilling 2: Hva er de direkte og indirekte funksjonene av innflytelse fra rollemodell til akademiker? En enkel casestudie i et dypteknologisk forskningsmiljø har blitt utført for å svare på problemstillingene og oppfylle formålet med studien. Kvalitative semi-strukturerte intervjuer har blitt gjennomført med 6 akademikere i forskningsmiljøet, der alle akademikerne allerede har vist entreprenøriell atferd. Akademikerne har blitt spurt om deres oppfatning av akademisk entreprenørielle rollemodeller. Funnene fra studien har gitt et bedre innblikk i hvordan ulike rollemodeller påvirker akademikere ulikt. Rollemodeller ser ut til å påvirke akademikere i deres oppfattede sannsynlighet for å lykkes med kommersialisering, samt på deres ønske om kommersialisering. Spesielt likheter og ulikheter mellom akademikerne og deres rollemodeller, og dermed akademikernes oppfatning av rollemodellene, ser ut til å være en viktig faktor for hvilken type påvirkning rollemodellene har. Disse funnene gir en mulig forklaring på de motstridende funnene i eksisterende litteratur. Mens de fleste eksisterende studier fokuserer på kvantitative effekter av rollemodeller på entreprenørielle intensjoner, bidrar denne studien til eksisterende litteratur ved å belyse hvordan akademikere blir påvirket til entreprenøriell atferd. Videre gir studien konkrete råd til forskningsmiljøer angående hvordan de kan fremme en kultur for entreprenørskap, og dermed øke grad av kommersialisering fra universitetet. Studien belyser i tillegg mangler i litteraturen og kommer med anbefalinger for videre forskning

    Kari Traa as in Canada

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    Since its inception in 2002, Kari Traa AS, created by the Olympic skier Kari Traa, has experienced great success. Starting out with just toques, it now has an extensive product line. It has become the market leader for base layers in Scandinavia, and its products are now sold in 11 countries. Kari Traa AS is in now the planning phase of entering the Canadian market. The aim of this report is to examine the market potential for Kari Traa AS in Canada; for this, the team has developed the following research question: “Is it possible and attractive for KT to introduce its main products (wool base layers, technical base layers, toques, headbands and neckbands, socks, fleece and outerwear) to the Canadian market, and if so, which are the most suitable entry strategies”. When starting, NorCan Consulting had limited prior knowledge of the Canadian market. To answer the research problem, it was therefore necessary to perform both primary and secondary research. After an introduction and internal scan of Kari Traa AS, the report describes external factors that the company needs to be aware of when entering Canada. Further, the report provides insight into the Canadian market in terms of retailing trends, and the snowsport market. In addition, the results from the team’s survey are presented, and KT’s direct competitors are analysed. Based on this, the team made an estimation of the market size. The internal and external scan are then reviewed in a situation summary. Finally, a strategy is developed for a nationwide entry, and marketing tactics Kari Traa AS can use, are proposed. The team believes Kari Traa AS’ products will be attractive in the Canadian market, since they differentiate themselves from the competitors. The entry strategy the team proposed for Kari Traa AS is to sign a license-agreement. The team sees this as the most suitable option for Kari Traa AS

    CESP 2019: CERN Entrepreneurship Student Programme

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    Introducing the CERN Entrepreneurship Student Programme: Why, How and What