7 research outputs found

    Ozone-based eye drops activity on ocular epithelial cells and potential pathogens infecting the front of the eye

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    Confirmation of the biological effectiveness of new ophthalmic preparations introduced in the market is an important element in maintaining the safety of using this type of medications. This study aimed to investigate the activity of Ozodrop® on human corneal and conjunctival epithelial cells, as well as its antibacterial and antifungal activity. Cytotoxicity analyses of ocular surface epithelial cells were performed in vitro by MTT (3-(4,5-Dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-Diphenyltetrazolium Bromide) and Neutral Red uptake assays. The level of nitric oxide released by the cells was assessed by the Griess method. The reduction of the DPPH (2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl) free radical by the tested formulation was analyzed. Microbiological tests were also performed. It was found that the Ozodrop® preparation exhibited biological activity, but was less active than the reference antibiotics and the anti-yeast agent. The cytotoxic activity of the Ozodrop® formulation was dependent on the time of cell exposure to it. No toxic effect was observed in the short-term, for up to 3 h. It appeared after 24 h of exposure of the cells to the preparation. The drops showed antioxidant activity in the specified concentration range. They also stimulated the release of nitric oxide, mainly by corneal epithelial cells. The Ozodrop® formulation exhibits biological activity that can be considered useful in the treatment of infections in the front part of the eye

    Struktura i rozmieszczenie włosków wydzielniczych na łodygach i liściach świetlika wyprężonego (Euphrasia stricta D. Wolff ex. J.F.Lehm.)

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    Euphrasia stricta is a medicinal plant being one of the ingredients of “Herba Euphrasiae”. Many studies have been devoted to the identification of biologically active substances in the herb of eyebright, but much less research has been done on the constitution of glandular structures of this taxon. This paper relates to glandular trichomes located on the stems and leaves of E. stricta. The trichome structure was examined using light and scanning electron microscopy. It was shown that the stems of E. stricta were mainly covered by non-glandular trichomes, whereas glandular trichomes were rarely found on them. However, clusters of short capitate trichomes were found to occur in specific epidermal regions on both surfaces of the leaf blades and bracts. On the adaxial leaf surface, glandular trichomes grew only in the grooves above the vascular bundles, while on the abaxial surface in the depressions located in the expanded part of the teeth. The glandular hairs consisted of 1-2 cells of the stalk and a two-celled head. Trichomes with 3- or 4-celled heads were found sporadically. The glandular trichomes functioned non-synchronously, since they differed in head size and the colour of cell protoplasts. The presence of a light secretion was found on the surface and around the trichomes in both fresh and dry plant material

    Basal cell carcinoma in an eyelid of a farmer with Sturge-Weber syndrome

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    The paper presents the coexistence of a nevus fl ammeus and basal cell carcinoma affecting the left upper lid of 61-year-old farmer with Sturge-Weber syndrome. The occurrence of basal cell carcinoma in nevus fl ammeus is extremely rare. The etiology of the malignancy in this situation is unknown. It is diffi cult to diagnose neoplastic transformations that could arise in the nevus fl ammeus. Radiotherapy followed by complete surgical excision were used as a treatment in the described patient

    Commercially important properties of plants of the genus Plantago

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    The centuries-old experience of folk medicine, nutritional traditions, and the results of numerous research studies show that plants of the genus Plantago can be used for medicinal, cosmetic, dietetic, and ritual purposes. In the phytochemical composition of Plantago, there is an abundance of biologically active substances (among others, glycosides, flavonoids, polysaccharides, and vitamins) exhibiting beneficial effects and, simultaneously, there is a low content of compounds that may exert a toxic effect. Scientific research has confirmed that Plantago plants have antioxidative, apoptosis-inhibiting, protective, healing-enhancing, spasmolytic, anthelmintic, and antimicrobial properties; they inhibit the development of some tumours, reduce the level of lipids in blood and inhibit tissue glycation. In phytotherapy, leaves, stems, and/or seeds of different plantain species are used. Plantago leaves and seeds are also used to manufacture creams, lotions, and face masks. Different parts of these plants (fresh plant material, extracts, or isolated substances) are also used in human and animal nutrition. Plantain leaves can be eaten like lettuce or added to salads, fried in pastry, used to prepare a tea, juice, or wine. Its seeds are added to cakes, bread, breakfast cereals, ice cream, and drinks, or they are cooked like groats. Animals fed with plantain can live longer and are healthier, while meat derived from such animals is tastier and healthier to humans. Plantago seeds are readily eaten by cage birds. Plantain pollen, produced in large amounts (up to 20,000 pollen grains per 1 stamen of P. lancolata), can cause allergies in sensitive people. Due to a long flowering period of plants of the genus Plantago, the effect of the allergenic factor persists for many weeks. In Poland days with the maximum concentration of airborne plantain pollen most often occur in July.Wielowiekowe doświadczenia medycyny ludowej, tradycje żywieniowe oraz wyniki licznych badań naukowych wskazują, że rośliny z rodzaju Plantago mogą być wykorzystywane w celach leczniczych, kosmetycznych, dietetycznych oraz rytualnych. W składzie fitochemicznym Plantago występuje bogactwo substancji biologicznie czynnych (m. in., glikozydy, flawonoidy, polisacharydy i witaminy) o korzystnym działaniu, przy jednoczesnej niewielkiej zawartości związków o właściwościach toksycznych. Badania naukowe potwierdziły, że rośliny te mają właściwości antyoksydacyjne, hamujące apoptozę, osłaniające, przyspieszające procesy gojenia, spazmolityczne, przeciwrobacze, przeciwdrobnoustrojowe, hamujące rozwój niektórych nowotworów, a także obniżające poziom lipidów we krwi oraz hamujące procesy glikacji w tkankach. W fitoterapii stosuje się liście, pędy lub/i nasiona różnych gatunków babki. Liście i nasiona Plantago znajdują także zastosowanie do wyrobu kremów, lotionów i maseczek. Różne części tych roślin (świeży surowiec, ekstrakty lub wyizolowane substancje) wykorzystywane są również w żywieniu ludzi i zwierząt. Liście babki można spożywać jak sałatę, smażyć w cieście, przyrządzać z nich herbatę, sok czy wino. Nasiona dodawane są do ciastek, chleba, płatków śniadaniowych, lodów, napojów lub gotowane są jak kasza. Zwierzęta karmione babką mogą żyć dłużej i są zdrowsze, zaś mięso z nich pochodzące jest smaczniejsze i zdrowsze dla ludzi. Nasiona Plantago są chętnie zjadane przez ptaki utrzymywane w klatach. Natomiast pyłek babki ma właściwości alergizujące. Produkowany w dużych ilościach (do 20 tys. ziaren pyłku/1 pręcik P. lancolata) może wywoływać alergie u osób wrażliwych. Z uwagi na długi okres kwitnienia roślin z rodzaju Plantago, działanie czynnika alergizującego utrzymuje się przez wiele tygodni. W Polsce dni z maksymalną koncentracją ziaren pyłku babki w powietrzu najczęściej występują w lipcu