34 research outputs found

    Lithuania: a social portrait of the elite born in 1945-1947

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    The article is based on the biographies of the members of elite published in the ency­clopaedia Lietuva (Lithuania), and on interviews with these persons. Men outnumber women in this cohort of the Lithuanian elite. Part of its representatives was born in the countryside, but others had their social roots in cities and towns, particularly in Kaunas. Later most of them came to Vilnius and have been living in the capital of Lithuania. Their parents belonged to the intelligentsia. Part of this generation was deported to Siberia. Institutions of higher learning, in particular Vilnius University and Kaunas Polytechnical Institute, were the channels of vertical social mobility, although some of the representatives of the future elite received their professional education in Moscow, Leningrad, Novosibirsk, and other universities in Russia. The majority of the elite born in 1945–1947 are Lithuanians, but there is also a high percentage of Jews. A qualitative research shows that these people cannot be labelled as a lost generation, because the achievements of the elite of this particular age group are significant

    Research directions of the social structure

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    Article raises some theoretical and methodological research questions of the social structure. Answers to these questions, in my opinion, could contribute to adequate analysis of the standards of contemporary society and would highlight the importance of the trends of the development of social processes and events. In my opinion, the aspect of the applied social structure research in contemporary society is particularly important since these highlighted trends could be an effective instrument (measure) for developing the social policy and reducing social exclusion. In this article, firstly, I present the version of the conception of social structure. Secondly, I emphasize the significance of the social time and environment (location) as the essential components of the definition of any social research. Further, I distinguish the main factors, which determine the development of social structure of the contemporary societies. First of all, these factors are the revolutionary brake through in the sphere of science and technology, which paradoxically increase social exclusion in the world. Finally, I characterize the main trends of the research of social structure, allotting the social institutional, social demographic, territorial, employment and social class levels

    Social position of artists

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    Although the Baltic seacoast range, belonging to Lithuania today is less than 100 km, the most beautiful Lithuanian tales and legends are related with the sea. The most popular are "Eglė Žalčių Karalienė" and "Jūratė ir Kastytis" (which suggests the origins of amber). In 1920 the legend of Jūratė and Kastytis was popularized by Maironis, who created a ballad on the subject. The said romantic story interested theatre creators but it was more frequently applied in the musical genre, rather than drama. Several years before Maironis wrote his poem, M. K. Čiurlionis took interest in the legend. Most probably he heard it from his wife Sofija Kymantaitė. The motive of the planned opera "Jūratė" was quite frequently mentioned in their correspondence. Čiurlionis urged his wife to write a libretto for the opera, which she did but unfortunately, it did not survive. It is known that Čiurlionis commenced composing the music for the opera and drew several scenographs. Lithuanian theatre directors returned to the subject in the twenties of the 20th century. The legend of amber was used in the first Lithuanian national ballet, the music to which was written by Juozas Gruodis with the scenography created by Adomas Galdikas in the art deco style. Although the duration of the show was only 35 minutes, it received favourable response from critics. In 1965 another staging of the ballet according to the music by J. Gruodis was made (with scenography by Juozas Jankus), which was of a significantly longer duration. The libretto was based by Maironis’s ballad. In expatriation an opera on the subject was created in 1955 by Kazimieras Viktoras Banaitis, however the opera was staged only in 1972 at the opera theatre of Chicago Lithuanians. In Lithuania the opera was staged in 1996 at Kaunas State Musical Theatre. At present there are no shows on the subject of amber in the repertoire of Lithuanian theatres

    Social research in Lithuania the present and the prospects

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    Straipsnyje nagrinėjama socialinių tyrimų padėtis Lietuvoje. Dėmesys telkiamas į ekonomiką, sociologiją ir demografiją. Trumpai aptariamas tarybinių laikų palikimas, vertinama mokslo institucijų reforma, keliami nauji uždaviniai tyrimams ir jų sprendimo galimybės.Social research in former soviet Lithuania was highly ideologised. Nonetheless, it helped to discover the real tendencies of life. After the recovery of the state’s independence, part of the scientists, especially economists, abandoned science. The reform of the system of science in Lithuania rallied economists, sociologists and demographers at the Institute for Social Research. The systematic and interdisciplinary approach is very promising in studying the complicated processes of contemporary societies, particularly in the period of transition

