11 research outputs found
The importance of weight loss for the treatment of metabolic disorders
Otyłość współistnieje z wieloma chorobami metabolicznymi. Ogólne zalecenia żywieniowe
dla chorób metabolicznych są zbieżne. Szczegółowe cele i zasady redukcji masy ciała
w różnych jednostkach chorobowych są jednak odmienne i często zależą od indywidualnych
cech chorego człowieka. W pracy przedstawiono zasady i znaczenie redukcji masy
ciała w nadciśnieniu tętniczym, cukrzycy typu 2 oraz w dyslipidemii.Obesity coexists with a several of metabolic disorders. General nutritional recommendations
for metabolic diseases are similar. However, specific objectives and principles of weight
loss in a variety of diseases are different, and often depend on the individual characteristics
of the patients. This work presents the principles and the significance of weight loss in hypertension,
type II diabetes and dyslipidemia
Diabetes mellitus type 2 — supportive therapy. Selected supplements and the role of probiotics and physical activity
Wzrastająca od kilkunastu lat zachorowalność na cukrzycę 2 typu wiąże się ze wzrostemzainteresowania alternatywnymi i wspomagającymi metodami jej leczenia. Suplementy dietyto jedna z najczęściej stosowanych metod terapii wspomagającej. Praca zawiera przeglądbadań nad działaniem suplementów diety w cukrzycy (chrom, kwas alfa liponowy, gorzkimelon, cynamon, kozieradka, żel aloesowy, mniszek lekarski, witamia E) oraz roli probiotykówi aktywności fizycznej w jej terapii. Uzyskane wyniki nie są je dnoznaczne.Increasing incidence of type 2 diabetes is associated with the interest in alternative and supportive therapy for diabetes. Dietary supplements are one of the most common forms ofcomplementary and alternative medicine. This paper reviews the available research that hasexamined the effect of dietar y supplements in diabetes (chromium, alpha lipoic acid, bittermelon, cinnamon, fenugreek, aloe vera gel, dandelion, vitamin E ) and the role of probioticsand physical activity in the treatment. Analyzed on the basis of the literature concludes thereis enough research on the effects of dietary supplements in this disease entity. The results arenot conclusive
The role of arginine in the prevention and treatment of metabolic diseases
Arginina jest aminokwasem względnie egzogennym. Występuje w żywności pochodzenia
roślinnego i zwierzęcego. Aminokwas ten odgrywa szczególną rolę w organizmie człowieka
z uwagi na to, że stanowi substrat do syntezy tlenku azotu. Wyniki badań klinicznych
i eksperymentalnych wskazują na możliwość zastosowania suplementów z l-argininą w prewencji
i leczeniu chorób metabolicznych.Arginine is the semi-essential amino acid. There is in plant and animal food. This amino acid
plays an important role in the human body due to the fact that it is a substrate for the synthesis
of nitric oxide. The several clinical and experimental studies suggest the possibility
to using supplements with l-arginine in the prevention and treatment of metabolic diseases
Tritolylporphyrin dimer as a new potent hydrophobic sensitizer for photodynamic therapy of melanoma
We report the synthesis, photochemical and photophysical properties and preliminary studies on biological effect of a new tritolylporphyrin dimer (T-D). Absorption and emission properties of T-D suggest its possible use in photodynamic therapy. T-D is capable of singlet oxygen production with 0.8 quantum yield. It also has a high photostability. The photodynamic properties of the dimer were examined following the growth of SKMEL 188 (human melanoma) cells irradiated with red light (cut off vs. non-irradiated cells) for an 81 J/cm2 dose. Our results suggest that tritolylporphyrine dimer T-D may be an interesting hydrophobic sensitizer for photodynamic therapy
Postmemory and counter-(post)memory in „A Piece on Mother and Fatherland” by Bożena Keff and „Mame loszn. Language of ancestors” by Marianna Salzmann
Praca stanowi próbę zniuansowania problemu postpamięci. Główna teza zakłada, że istnieją co najmniej dwie możliwości ustosunkowania się wobec traumatycznej przeszłości przodków: postpamięć określona przez M. Hirsch i druga, będąca dookreśleniem pierwszej, zwana przez Roberta Więckowskiego postpamięcią krytyczną. Kategoria postpamięci krytycznej – mająca na celu odżegnanie się od narzuconej narracji o traumie – czerpie ze strategii przeciw-pamięciowych, dlatego autorka tworzy kategorię przeciw-(post)pamięci. Problem przeciw-(post)pamięci został przedstawiony poprzez analizę i interpretację dwóch utworów dramaturgicznych: "Mame loszn. Języka przodków" Marianny Salzmann oraz "Utworu o Matce i Ojczyźnie" Bożeny Keff.The dissertation is an attempt to nuanced a problem of postmemory. The main statement assumes that there two possibilities of relating to ancestors' traumatic past. The first is postmemory (conceptualised by M. Hirsch); the second - critical postmemory (conceptualised by R. Więckowski) - was based on the first. Critical postmemory is connected to counter-memory; author of the dissertation would like to emphasise this fact by creating a category of counter-(post)memory. The problem of counter-(post)memory was showed by analysing and interpreting two dramas: „A Piece on Mother and Fatherland” by Bożena Keff and „Mame loszn. Language of ancestors” by Marianna Salzmann
