148 research outputs found

    Salt weathering of limestones: susceptibility of petrographical features (SEM study)

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    Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT) - Verbas nacionais e FEDE

    Performance of stones under different conditions : a study of metro stations

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    The study of stone alterations in the Lisbon Metro stations allowed the discussion of the influence in the development of these alterations of stones characteristics and the actual conditions to which the stones are subjected. Alterations occur under what can be considered the usual conditions of use but also under abnormal situations that must be taken into account given its frequency. The diverse situations identified are considered in the discussion of possible recommendations bearing in mind the actual situations found at the stations.Financiado pela Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia com fundos nacionais (programa plurianual de financiamento de unidades de investigação)

    Etiologia, Tratamento e Prognóstico da Pericardite Aguda

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    Introduction: Acute pericarditis is a common inflammatory condition of the pericardium usually assumed to be viral or idiopathic. Despite recent treatment improvements, information is scarce regarding etiology and prognosis. Our aim was to determine the incidence of pericarditis with a known etiology and assess clinical prognostic predictors. Material and Methods: A clinical retrospective analysis of hospitalized patients with acute pericarditis was conducted from 2012 to 2016. Population was characterized according to etiology, clinical presentation, treatment and prognosis. Outcomes of interest, evaluated at one year after hospital discharge, were pericarditis recurrence, hospitalization, constriction and overall mortality. Results: A total of 94 patients were enrolled, median age 46 years (inter-quartile range 32-61), 65% were male. Idiopathic etiology was responsible for 68% of cases. A specific etiology was found in the remaining 32% of patients, being the most frequent autoimmune disease (12%) and malignancy (5%). Idiopathic pericarditis was associated with myopericarditis (p = 0.049) and a known etiology with pericardial effusion (p = 0.001) and cardiac tamponade (p = 0.027). Recurrence of pericarditis was found in 13% of patients. Corticosteroid treatment in patients with an identified etiology was not associated with an increase in recurrence (p = 0.220). Overall 1-year mortality was 9%. A defined etiology was the only independent predictor of mortality at multivariate analysis (OR 40.3; 95% CI 1.9 – 137.2; p = 0.016). Conclusion: Up to one third of hospitalized patients with acute pericarditis have an identified cause of pericarditis and these patients are at increased risk of mortality.Introdução: A pericardite aguda é uma síndrome frequente caracterizada pela inflamação do pericárdio e usualmente atribuído a etiologia viral/idiopática. Apesar dos avanços no tratamento, existe informação limitada em relação a etiologia e prognóstico. O objetivo do nosso trabalho foi identificar a prevalência de pericardite aguda com etiologia especifica e avaliar marcadores clínicos de prognóstico. Material e Métodos: Estudo retrospetivo de doentes hospitalizados por pericardite aguda entre 2012-2016. A população foi caracterizada quanto a etiologia, apresentação clínica, tratamento e prognóstico. Para avaliação de prognóstico foram avaliadas recorrência de pericardite, pericardite constritiva e mortalidade global um ano após alta hospitalar. Resultados: Foram incluídos 94 doentes com idade mediana 46 anos (IIQ 32-61), 65% eram do sexo masculino. A etiologia idiopática foi responsável por 68% dos casos. Etiologia especifica foi identificada em 32% dos doentes, sendo mais frequente doença autoimune (12%) e neoplasia (5%). A pericardite idiopática foi mais associada a miopericardite (p = 0,049), enquanto a etiologia específica se associou a derrame pericárdico (p = 0,001) e a tamponamento pericárdico (p = 0,027). A recorrência de pericardite ocorreu em 13% dos doentes. O tratamento com corticosteroides em doentes com etiologia definida não se associou com aumento de recorrência (p = 0,220). A mortalidade global a um ano foi de 9%. A etiologia definida de pericardite aguda revelou-se o único preditor independente de mortalidade na análise multivariada (OR 40,3; 95% CI 1,9 – 137,2; p = 0,016). Conclusão: Cerca de um terço dos doentes hospitalizados por pericardite aguda têm uma causa específica identificável de pericardite e estes doentes apresentam risco aumentado de mortalidadeinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Automated monitoring of activated sludge using image analysis