    Features of social portrait of Lithuanian Poles

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    Straipsnyje pateikiama mano vadovautų tyrimų medžiaga. Daugiausia remiamasi 1993 ir 2013 m. vilniečių apklausos duomenimis. Per dvidešimt metų Vilniaus gyventojų tautinė sudėtis smarkiai pakito. Išaugus lietuvių skaičiui ir jų procentui, kitos tautinės bendruomenės mažėjo tiek skaičiumi, tiek procentine gyventojų dalimi. Antra vertus, lenkų skaičius ir procentinė dalis viršijo rusų skaičių. Per ketvirtį amžiaus, praėjusį nuo Lietuvos nepriklausomybės atkūrimo, įvykę pokyčiai lėmė ir lenkų bendruomenės Lietuvoje brendimą. Lietuvos lenkai daug didesnį dėmesį skiria savo gimtajai kalbai ir valstybinės kalbos vartojimui. Ypač tai pasakytina apie jaunimą. Tyrimų duomenys rodo, kad dauguma lenkų įvardija save Lietuvos lenkais, t. y. lenkais, kuriems Lietuva yra tėvynė, kurie yra lojalūs Lietuvos piliečiai.The article contains the researches, conducted under the leadership of author, material. The article mainly refers to the survey data from Vilnius of 1993 and 2013. During the twenty years since the survey in Vilnius in 1993, the ethnic composition of population of Vilnius has signifi cantly changed. The number of Lithuanians increased and the number and percentage of other ethnic communities of all population decreased. On the other hand, the number of Poles exceeded the number of Russians in all population. During the last quarter of a century since Lithuania regained its independence, the changes that have occurred has infl uence on the maturation of the Polish community in Lithuania. Lithuanian Poles pay more attention to the use of their native language along with the state language, especially the young generation of Poles. Research data shows that the majority of Poles named themselves as the Lithuanian Poles, i.e. Poles, who homeland is Lithuania and who are loyal citizens of Lithuania

    Changing roles of a person suffering from a chronic mental disease

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    Mental health is one of the most vulnerable aspects of human life. Mental diseases tend to be persistent and often result in long periods of incapacity. The purpose of the article is to explore the different ways in which those who use mental health services can be understood sociologically. There are analysed sociological concepts of mental diseases in the light of the theoretic perspectives of such authors as E. Durkheim, T. Parsons, M. Foucault, A. Giddens, P. Bourdieu. The changing role of psychiatric patients in mental health services is reflected. The topic discussed in the article is the perspective of mental disease in sociology. The other topic is Parson's "sick role" which is adequate to the mental patient's role and the client's role which is growing since the beginning of social work in psychiatry. The third topic is the new roles of consumer, survivor, provider which rise from the growing collective activities of mental health users over the last decade in Lithuania. To conclude, we could say that the understanding of the phenomenon of mental illness influences the definition of the sick person's role. A sick role is defined more negatively when we talk about chronic mental illness which is stigmatized and characterized as uncertain and unpredictable. The sociological discourse of mental illness contributes to understanding the new roles of psychiatric clients in the present-day social-cultural and political context of Lithuania.[...] The article aims to disclose the assumption of people with chronic mental diseases in a context of Lithuania. On the basis of scientific literature analysis, the author presents a sociological discourse of the assumption of chronic mental disease, defines traditional “role” of people suffering from such diseases, discusses new roles of such people, and discloses the relationship of the assumption of mental diseases with understanding of the role of sick people. The assumption of phenomenon of chronic mental disease influences the definition of a role of “sick” people. T. Parson definition of the “role of sick people” coincides with the assumption of the role of “patient” and “mental patient”. The role of “sick person” is especially negative in case of chronic mental disease, which is stigmatised and described by uncertainty and unpredictability. Sociological discourse of mental disease contributes to changing assumption of role of mentally sick people in contemporary socio-cultural and political context. The role of the “patient’, which identifies traditional medicinal discourse, such less stigmatic roles as “a client” and “a consumer” (related to active position towards ones health and welfare), “a person who experienced psychiatric treatment” (indicating radical criticism in regards to psychiatry and psychiatric treatment), and “service provider” (involving mentally sick people into organisation and delivery of health care services) appear

    Demographic and social factors shaping the attitude of the pupils of Vilnius region towards the fatherland

