85 research outputs found


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    Kilyos batısında yer alan Kretase öncesi kaya istifinin en genç bölümü günümüze kadar güvenilir bir zaman ölçeğine uyarlanamarmştır. Bu bölüm, alttan üste, bazaltik lav, kuvars kumtaşı, dolomitleşmiş kireçtaşı ve litik kumtaşışeyl birimlerinden oluşur. Karbonat birimi, yersel olarak, Triyas başı ve ortası dönemine ait bir mikrofauna içermektedir. Kilyos Triyası, bölgedeki üstebindirme yapısı içinde, Alt Karboniferi altlar ve Üst Kretaseyi örter. Triyas kesiti, litoloji ve zaman bölümleri bakımından, Kocaeli Triyası ile eşleştirilebilir

    La formation de Gheselghaleh, nouvelle unité lithologique du Carbonifère de l'Elbourz oriental (Iran)

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    Des travaux de cartographie géologique effectués dans la chaîne de l'Elbourz oriental au sud d'Aliabad (Province de Gorgan) ont montré l'existence de sédiments marins peu profonds d'âge Serpukhovien) à Carbonifère supérieur. La Formation de Gheselghaleh est introduite pour regrouper ces couches qui n'avaient jamais été décrites dans l'Elbourz. Durant la fin du Carbonifère, la partie septentrionale de la chaîne était recouverte par une mer peu profonde alors que le sud émergeait.Shallow marine sediments of Serpukhovian) to Upper Carboniferous age are described for the first time in the Alborz Range. The new Gheselghaleh Formation is proposed for these rocks. During the Middle to Upper Carboniferous, shallow water conditions were prevailing on the northern part of the Eastern Alborz Range, while the southern part was emerged

    Stratigraphie du Viséen des Vosges méridionales et datations obtenues par l'étude de plusieurs niveaux à microfaunes et algues

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    Der Mangel an Makrofaunen und das fehlende chronologische Unterscheidungsvermögen bei den Makrofloren erlauben es nicht für das Visée der südlichen Vogesen eine detaillierte Chronostratigraphie aufzustellen. Die mikropaläontologische Analyse von Aufschlüssen, die in verschiedenen stratigraphischen Niveaus dieser Serie gelegen sind, lässt zahlreiche Arten von Foraminiferen, Algen und Calci-spheren erkennen. Es wird auf die Existenz einer Serie des Unteren V2a, einer Serie des Oberen V2a und ein Niveau hingewiesen, das Übergang V2b -VBa liegt, und die eine chronostratigraphische Unterteilung erlauben. Die tektonische Phase des Visée, die von fundamentaler Bedeutung für die südlichen Vogesen ist, wird jetzt als Livien (V II) datiert. Anderseits zeigen die Vergesellschaftungen der Vogesen und des Morvan zahlreiche identische Formen während des V2a ; sie stellen gewisse Analogien zu denen dar, die man vor allem in Belgien antrifft, sowie im Becken von Laval und bis nach Mähren.The scarcity of macrofaunas and the lank of criterion for chronologic discrimination in macrofloras do not permit the authors to present a detailed chronostratigraphy for the whole Visean in Southern Vosges. The micropalaeontologic analysis of the deposits situated at different levels of the stratigraphie series, quotes many species of Foraminifera, Algas and Calcispheres. The existence of a Lower series of the V2a, of an Upper series of the V2a and of a level on the boundary V2b -V2a is shown, which permits a chronostra-tigraphic subdivision ; the intra-Visean tectonic phase which is fundamental in the history of Southern Vosges, is thus dated of the Livian (VII). Elsewhere, the associations identified in Vosges and Morvan show many identical forms during the V2a ; they present some analogies with those found especially in Belgium, as well as in the basin of Laval and as far as Moravy.Coulon Michel, Fourquin Claude, Paicheler Jean-Claude, Conil Raphaël, Lys Maurice. Stratigraphie du Viséen des Vosges méridionales et datations obtenues par l'étude de plusieurs niveaux à microfaunes et algues. In: Sciences Géologiques. Bulletin, tome 31, n°2, 1978. Vosges - Alsace. pp. 77-93

    Measurement of charged-particle multiplicities in gluon and quark jets in p(p)over-bar collisions at root s=1.8 TeV

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    We report the first largely model independent measurement of charged particle multiplicities in quark and gluon jets, N-q and N-g, produced at the Fermilab Tevatron in p (p) over bar collisions with a center-of-mass energy of 1.8 TeV and recorded by the Collider Detector at Fermilab. The measurements are made for jets with average energies of 41 and 53 GeV by counting charged particle tracks in cones with opening angles of θ(c)=0.28, 0.36, and 0.47 rad around the jet axis. The corresponding jet hardness Q=E-jetθ(c) varies in the range from 12 to 25 GeV. At Q=19.2 GeV, the ratio of multiplicities r=N-g/N-q is found to be 1.64± 0.17, where statistical and systematic uncertainties are added in quadrature. The results are in agreement with resummed perturbative QCD calculations