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    An automated procedure for the characterisation by image analysis of the morphology of activated sludge has been used to monitor in a systematic manner the biomass in wastewater treatment plants. Over a period of one year, variations in terms mainly of the fractal dimension of flocs and of the amount of filamentous bacteria could be related to rain events affecting the plant influent flow rate and composition.Grand Nancy Council.Météo-France.Brasil. Ministério da Ciência e Tecnologia. Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq).Embassy of France in Portugal.Ministério da Ciência e Tecnologia. Instituto de Cooperação Científica e Tecnológica Internacional (ICCTI)

    Characterisation by image analysis of anaerobic microbial aggregates under shock conditions

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    In the present work the characterisation by image analysis of anaerobic biomass under organic and hydraulic shocks was performed. The digester was fed with a synthetic substrate, containing 50% of oleic acid (as COD). Organic and hydraulic shocks were performed by increasing the substrate concentration or by lowering the hydraulic retention time. In both cases the organic loading rate changed from 6 to 30 kgCOD/m³.d. Hydraulic shock induced fast and persistent changes both in the number and length of filaments, but in the organic shock significant changes were detected later and initial values were recovered 840 hours after the shock.Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian (FCG) - post-doctoral research grant.Generalitat de Catalunya. Consell Interdepartamental de Recerca i Innovació Tecnològica (CIRIT) - predoctoral fellowship

    Characterisation by image analysis of anaerobic sludge under shock conditions

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    In the present work the characterisation by image analysis of anaerobic biomass under organic and hydraulic shocks was performed. The digester was fed with a synthetic substrate, containing 50% oleic acid (as COD). Organic and hydraulic shocks were performed by stepwise increasing the substrate concentration or by reducing the hydraulic retention time. In both cases the organic loading rate changed from 6 to 30 kg COD/m³.d. Hydraulic shock induced a fast decrease in the number of free filaments and in total filament length, which attained a minimum value 51 hours after beginning the shock. The initial filament values were not recovered 340 hours after the hydraulic shock. In the organic shock, the minimum values of these parameters were detected 200 hours after beginning the shock and initial values were recovered 840 hours after. During the hydraulic shock the methanogenic acetoclastic activity was directly correlated to the number and length of free filaments. This result suggests that filaments are predominantly acetoclastic bacteria, probably Methanosaeta.Ministério da Ciência e Tecnologia. Instituto de Cooperação Científica e Tecnológica Internacional (ICCTI), Ambassade de France in Portugal - project no. 203 B4

    Characterisation by image analysis of anaerobic sludge from two EGSB reactors treating oleic acid : automatic detection of granules disintegration

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    Suspended and granular sludge from two expanded granular sludge bed (EGSB) reactors fed with oleic acid at organic loads between 2 and 8 kg COD/m³.day was characterised by image analysis. The number, and the average length of free filaments in the dispersed fraction of biomass, and the morphologic changes of granular sludge when exposed to increasing oleic acid concentrations were quantified. Two methods to distinguish fine and non-fine solids by image analysis were validated by a method based on the ratio fine VSS/total VSS. Granules disintegration was detected by these methods. The adsorption of LCFA onto the sludge could be related to the morphology of the non-fine aggregates and to the number of free filaments. The number of free filaments and the average free filament length was significantly higher in the suspended than in the granular sludge. The degradation rate of the adsorbed LCFA decreased sharply as the size of fine aggregates increased, possibly due to internal diffusion limitations of intermediates such as acetate and products such as methane.Ministério da Ciência e Tecnologia. Instituto de Cooperação Científica e Tecnológica Internacional (ICCTI) , “Ambassade de France” in Portugal - project nº 203 B4