19 research outputs found

    Biomechanical Effects of Different Load Cases with an Implant-Supported Full Bridge on Four Implants in an Edentulous Mandible: A Three-Dimensional Finite Element Analysis (3D-FEA)

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    The long-term success and predictability of implant-supported restorations largely depends on the biomechanical forces (stresses) acting on implants and the surrounding alveolar bone in the mandible. The aim of our study was to investigate the biomechanical behavior of an edentulous mandible with an implant-supported full bridge on four implants under simulated masticatory forces, in the context of different loading schemes, using a three-dimensional finite element analysis (3D-FEA). A patient-specific 3D finite element model was constructed using pre- and post-implantation computer tomography (CT) images of a patient undergoing implant treatment. Simplified masticatory forces set at 300 N were exerted vertically on the denture in four different simulated load cases (LC1–LC4). Two sets of simulations for different implants and denture materials (S1: titanium and titanium; S2: titanium and cobalt-chromium, respectively) were made. Stress outputs were taken as maximum (Pmax) and minimum principal stress (Pmin) and equivalent stress (Peqv) values. The highest peak Pmax values were observed for LC2 (where the modelled masticatory force excluded the cantilevers of the denture extending behind the terminal implants), both regarding the cortical bone (S1 Pmax: 89.57 MPa, S2 Pmax: 102.98 MPa) and trabecular bone (S1 Pmax: 3.03 MPa, S2 Pmax: 2.62 MPa). Overall, LC1—where masticatory forces covered the entire mesio−distal surface of the denture, including the cantilever—was the most advantageous. Peak Pmax values in the cortical bone and the trabecular bone were 14.97–15.87% and 87.96–94.54% higher in the case of S2, respectively. To ensure the long-term maintenance and longevity of treatment for implant-supported restorations in the mandible, efforts to establish the stresses of the surrounding bone in the physiological range, with the most even stress distribution possible, have paramount importance

    Static and dynamic compression load tests of conically connected, screw fixed dental abutment: Implant assemblies

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    The basis of the long-term success of dental implants is the mechanical stability of the implant and the superstructure anchored in it. In order to investigate the mechanical behaviour of the conical connection in implant-abutment units, static and dynamic load tests were performed with different conical angles and various Grade 4-5 titanium implant materials. The assembled units were mounted in self-developed loading machine and in an Instron ElectroPuls E3000 fatigue machine. For static loading, the samples were loaded with a force from 0 N to 500 N in steps of 100 N. For dynamic loading, the samples were loaded for 30,000 cycles with a force of 250 ± 150 N. In case of static testing, the compression caused by the load was measured in both horizontal and vertical directions, while in the case of dynamic fatigue, only horizontal deformation was defined. In both cases, the drive-out (reverse) torque values of the fixing screws were determined after loading. No significant differences were found between the tested materials in the reverse torque after the static load, however, significant differences were shown with regards to the alterations in cone angle (p < 0.001). After dynamic loading, significant differences (p < 0.001) were also observed between the reverse torques of the fixing screw in different angles. The static and dynamic test results showed the same tendency: under the same load conditions, the conical angle value of the implant-abutment connection revealed significant differences in the loosening of the fixing screw. In summary, it is recommended to use higher conical angle connection to avoid larger deformations in lengths and diameters of the implant at the connection and essential torque reduction of the fixing screw. Our results may contribute to the understanding of the long-term success of dental implants

    Static and dynamic compression load tests of conically connected, screw fixed dental abutment

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    The basis of the long-term success of dental implants is the mechanical stability of the implant and the superstructure anchored in it. In order to investigate the mechanical behaviour of the conical connection in implant-abutment units, static and dynamic load tests were performed with different conical angles and various Grade 4-5 titanium implant materials. The assembled units were mounted in self-developed loading machine and in an Instron ElectroPuls E3000 fatigue machine. For static loading, the samples were loaded with a force from 0 N to 500 N in steps of 100 N. For dynamic loading, the samples were loaded for 30,000 cycles with a force of 250 ± 150 N. In case of static testing, the compression caused by the load was measured in both horizontal and vertical directions, while in the case of dynamic fatigue, only horizontal deformation was defined. In both cases, the drive-out (reverse) torque values of the fixing screws were determined after loading. No significant differences were found between the tested materials in the reverse torque after the static load, however, significant differences were shown with regards to the alterations in cone angle (p < 0.001). After dynamic loading, significant differences (p < 0.001) were also observed between the reverse torques of the fixing screw in different angles. The static and dynamic test results showed the same tendency: under the same load conditions, the conical angle value of the implant-abutment connection revealed significant differences in the loosening of the fixing screw. In summary, it is recommended to use higher conical angle connection to avoid larger deformations in lengths and diameters of the implant at the connection and essential torque reduction of the fixing screw. Our results may contribute to the understanding of the long-term success of dental implants

    Paclitaxel Protects against Isoproterenol-Induced Damage in Rat Myocardium: Its Heme-Oxygenase Mediated Role in Cardiovascular Research

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    (1) Background: In cardiovascular applications, paclitaxel inhibits smooth muscle cell proliferation and migration and significantly reduces the occurrence of restenosis and target lesion revascularization. However, the cellular effects of paclitaxel in the myocardium are not well understood; (2) Methods: Wistar rats were divided into four groups: control (CTRL), isoproterenol (ISO) treated (1 mg/kg) and two groups treated with paclitaxel (PAC), which was administrated (10 mg/kg/day) for 5 days by gavage/per os alone or in combination (ISO + PAC) 3 weeks after ISO treatment. Ventricular tissue was harvested 24 h later for measurements of heme oxygenase (HO-1), reduced glutathione (GSH), oxidized glutathione (GSSG), superoxide dismutase (SOD), NF-κB, TNF-α and myeloperoxidase (MPO); (3) Results: HO-1 protein concentration, HO-1 activity, SOD protein concentration and total glutathione significantly decreased in response to ISO treatment. When PAC was administered in conjunction with ISO, HO-1, SOD concentration and total glutathione were not different from control levels. MPO activity, NF-κB concentration and TNF-α protein concentration were significantly increased in the ISO-only group, while the levels of these molecules were restored when PAC was co-administered; (4) Conclusions: Oral administration of PAC can maintain the expression of important antioxidants, anti-inflammatory molecules, HO-1, SOD and GSH, and suppress the production of TNF-α, MPO and NF-κB, which are involved in myocardial damage. The principal component of this cellular defense seems to be the expression of HO-1