26 research outputs found

    A case of macular hole formation by high-power laser pointer

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    Laser pointers are omnipresent. They are used in many spheres of life, e.g. education, medicine, industry, entertainment, and military. The number of reports of eye injury caused by laser pointers when used improperly is growing. We report a case of a 23-year-old man who had a full-thickness macular hole in the left eye after using an inappropriately high powered laser pointer. The patient was treated successfully with 23-gauge pars plana vitrectomy. This case underlines the importance of careful and correct use of laser pointers because of the vision-threatening dangers induced by mishandling these gadgets

    The impact of oleanolic and ursolic acid on corneal epithelial cells in vitro

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    INTRODUCTION. Oleanolic (OA) and ursolic (UA) acids belong to the triterpene group widely present in plants. These compounds are recognised to have anti-inflammatory properties and thus are considered to be used in therapies as well as in cosmetic, natural health, or diet products. AIM. The scientific hypothesis of our study was to show that OA and UA influence corneal epithelial cells cultured in vitro. METHODS. Toxicity tests, based on MTT and Neutral Red (NR) uptake, measurement of nitric oxide (NOx) level, as well as analysis of metalloproteinases (MMP-2 and MMP-9) amount and activity were performed. RESULTS . UA expressed significantly higher toxicity on cells than OA. At the lowest concentration applied (5 μM), UA limited cellular metabolism and viability on average by 22% as compared to untreated control, while 25 μM resulted in values lower than 10%. On the other hand, OA at the highest (100 μM) concentration limited cellular metabolism and viability by about 20%. NOx level significantly increased when OA and UA were applied at concentrations of 25 and 100 μM, respectively. OA and UA had a stronger impact on the level of MMP-2 than MMP-9. OA and UA reduced MMP-2 and MMP-9 in the whole range of concentrations. Tested triterpenoids had no significant impact on MMP activity. CONCLUSIONS. OA and UA have a different impact on human corneal epithelial cells. UA is toxic for corneal epithelial cells, while OA exhibits milder activity, which may be useful for further analysis in ocular pharmacology

    Jak skutecznie leczyć wysiękową postać zwyrodnienia plamki związanego z wiekiem według schematu PRN? Rola biomarkerów widocznych w obrazach optycznej koherentnej tomografii

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    Optymalizacja leczenia uwzględniająca indywidualny przebieg choroby nadal pozostaje jednym z podstawowych problemow w leczeniu wysiękowej postaci zwyrodnienia plamki związanego z wiekiem (AMD). W niniejszej pracy autorzy zawarli wskazowki, ktore mogą być pomocne podczas terapii według schematu pro-re-nata (PRN). Obecnie ma on zastosowanie u większości pacjentow będących w programie lekowym. Jednym z podstawowych problemow jest właściwa ocena aktywności choroby, ktora stanowi podstawę decyzji o wykonaniu kolejnej iniekcji lekow blokujących czynnik wzrostu środbłonka naczyń (anty-VEGF). Określenie parametrow, takich jak stan fotoreceptorow czy nabłonka barwnikowego siatkowki (RPE), lokalizacja płynu, zachowanie prawidłowego układu warstw siatkowki, obecność schorzeń pogranicza szklistkowo-siatkowkowego, wpływa na ocenę stanu klinicznego i rokowanie chorych

    Reactivity of corneal and conjunctival epithelial cells to lipopolysaccharide (LPS) and/or irradiation with visible light in vitro

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    INTRODUCTION. Visible light and inflammation caused by bacterial endotoxins strongly influence direct cell interactions and modulate the expression of selected factors, such as nitric oxide (NO) and cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2). The aim of the study is to establish whether exposition of corneal or conjunctival epithelial cells to visible light and/ or LPS may change their viability, direct cellular interactions and expression of NO and COX-2. MATERIALS AND METHODS. In vitro cultured human corneal and conjunctival epithelial cells were used in the study. The following assays were performed: Neutral Red (NR) uptake, nitric oxide (NO) quantification by the Griess method, cytoskeletal F-actin organization by fluorescent staining, and COX-2 expression by immunofluorescence. RESULTS. LPS reduced the viability of the cells, especially conjunctival epithelial cells. All cell stimulation variants tested (visible light and/or LPS treatment) led to decreased nitric oxide (NO) production both by corneal and conjunctival epithelial cells. No changes in cytoskeletal F-actin filaments were observed after the cells had been treated with light or the endotoxin. LPS slightly increased COX-2 expression, but light had no, or a slightly reducing, effect on the level of this enzyme. CONCLUSIONS. Visible light and/or bacterial endotoxin (LPS) may, depending on the local microenvironmental conditions, cooperate or interfere with each other’s activity in inducing ocular surface inflammation

