10 research outputs found

    Digital Marketing Business Strategy to MSME Performance in the Industrial Revolution 4.0 Era

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    This research examines how digital marketing helps SMEs in the industrial era 4.0. Seeing the phenomenon that is currently growing rapidly in the world of SMEs is very interesting and unique, the strategy for SMEs with technology needs to be studied in depth, hence the need for this research to use a qualitative descriptive method. This research examines the actors in the clothing business (distribution). This survey covers six owners and staff distribution. Observation, documentation, and participant in-depth analysis of data. Based on the results of research that has been interpreted with relevant previous research, that apparel SMEs in the industrial era 4.0 require conventional to digital growth strategies. Tokped, shopee, WhatsApp Business, and Instagram show that merchandise distortion has grown. Distortion works with small or independent bands with fans to create a selling environment. Distortion Merchandise band support pressure, goods and shipments, as well as buying and selling. On the other hand, Awesam is active in marketplaces and social media, from tokped, shopee, Lazada, Instagram, Tik Tok, and WhatsApp Business to the Awesam website which is at the top when it comes to "poor plain clothes". One account can publish two to five stories a day with interesting material. Consumer privacy hinders digital marketing. Most internet shopkeepers mark pictures or make product offers to all clients without the owner's consent. Customers sometimes get annoyed with the photos sent. The HR soft skills-technology balance is another issue to address

    Attitude Determinant in Entrepreneurship Behavior of Vocational Students’ Entrepreneurship Intention

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    This study aim to finding the correlation between emotional intelligence, entrepreneurship self-efficacy, entrepreneurship behavioral attitude, and entrepreneurship intention vocational school students. The data were analyzed using the SEM Smart PLS technique. The study revealed that there is a cause and effect correlation between emotional intelligence and entrepreneurship self-efficacy, entrepreneurship behavioral attitude toward entrepreneurship intention on vocational students in Mojokerto regency as described below: 1) empirically, emotional intelligence was proven to have no direct influence on entrepreneurship intention. However, it has a direct and strong influence on entrepreneurship behavioral attitude, 2) entrepreneurship self-efficacy has direct and strong influence on entrepreneurship behavioral attitude and entrepreneurship intention, and entrepreneurship self-efficacy also has indirect influence on the entrepreneurship intention through entrepreneurship behavioral attitude, 3) entrepreneurship behavioral attitude has direct and strong influence toward entrepreneurship intention

    Challenges of Business Success in Era of Disruption

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    As a business actor in the era of disruption, it is necessary to improve soft skills. The purpose of this study is to comprehensively analyze the effect of entrepreneurship education and digital literacy on business success with attitude as a mediating variable. This research uses quantitative methods. The research population is business actors in East Java, Indonesia, with a sample of 221 people. Data analysis used Structural Equation Modeling (SEM)-PLS) and the calculation tool SMART PLS 3.0. Based on the results of the study, it was stated that Entrepreneurship Education (EE) and Digital Literacy (DML) through Entrepreneurial Attitudes (EA) had an effect on business success. The results of this study are very relevant to current conditions, the large number of market expansions from conventional to digitalization, and the need to improve entrepreneurship education to develop creativity, innovation, and business products that are competitive and adaptive. And the positive attitude of accepting new things must always be owned by business actors

    Identifying the Dimension of Entrepreneurial Ecosystem for Promoting Entrepreneurial Intention: A Study in Five Educational-Based Universities in Indonesia

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    Entrepreneurship has been recognized among scholars and policy researchers as the driver of economic development. Many studies have identified the strategic role of higher education, especially business education, in increasing students' entrepreneurial intentions. However, the interest in entrepreneurship among students is insufficient. One of the causes of low interest in entrepreneurship among students is the internal or external environment, entrepreneurship learning, practical experience of entrepreneurship, and motivation for entrepreneurship. This study aims to identify the dimension of entrepreneurial ecosystem to promote entrepreneurial intention in several educational-based universities in Indonesia. Using the qualitative method, the findings indicated that each university may have different nuances in terms of developing an entrepreneurial ecosystem and its impact on students’ entrepreneurial intentions. The dimensions of entrepreneurial ecosystems identified in this research include entrepreneurial experience, institutional support, networks and connections, role models, entrepreneurial culture, and the entrepreneurial environment. Thus, it raises implications for the government and educational institutions to infiltrate the programs of other universities to promote entrepreneurial intention. Keywords: Entrepreneurial intention, Entrepreneurial ecosystem, Business intention, Educational-based universit

    Does Entrepreneurship Education Have Impact on Opening and Maintaining A Garment Business Strategy?