The role of the additive manufacturing process parameters in the shaping of the surface geometric structure during micro-milling
The article presents the results of measurements of the geometric structure of the surface after micro end-milling. In the experiments, coated monolithic super micrograin cemented carbide micro end mills with 2 flutes were employed. The machined parts were additively made of CoCr alloy using Selective Laser Melting technology (SLM). Analyzed variables were the volumetric density of energy supplied by the laser during the SLM process and the feed rate during micro-milling. The results showed a strong influence of SLM process parameters on the surface roughness, which, according to the authors, results from the significant variability of the mechanical properties of the material as a function of the volumetric density of energy supplied during melting
FLASH radiotherapy: an emerging approach in radiation therapy
FLASH radiotherapy (RT) is a technique involving the delivery of ultra-high dose rate radiation to the target. FLASH-RT has been shown to reduce radiation-induced toxicity in healthy tissues without compromising the anti-cancer effects of treatment compared to conventional radiation therapy. In the present article, we review the published data on FLASH-RT and discuss the current state of knowledge of this novel approach. We also highlight the technological constraints and complexity of FLASH-RT and describe the physics underlying this modality, particularly how technology supports energy transfer by ionising radiation (e.g., beam on/off sequence, pulse-energy load, intervals). We emphasise that current preclinical experience is mostly based on FLASH electrons and that clinical application of FLASH-RT is very limited. The incorporation of FLASH-RT into routine clinical radiotherapy will require the development of devices capable of producing FLASH photon beams
Nontarget and Out-of-Field Doses from Electron Beam Radiotherapy
In clinical radiotherapy, the most important aspects are the dose distribution in the target volume and healthy organs, including out-of-field doses in the body. Compared to photon beam radiation, dose distribution in electron beam radiotherapy has received much less attention, mainly due to the limited range of electrons in tissues. However, given the growing use of electron intraoperative radiotherapy and FLASH, further study is needed. Therefore, in this study, we determined out-of-field doses from an electron beam in a phantom model using two dosimetric detectors (diode E and cylindrical Farmer-type ionizing chamber) for electron energies of 6 MeV, 9 MeV and 12 MeV. We found a clear decrease in out-of-field doses as the distance from the field edge and depth increased. The out-of-field doses measured with the diode E were lower than those measured with the Farmer-type ionization chamber at each depth and for each electron energy level. The out-of-field doses increased when higher energy megavoltage electron beams were used (except for 9 MeV). The out-of-field doses at shallow depths (1 or 2 cm) declined rapidly up to a distance of 3 cm from the field edge. This study provides valuable data on the deposition of radiation energy from electron beams outside the irradiation field
Cellular Damage in the Target and Out-Of-Field Peripheral Organs during VMAT SBRT Prostate Radiotherapy: An In Vitro Phantom-Based Study
Hypo-fractionated stereotactic body radiation therapy (SBRT) is an effective treatment for prostate cancer (PCa). Although many studies have investigated the effects of SBRT on the prostate and adjacent organs, little is known about the effects further out-of-field. The aim of this study was to investigate, both in vitro and in a quasi-humanoid phantom, the biological effects (using a dose-scaling approach) of radiation in the out-of-field peripheral organs delivered by 6 MV volumetric modulated arc therapy (VMAT) SBRT in a prostate cancer model. Healthy prostate cells were irradiated in a phantom at locations corresponding to the prostate, intestine, lung, thyroid, and brain. Seven 10 Gy fractions of VMAT SBRT were delivered to the target in a single session without intermission (scaled-up method). Radiochromic films were used to measure the doses. The radiobiological response was assessed by measuring DNA breaks, the cell survival fraction, and differences in gene expression profile. Our results showed a strong, multiparametric radiobiological response of the cells in the prostate. Outside of the radiation field, the highest doses were observed in the intestine and lung. A small increase (not statistically significant) in DNA damage and cell death was observed in the intestines. Several gene groups (cell cycle, DNA replication) were depleted in the lung and thyroid (DNA replication, endocytosis), but further analysis revealed no changes in the relevant biological processes. This study provides extensive evidence of the types and extent of radiobiological responses during VMAT SBRT in a prostate cancer model. Additional research is needed to determine whether the radiobiological effects observed in the peripheral organs are validated in a clinical context