    The effect of ursolic and oleanolic acids on human skin fibroblast cells

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    In this article, we look at how ursolic and oleanolic acids can be used for the purpose of quality control of natural products used in dermatocosmetology as well as of various other therapeutic preparations. Ursolic acid (UA) and oleanolic acid (OA) are pentacyclic triterpenes and they are constituents of many medicinal herbs. In this study, we analyzed the cytotoxic and anti-proliferative activity of OA and UA against normal human skin fibroblasts (HSF). Additionally, the scavenging activity of free radicals of both acids was analyzed. The sensitivity of cells to OA and UA activity was determined using a standard spectrophotometric (MTT) assay. The free radical scavenging activity of OA and UA was measured using the DPPH• test. The F-actin cytoskeletal proteins organization was analyzed using TRITC-phalloidine fluorescent staining. The cytotoxic activity of the analyzed acids was determined using Neutral Red (NR) uptake assay. Of the two isomeric compounds, UA showed a higher cytotoxic activity against HSF cells than did OA. Our investigations showed that OA, in view of its non-toxic nature, may be used as a supplementary factor for dermal preparations. (Folia Histochemica et Cytobiologica 2011; Vol. 49, No. 4, pp. 664–669

    The role of collagen in co-cultures of human normal corneal and conjunctival cells

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    Background: Intermediate interactions between corneal and conjunctival epithelial cells play an important rolein the process of correct vision. The goal of this paper was to establish whether the presence or absence of collagentype I changes paracrine interactions between corneal and conjunctival epithelial cells. Material and methods: Cultures of human corneal and conjunctival epithelial cells were used in the study. TheELISA quantitative analysis of interleukin 1β (IL-1β), interleukin 6 (IL-6), urokinase-type plasminogen activator(uPA), and uPA receptor (uPAR), assessment of the type of interactions between cells, as well as correlations betweentested parameters were performed. Results: The presence of collagen type I changed the quantitative production of IL-1β and IL-6 by the examinedcells in the co-culture system. It did not affect the level of released uPA and uPAR. The presence or absence ofcollagen also changed the relationship between the cells, which were evaluated in relation to changes in the level ofreleased cytokines. Conclusions: Different levels of collagen type I constituting a component of extracellular matrix proteins significantlyaffect and regulate the indirect interactions between human corneal and conjunctival epithelial cells

    Wyniki leczenia chorych z wysiękową postacią zwyrodnienia plamki związanego z wiekiem przy użyciu preparatów anty-VEGF stosowanych według kryteriów programu lekowego — wyniki własne

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    Zwyrodnienie plamki związane z wiekiem (AMD) to najczęstsza przyczyna znacznego pogorszenia widzenia u osób po 50. roku życia w krajach rozwiniętych. Inhibitory VEGF zrewolucjonizowały leczenie tej choroby i istnieje szansa, że terapia z ich wykorzystaniem pozwoli na znaczne ograniczenie liczby pacjentów z funkcjonalną ślepotą. „Program lekowy leczenia neowaskularnej (wysiękowej) postaci zwyrodnienia plamki związanego z wiekiem”, który rozpoczął się w Polsce w IV kwartale 2015 roku, umożliwia prowadzenie leczenia odpowiadającego aktualnym międzynarodowym standardom. W niniejszym artykule na podstawie serii przypadków przedstawiono doświadczenia Kliniki Okulistyki Ogólnej w Lublinie związane z leczeniem pacjentów chorych na postać wysiękową AMD w programie lekowym po pierwszym półroczu jego trwania

