4 research outputs found

    Siva Mahadeva: suatu Analisis Ikonografi di Jawa Masa Hindu-buddha

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    The iconographic analysis of the deities on the “height measurement” showed that the tala measurement of the Javanese statues are not so different from those of the Indian “tala measurement”, i.e. the uttama-dasa-tala. The similarity between the Javanese Siva Mahadeva’s iconometry and the Siva Mahadeva statues in India showed that the Siva Mahadeva statues in Java have the same role with the Indian Siva Mahadeva statues. Among the 43 general laksanas of Siva Mahadeva, the camara (flywisk) is the most important one (about 21,2644%). However, in India the camara is not always belonged to Siva Mahadeva, because we found some lower deities have the same laksana. This reality showed that the Indonesian silpin were not always followed strictly the Indian manual books. They created the statues a.o. the Siva Mahadeva statues according to local concept (the Kamanunggalan).&nbsp

    Dinamika Kehidupan Anak-anak pada Masa Jawa Kuna Abad VIII – XV Masehi

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    There were not many researchers focus on the children’s life in the ancient times. This research was done based on that fact. Objective of this research is to comprehend the children’s roles in the ancient time, in their daily activities. Daily activities that included in this research are: child and nurture, child and education, child and home activities, child and health, and, child and religion. This research was done based on the artifacts’ data and textual data. Artifacts’ data are statues and reliefs, while textual data are written stories about children; i.e. inscriptions and ancient manuscripts in ancient Java language and mid-ancient Java language. Three main objects of research are: children’s profile identification, community environment in where they lived, children’s daily life. Research methodologies are: data collection, data processing, and data interpretation

    Seminar sejarah nasional v subtema sejarah kesenian

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    Buku ini berisi tulisan-tulisan dari Seminar sejarah nasional v dengan subtema sejarah kesenian

    Candi Indonesi: seri Sumatera, Jawa, Kalimantan, dan Sumbawa

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    Warisan budaya candi penting untuk kita lestarikan bersama sebagai salah satu identitas budaya dan jati diri bangsa yang multikultur. Tentu saja masyarakat dapat berperan aktif dalam upaya pelestarian, sehingga melalui buku ini diharapkan dapat meningkatkan pengetahuan dan apresiasi masyarakat terhadap warisan budaya Bangsa Indonesi