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    This article aims to analyse the extent of the role of Business Education in upgrading to improve and enhance clothing convection businesses. This article uses descriptive qualitative methods. There were eight sampling participants in the study, including owners and participants of clothing convection businesses. Data analysis was carried out through observation, documentation, and in-depth interviews with participants. The results showed that Business Education did not significantly affect businessmen to open a garment business. The work environment and experience including the educational background of the owners, which varied from elementary school graduate to undergraduate, influenced them to open a garment business Businessmen open garment business because they follow trends, family offspring, continuing friends’ businesses, and their great passion. In the strategy of maintaining a garment business, businessmen need Business Education. It is proven by the fact that these owners often participate in screen printing and sewing seminar workshops, read business books, and get business education through field discussions

    Analysis of MSME Innovation Strategies Before and After the Covid-19 Pandemic (Case Study of Omahan Kepanjen Coffee)

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    The phenomenon of the COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in economic sluggishness in various sectors. The sectors affected include the MSME sector. Many business actors experienced a decrease in buyers which resulted in a decrease in sales turnover and many MSMEs closed, but there were still many MSMEs that survived and soon rose. Therefore, it is necessary to have a strategy that can make them continue to survive and increase the income turnover of MSME actors. One approach that can be taken to find opportunities and adapt to the situation is an innovation strategy-based approach. This study aims to explore the ups and downs of MSMEs by analyzing the innovation strategies carried out by MSMEs in the period before and after the Covid 19 pandemic with a case study of the Kepanjen Coffee Omahan business. The results of the study indicate that a business needs to immediately implement innovation management by taking into account the internal and external aspects of the company. The results of the innovation must be able to continue to strengthen the value proposition that can make the business strong in the long term. This can be seen from the Kopi Omahan business journey which implemented 4 types of innovation (product, process, marketing, organization), experienced growth in the pre-pandemic phase, then entered a crisis at the peak of the pandemic, and was able to bounce back when the pandemic began to subside

    Implementation Implementation of Business Education and Digital Marketing Literacy to Improve Technopreneurship Competence in influencing strategies to maintain SMEs in the Pandemic Era

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    The current pandemic condition, SME players must be able to adapt and expand their business strategy from conventional ones to digital ones, such as Facebookads, Instagram Business, Shopee, Lazada, OLX, Bukalapak, etc. The purpose of this research is to conduct a comprehensive study on the implementation of business education and digital marketing literacy to improve Technopreneurship competencies in influencing strategies to maintain SMEs in the Pandemic Era. This research was conducted using descriptive qualitative methods by means of observation, documentation and interviews. Seen from the point of view of the place of research, this research is included in the type of field research multisite field research. The application of Business Education and digital marketing literacy is able to arouse entrepreneurial, independent and creative enthusiasm. The application of Business Education has been considered as one of the important factors to foster and develop entrepreneurial passion, spirit and behavior among SMEs. Business education can shape the mindset, attitude, and behavior of being a true entrepreneur, thereby directing them to choose entrepreneurship as a career choice. Digital marketing literacy is very effective in increasing competence Technopreneurship can be used as a survival strategy in the era of the Covid pandemic. The sophistication of digitalization serves as a means of carrying out promotional activities, so it is easy to exchange information with anyone through existing facilities

    Does entrepreneurial self-efficacy really matter for entrepreneurial intention? Lesson from covid-19

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    AbstractEntrepreneurship has emerged a prominent of concern during Covid-19 pandemic, making essential contribution toward unemployment as a result of the pandemic. The purpose of this research is to look at the entrepreneurial intentions of students in Indonesia’s East Java Province. The research focuses on how students’ entrepreneurial intentions are influenced by their perception of their own abilities as entrepreneurs, as well as subjective criteria, role models, and success needs. To further understand the connections between these variables, this quantitative study used the Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) equation model based on Partial Least Square (PLS) variance. The research involved 340 East Java economics students who were polled. The findings indicate that subjective norms, role models, and needs for achievement affect students’ entrepreneurial intention. Additionally, the relationship between subjective norms, role models, achievement demands, and entrepreneurship intention is mediated by entrepreneurial self-efficacy. These results provide recommendations for Indonesian institutions and governments to improve their entrepreneurial education approach, emphasizing practice over theory. This research contributes to the scientific knowledge about students’ entrepreneurial intentions

    Do digital literacy and business sustainability matter for creative economy? The role of entrepreneurial attitude

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    In the last decade, the significant of the creative economy has continued to strive in taking part in the momentum of economic revival as the impact of the corona virus disease (Covid-19). This study highlights the factors affecting the creative economy, digital literacy, business sustainability, and entrepreneurial attitudes. In this study, a quantitative approach using structural equation modeling with partial least squares (PLS-SEM) was used to predict and confirm the hypotheses presented. This research was conducted for housewives on the islands of Sumatra, Java, and Bali in Indonesia using a google form questionnaire. The total sample was 500 respondents from these three islands. The findings indicate that digital literacy can explain the creative economy, business sustainability, entrepreneurial attitude. However, the variables of entrepreneurial attitudes need support from digital literacy and business sustainability. This research is a follow-up to the creative economy sector post the Covid-19 pandemic