    Commercially important properties of plants of the genus Plantago

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    The centuries-old experience of folk medicine, nutritional traditions, and the results of numerous research studies show that plants of the genus Plantago can be used for medicinal, cosmetic, dietetic, and ritual purposes. In the phytochemical composition of Plantago, there is an abundance of biologically active substances (among others, glycosides, flavonoids, polysaccharides, and vitamins) exhibiting beneficial effects and, simultaneously, there is a low content of compounds that may exert a toxic effect. Scientific research has confirmed that Plantago plants have antioxidative, apoptosis-inhibiting, protective, healing-enhancing, spasmolytic, anthelmintic, and antimicrobial properties; they inhibit the development of some tumours, reduce the level of lipids in blood and inhibit tissue glycation. In phytotherapy, leaves, stems, and/or seeds of different plantain species are used. Plantago leaves and seeds are also used to manufacture creams, lotions, and face masks. Different parts of these plants (fresh plant material, extracts, or isolated substances) are also used in human and animal nutrition. Plantain leaves can be eaten like lettuce or added to salads, fried in pastry, used to prepare a tea, juice, or wine. Its seeds are added to cakes, bread, breakfast cereals, ice cream, and drinks, or they are cooked like groats. Animals fed with plantain can live longer and are healthier, while meat derived from such animals is tastier and healthier to humans. Plantago seeds are readily eaten by cage birds. Plantain pollen, produced in large amounts (up to 20,000 pollen grains per 1 stamen of P. lancolata), can cause allergies in sensitive people. Due to a long flowering period of plants of the genus Plantago, the effect of the allergenic factor persists for many weeks. In Poland days with the maximum concentration of airborne plantain pollen most often occur in July

    Współczesne możliwości leczenia cukrzycowego obrzęku plamki — wyniki własne

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    Liczba chorych na cukrzycę rośnie z każdym rokiem. Duża ich część to osoby młode, aktywne zawodowo. Powikłania oczne cukrzycy, w tym cukrzycowy obrzęk plamki (DME), istotnie wpływają na codziennie funkcjonowanie pacjentów. Dzięki nowoczesnym lekom, laseroterapii i metodom operacyjnym możliwe jest skuteczne leczenie powikłań ocznych cukrzycy. Jest to jednak proces złożony, wymagający doświadczonego zespołu specjalistów umiejących odpowiednio łączyć różne metody terapeutyczne. Celem pracy jest przedstawienie wyników własnych leczenia młodych pacjentów z DME za pomocą monoterapii anty-VEGF lub w skojarzeniu z innymi metodami terapeutycznymi

    Homocysteine influences the human keratocytes cell cycle

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    BACKGROUND: Homocysteine (Hcy), a metabolic intermediate, is a sulfur-containing amino acid not present in the structure of proteins. It has been shown that high Hcy levels via oxidative stress, induced inflammation, and vessel dysfunction may affect the functioning of tissues, including the structures that form the eye, among others keratocytes. The visual disturbance caused by high levels of Hcy may also be associated with disturbed cell proliferation resulting from the effect of this amino acid on the cell cycle. The goal was to analyse the influence of Hcy on the keratocytes and to find out in which phase of the cell cycle its course is disturbed by this amino acid. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A normal human keratocytes (HK) cell line was used in the study. May-Grünwald-Giemsa (MGG) staining for morphology visualization and cytometric cell cycle analysis were performed. RESULTS: Hcy does not affect the G1 phase of the cycle, while it regulates the S and G2 phases. Changes in the amount of the sub-G1 population  indicative of a pro-apoptotic effect of Hcy on keratocytes were detected. The form of the Hcy administered (L stereoisomer or DL racemic mixture) and the amino acid concentration were also important. CONCLUSIONS: Homocysteine influences the keratocyte cell cycle. The change occurs at the stage of the G1-S transition, which suggests a decreasing level of cells in the S phase and an increasing level in the G2 phase. The long-term influence of Hcy on keratocytes may affect keratocytes proliferation and possible cornea regeneration