357 research outputs found

    Methanol detection in M82

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    We present a multilevel study of the emission of methanol, detected for the first time in this galaxy, and discuss the origin of its emission. The high observed methanol abundance of a few 10^-9 can only be explained if injection of methanol from dust grains is taken into account. While the overall [CH3OH]/[NH3] ratio is much larger than observed towards other starbursts, the dense high excitation component shows a similar value to that found in NGC 253 and Maffei 2. Our observations suggest the molecular material in M 82 to be formed by dense warm cores, shielded from the UV radiation and similar to the molecular clouds in other starbursts, surrounded by a less dense photodissociated halo. The dense warm cores are likely the location of recent and future star formation within M 82.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&A Letter

    Spatially Resolved Chemistry in Nearby Galaxies I. The Center of IC 342

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    We have imaged emission from the millimeter lines of eight molecules--C2H, C34S, N2H+, CH3OH, HNCO, HNC, HC3N, and SO--in the central half kpc of the nearby spiral galaxy IC 342. The 5" (~50 pc) resolution images were made with OVRO. Using these maps we obtain a picture of the chemistry within the nuclear region on the sizescales of individual GMCs. Bright emission is detected from all but SO. There are marked differences in morphology for the different molecules. A principal component analysis is performed to quantify similarities and differences among the images. This analysis reveals that while all molecules are to zeroth order correlated, that is, they are all found in dense molecular clouds, there are three distinct groups of molecules distinguished by the location of their emission within the nuclear region. N2H+, C18O, HNC and HCN are widespread and bright, good overall tracers of dense molecular gas. C2H and C34S, tracers of PDR chemistry, originate exclusively from the central 50-100 pc region, where radiation fields are high. The third group of molecules, CH3OH and HNCO, correlates well with the expected locations of bar-induced orbital shocks. The good correlation of HNCO with the established shock tracer molecule CH3OH is evidence that this molecule, whose chemistry has been uncertain, is indeed produced by processing of grains. HC3N is observed to correlate tightly with 3mm continuum emission, demonstrating that the young starbursts are the sites of the warmest and densest molecular gas. We compare our HNC images with the HCN images of Downes et al. (1992) to produce the first high resolution, extragalactic HCN/HNC map: the HNC/HCN ratio is near unity across the nucleus and the correlation of both of these gas tracers with the star formation is excellent. (Abridged).Comment: 54 pages including 10 figures and 8 tables. Accepted for publication in Ap

    Tracing shocks and photodissociation in the Galactic center region

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    We present a systematic study of the HNCO, C18O, 13CS, and C34S emission towards 13 selected molecular clouds in the Galactic center region. The molecular emission in these positions are used as templates of the different physical and chemical processes claimed to be dominant in the circumnuclear molecular gas of galaxies. The relative abundance of HNCO shows a variation of more than a factor of 20 amo ng the observed sources. The HNCO/13CS abundance ratio is highly contrasted (up to a factor of 30) between the shielded molecular clouds mostly affected by shocks, where HNCO is released to gas-phase from grain mantles, and those pervaded by an intense UV radiation field, where HNCO is photo-dissociated and CS production favored via ion reactions. We propose the relative HNCO to CS abundance ratio as a highly contrasted diagnostic tool to distinguish between the influence of shocks and/or the radiation field in the nuclear regions of galaxies and their relation to the evolutionary state of their nuclear star formation bursts.Comment: 25 pages, 5 figures, Accepted for publication in Ap

    Photodissociation chemistry footprints in the Starburst galaxy NGC 253

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    We report the first detection of PDR molecular tracers, namely HOC+, and CO+, and confirm the detection of the also PDR tracer HCO towards the starburst galaxy NGC 253, claimed to be mainly dominated by shock heating and in an earlier stage of evolution than M 82, the prototypical extragalactic PDR. Our CO+ detection suffers from significant blending to a group of transitions of 13CH3OH, tentatively detected for the first time in the extragalactic interstellar medium. These species are efficiently formed in the highly UV irradiated outer layers of molecular clouds, as observed in the late stage nuclear starburst in M 82. The molecular abundance ratios we derive for these molecules are very similar to those found in M 82. This strongly supports the idea that these molecules are tracing the PDR component associated with the starburst in the nuclear region of NGC 253. A comparison with the predictions of chemical models for PDRs shows that the observed molecular ratios are tracing the outer layers of UV illuminated clouds up to two magnitudes of visual extinction. Chemical models, which include grain formation and photodissociation of HNCO, support the scenario of a photo-dominated chemistry as an explanation to the abundances of the observed species. From this comparison we conclude that the molecular clouds in NGC 253 are more massive and with larger column densities than those in M 82, as expected from the evolutionary stage of the starbursts in both galaxies.Comment: 32 pages, 4 figures, Published in Ap
