16 research outputs found

    The Geometry of Chaos

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    e solutions. Nowadays, the idea of visualization is to be understood in wide sense than just as graphical representation of some functions (data): as possibility of causing visual images in the human brain [1] . The methods of visualization are strongly affected by the computer graphics that provides a possibility of nearly instant obtaining (using modern graphical workstations) various pictures, both artificial ones and those reflecting certain aspects o real-time behavior of modeled systems. The role of chaos in the dead nature, in the mechanism of evolution and functioning of living beings has been not yet cleared up to the end. Still, it is already clear to be tremendous. Everywhere in live and dead nature we meet the traces of chaos. The chaos' "work" often takes shape of fractal structures [2] . The coastline, mountain skyline and cloud contours, human lungs and blood vessels have a fractalline structure, i.e., they have common property of s