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    Straipsnyje remiamasi 2016 metais Lietuvos kultūros politikos instituto atlikto Pietryčių Lietuvos moksleivių tyrimo duomenimis. Tyrimui vadovavo šio straipsnio autorius. Straipsnis skirtas moksleivių Tėvynės sampratai atskleisti. Kaip rodo tyrimo duomenys, 2/3 Vilniaus krašto moksleivių Tėvyne pirmoje vietoje nurodė Lietuvą, o ketvirtadalis – antroje vietoje. 8 proc. apklaustųjų iš viso neįvardino Lietuvos savo Tėvyne. Gana ryškiai skiriasi lietuvių ir lenkų požiūris. Jei 3/4 apklaustųjų lietuvių Tėvynė pirmoje vietoje yra Lietuva ir dar beveik kas penktam – antroje, tai taip nurodžiusių lenkų yra atitinkamai 6 iš 10 ir trečdalis. 7 proc. lietuvių ir 8 proc. lenkų Lietuvos nenurodė Tėvyne nei pirmoje, nei antroje vietoje. Tyrimo rezultatai rodo didesnį Lenkijos negu Lietuvos poveikį Vilniaus krašto moksleivių tapatybės formavimuisi.The article was inspired by the visit of Pope Francis on September 22-25 in 2018 to Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia. During the visit, the Pope Francis spoke about the idea of preserving national identity: “It is obvious that from the political point of view you are part of the West... but the part of that tragic history came from the West – from Germans, Poles... To have this in mind means to know that the firmness is necessary, the firmness not only to belonging to the West, but also the firmness of having the identity of ourselves" (https://www.lrytas.lt/pasaulis/įvykiai/ 2018/09/26/news/popiezius-pranciskus/). Mentioning the Poles, the Pope apparently had in the mind the occupation of Vilnius. The research of the pupils of South-Eastern Lithuania, conducted in 2016 by the Lithuanian Institute of Culture Policy, which was headed by the author of this article, allows us to look at the current situation. Since this publication is dedicated for the issue of the social integration in Lithuania, the study on influence of the Poland on the identity of Polish pupils may be relevant. The subject of the whole study was broader - the cultural needs of pupils, but the influence of Poland was revealed indirectly: by identifying the difference in participation in excursions of Lithuanians, Poles and Russians to Poland. In April – May 2016, 1141 pupils were questioned in 19 schools in Vilnius, Švenčionys and Šalčininkai districts. 66% of the respondents in Vilnius district in the first place identified Lithuania as their fatherland, 26% identified Lithuania as their fatherland in the second place, while did not identified Lithuania as their fatherland 8% of pupils. The question is: "If the every twelve person who does not indicate Lithuania as their fatherland is big or small number?" In our opinion, it big number, since the same 8 per cent of respondents in the first place as their fatherland named the other country. Most often it was mentioned Poland, sometimes Russia or Belorussia. In addition, almost every third respondent in the second place considers his or her fatherland another (not Lithuania) country. The views of Lithuanians and Poles are rather different. If for 75% of the Lithuanians respondents, Lithuania are in the first place as their fatherland, and for 18% in the second. Meanwhile, 59% of Lithuanian Poles said that their fatherland is Lithuania in the first place, and for 33%, Lithuania as their fatherland is in the second place (in the first place as their fatherland indicated Poland). 7% of Lithuanians and 8% of Poles did not indicate Lithuania as their fatherland either in the first or second place. Poles in the schools with education in Polish language have a much better chances to visit Poland, and the number of visits in Poland is directly correlated with the naming of Poland as their fatherland. Almost 2/3 of the Polish pupils respondents who went on a trip to Poland, indicated another country as their fatherland (an absolute majority indicated Poland). Only one-third Lithuanians who went on a trip to Poland, indicated another country as their fatherland. Of course, an excursions to Poland be considered a decisive factor in such an identification with Poland, but this data quite clearly highlight the differences in the identification of the Lithuanians and the Poles. Thus, a data of representative study of pupils from Southeastern Lithuania (Vilnius, Švenčionys and Šalčininkai districts) raise the question: is the Pole is a Lithuanian Pole (a citizen of Lithuania), or a Pole, who live in Lithuania and identifying with Poland? According to the data of a qualitative survey, the inactivity of Lithuanian state institutions does not encourage the development of the attitude of Lithuanian Pole as a citizen of Lithuania. Attitude to identifying Lithuania as a fatherland is often treated as old approach, does not relevant to the present-day Europe. Often, a pupils living in Vilnius region naming Poland as his fatherland. Poland's support for schools with Polish language education is more effective than the influence of Lithuania itself in Vilnius region. Obviously, there are still dominated two different concepts: Poland is based on the concept of one country – the two Republics, where Lithuania was in the role of a younger brother, and Lithuania is “get stuck” in the memories of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. The intensity of these two different concepts can hardly be changed in the nearest future. It is necessary to realize that for the Poles who lives in the Vilnius region their own village or town are primarily considered as their fatherland. This is not only Lithuanian, but also their land. However, they live in Lithuania, therefore, must be formed a perception that their fatherland is not only a native land, but also Lithuania. As the qualitative research shows, unfortunately, this formation is only imitated, as many measures on the development of South-Eastern Lithuania are only adopted, but not implemented in the practice

    Use of cultural values: specifics and dynamics

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    The article presents the results of the representative study "Lietuvos Gyventojų Tautinis Kultūrinis Identitetas, Kultūros Vertinimas ir Kultūriniai Poreikiai", performed by the Institute of Culture and Art in October – December 1998 and discusses the common trends of consumption of cultural values and the significance of the social-demographic factors, i. e. sex, age, education and social status when consuming cultural values. In 1998 in the Lithuanian society culture and economics were taken interest in similarly however culture attained more attention than politics. It was established that people with higher education are inclined to taking more interest in culture and art. The study analyzes the trends of visiting of concerts, exhibitions, theatre, libraries and cinema theatres, the habits of reading fiction and culture publications, the needs for own library and people’s participation in the artistic interaction. The article comes up to the conclusion that the culture situation in Lithuania has been improving however when shaping the country’s culture strategy and tactics it is necessary to take into consideration the different groups of residents more accurately and differentiate the measures and events according to age and education. Special attention is dedicated to young, unemployed and handicapped people, housewives, widows and widowers and retired persons. The national minorities consume culture actively and certain differences are determined not by the nationality, but by the social demographic indicators (age and education). In district centers and small towns insufficient attention is dedicated to motion pictures but the significance of the library as a peculiar territorial centre of cultural gravity has been increasing, amateur artistic activities are also noticed