10,032 research outputs found

    Umklapp scattering as the origin of TT-linear resistivity in the normal state of high-TcT_c cuprate superconductors

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    The high-temperature normal state of the unconventional cuprate superconductors has resistivity linear in temperature TT, which persists to values well beyond the Mott-Ioffe-Regel upper bound. At low-temperature, within the pseudogap phase, the resistivity is instead quadratic in TT, as would be expected from Fermi liquid theory. Developing an understanding of these normal phases of the cuprates is crucial to explain the unconventional superconductivity. We present a simple explanation for this behavior, in terms of umklapp scattering of electrons. This fits within the general picture emerging from functional renormalization group calculations that spurred the Yang-Rice-Zhang ansatz: umklapp scattering is at the heart of the behavior in the normal phase.Comment: v1 6+1 pages, 4 figures; v2 6+2 pages, 4 figures; v3 6 + 2.5 pages, 5 figure

    The Magellanic Bridge: The Nearest Purely Tidal Stellar Population

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    We report on observations of the stellar populations in twelve fields spanning the region between the Magellanic Clouds, made with the Mosaic-II camera on the 4-meter telescope at the Cerro-Tololo Inter-American Observatory. The two main goals of the observations are to characterize the young stellar population (which presumably formed in situ in the Bridge and therefore represents the nearest stellar population formed from tidal debris), and to search for an older stellar component (which would have been stripped from either Cloud as stars, by the same tidal forces which formed the gaseous Bridge). We determine the star-formation history of the young inter-Cloud population, which provides a constraint on the timing of the gravitational interaction which formed the Bridge. We do not detect an older stellar population belonging to the Bridge in any of our fields, implying that the material that was stripped from the Clouds to form the Magellanic Bridge was very nearly a pure gas.Comment: 19 pages, 9 figures. Accepted to Ap

    Energy Balance in the Solar Transition Region. IV. Hydrogen and Helium Mass Flows With Diffusion

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    In this paper we have extended our previous modeling of energy balance in the chromosphere-corona transition region to cases with particle and mass flows. The cases considered here are quasi-steady, and satisfy the momentum and energy balance equations in the transition region. We include in all equations the flow velocity terms and neglect the partial derivatives with respect to time. We present a complete and physically consistent formulation and method for solving the non-LTE and energy balance equations in these situations, including both particle diffusion and flows of H and He. Our results show quantitatively how mass flows affect the ionization and radiative losses of H and He, thereby affecting the structure and extent of the transition region. Also, our computations show that the H and He line profiles are greatly affected by flows. We find that line shifts are much less important than the changes in line intensity and central reversal due to the effects of flows. In this paper we use fixed conditions at the base of the transition region and in the chromosphere because our intent is to show the physical effects of flows and not to match any particular observations. However, we note that the profiles we compute can explain the range of observed high spectral and spatial resolution Lyman alpha profiles from the quiet Sun. We suggest that dedicated modeling of specific sequences of observations based on physically consistent methods like those presented here will substantially improve our understanding of the energy balance in the chromosphere and corona.Comment: 50 pages + 20 figures; submitted to ApJ 9/10/01; a version with higher resolution figures is available at http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/~avrett

    The finite tiling problem is undecidable in the hyperbolic plane

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    In this paper, we consider the finite tiling problem which was proved undecidable in the Euclidean plane by Jarkko Kari in 1994. Here, we prove that the same problem for the hyperbolic plane is also undecidable

    Gravitational wave frequencies and energies in hypernovae

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    A torus develops a state of suspended accretion against a magnetic wall around a rapidly rotating black hole formed in core-collapse hypernovae. It hereby emits about 10% of the black hole spin-energy in gravitational radiation from a finite number of multipole mass moments. We quantify the relation between the frequency of quadrupole gravitational radiation and the energy output EwE_w in torus winds by fgw≃470Hz(Ew/4×1052erg)1/2(7M⊙/M)3/2f_{gw}\simeq 470{Hz}(E_w/4\times 10^{52}{erg})^{1/2}(7M_\odot/M)^{3/2}, where MM denotes the mass of the black hole. We propose that EwE_w irradiates the remnant stellar envelope from within. We identify EwE_w with energies ∼1052\sim 10^{52} erg inferred from X-ray observations on matter injecta; and the poloidal curvature in the magnetic wall with the horizon opening angle in baryon poor outflows that power true GRB energies of Eγ≃3×1051E_\gamma\simeq 3\times 10^{51} erg.Comment: To appear in AP

    On the origin of exponential growth in induced earthquakes in Groningen

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    The Groningen gas field shows exponential growth in earthquakes event counts around a magnitude M1 with a doubling time of 6-9 years since 2001. This behavior is identified with dimensionless curvature in land subsidence, which has been evolving at a constant rate over the last few decades {essentially uncorrelated to gas production.} We demonstrate our mechanism by a tabletop crack formation experiment. The observed skewed distribution of event magnitudes is matched by that of maxima of event clusters with a normal distribution. It predicts about one event <<\,M5 per day in 2025, pointing to increasing stress to human living conditions.Comment: 12 pages, 7 figures, to appear in Earthquakes and Structure

    Entropic force in black hole binaries and its Newtonian limits

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    We give an exact solution for the static force between two black holes at the turning points in their binary motion. The results are derived by Gibbs' principle and the Bekenstein-Hawking entropy applied to the apparent horizon surfaces in time-symmetric initial data. New power laws are derived for the entropy jump in mergers, while Newton's law is shown to derive from a new adiabatic variational principle for the Hilbert action in the presence of apparent horizon surfaces. In this approach, entropy is strictly monotonic such that gravity is attractive for all separations including mergers, and the Bekenstein entropy bound is satisfied also at arbitrarily large separations, where gravity reduces to Newton's law. The latter is generalized to point particles in the Newtonian limit by application of Gibbs' principle to world-lines crossing light cones.Comment: Accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.
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