8 research outputs found

    On recombination in strong laser fields: effect of a slow drift

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    The dynamics of the recombination in ultrastrong atomic fields is studied for one-dimensional models by numerical simulations. A nonmonotonic behavior of the bound state final population as a function of the laser field amplitude is examined. An important role of a slow drift of an electron wave packet is observed.Comment: 4 pages, 6 figure

    Photodetachment in superintense fields: the problem of stabilization and a role of rescattering wavepacket's fragments

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    Photodetachment in ultrastrong laser field in two spatial dimensions is investigated numerically. The problem of an adiabatic stabilization is discussed, in particular it is shown that a quick drift in the direction of the electric field and a magnetic drift cannot be avoided simultaneously. A qualitative behavior of the packet for a short-range binding potential is contrasted with that for a soft-core potential, in particular dynamical effects due to a rescattering of the fragments separated from the main packet are demonstrated.Comment: 14 pages, 7 figure

    Modern logistic strategies in agriculture

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    This paper aims at presenting the consequences of implementing new technologies in agriculture. On the basis of pertinent literature the author has presented the economic and organisational effects which may be obtained as a result of implementing RFID and GPS in agriculture

    Energy storage in pro-ecological vehicles

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    Wstęp i cel: W pracy scharakteryzowano akumulatory kinetyczne, hydropneumatyczne oraz elektrochemiczne. Omówiono superkondensator, jego właściwości, budowę i nowe rozwiązania konstrukcyjne. Podano zestawienia porównawcze właściwości różnych typów zasobników ze względu na zastosowanie ich w pojeździe. Celem pracy jest ukazanie zagadnień związanych ze sposobami magazynowania energii w pojazdach proekologicznych. Materiał i metody: W pracy posłużono się materiałem opartym na cytowanej literaturze. Zastosowano metodę analizy teoretycznej. Wyniki: Rozwój systemów magazynowania energii w pojazdach proekologicznych to współczesne kierunki w rozwoju motoryzacji. Wprowadzanie w napędach pojazdów środków alternatywnych obejmuje zarówno oszczędzanie energii, jak i ograniczanie emisji składników szkodliwych spalin, ale przede wszystkim zastępowanie tradycyjnych nośników energii nośnikami ze źródeł odnawialnych. Analizy wykazały, iż rozwój motoryzacji w kierunku ograniczania zużycia energii (rozwiązania konstrukcyjne) i zastępowanie paliw konwencjonalnych źródłami alternatywnymi poprzez zastosowanie akumulatorów kinetycznych, ogniw paliwowych czy superkondensatorów są rozwiązaniami niedalekiej przyszłości. Wniosek: Dynamiczny rozwój prac nad magazynowaniem energii w pojazdach proekologicznych jest wynikiem ciągle wprowadzanych nowych zaostrzonych norm dotyczących emisji spalin w pojazdach samochodowych.Introduction and aim: This paper presents some characterization kinetic, hydro and electrochemical accumulators. Has been discussed a supercapacitor, its properties, structure and new construction solutions. Provide summaries of the comparative characteristics of different types of trays due to the use of the vehicle. The main aim of this study is to show the problems associated with the methods of energy storage in vehicles ecology. Material and methods: The paper contains the material which was based on the cited literature. The method of theoretical analysis has been used in this paper. Results: Development of energy storage systems in vehicles are environmentally friendly modern trends in the development of the automotive industry. Entering the vehicle drives alternative measures includes both save energy, reduce emissions of harmful exhaust gases, but above all the substitution of traditional energy carriers from renewable sources. The analyzes show that the development of the automotive industry in the direction of reducing energy consumption (design solutions) and replace conventional fuels through the use of alternative sources of kinetic batteries, fuel cells and supercapacitors are solutions of the near future. Conclusion: Dynamic development work on energy storage in vehicles is the result of pro-ecological constantly introduced new stricter emission standards for motor vehicles

    Kluczowe kompetencje współczesnego menedżera w zakresie zarządzania organizacją

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    Management of organisations in a global economy, globalisation and governance, and progressively wider and deeper integration processes put forth to managers different levels of hierarchical, multi-dimensional requirements in the sphere of competence, mainly in the fields of knowledge, competences and experience – including managerial competences, personality traits, ethical and moral behaviour (the system goals and values). In the twenty-first century economy based on knowledge and innovation, the manager is the one who has a huge impact on the development of the organisation, a person with a unique opportunity to create his own ideas. This paper discusses various competences of managerial level staff which are a prerequisite for successful organisation management. Among others the following competences are elaborated on: leadership, negotiating, interpersonal, team-working, technical, knowledge management and managerial competences. It is stressed that every manager, regardless of the level of management, position and functions, needs to be effective and efficient in managerial activities. Therefore knowledge and managerial competences, personality, experience, intelligence, imagination, are the key traits that should characterise a manager.Zarządzanie organizacjami w gospodarce globalnej oraz coraz szersze i głębsze procesy integracyjne stawiają przed współczesnymi menedżerami różnych szczebli kierowniczych wielowymiarowe wymagania w zakresie kompetencji. W artykule przedstawiono kluczowe kompetencje pracowników szczebla kierowniczego, które są warunkiem niezbędnym skutecznego zarządzania organizacją. Są to kompetencje w zakresie umiejętności interpersonalnych, technicznych, technologicznych i organizacyjnych oraz zarządzania wiedzą, umiejętność pracy zespołowej, sztuki negocjacji. W artykule podkreślono, że każdy menedżer, bez względu na pozycję i funkcję, musi być skuteczny i efektywny w działaniach kierowniczych. Stąd wiedza i kompetencje menedżerskie, jak również osobowość i doświadczenie, inteligencja, wyobraźnia i kreatywność są kluczowymi cechami przywódczymi, które powinny cechować każdego menedżera współczesnej organizacji

    An intensive tree-ring experience: Connecting education and research during the 25th European Dendroecological Fieldweek (Asturias, Spain).

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    The European Dendroecologial Fieldweek (EDF) provides an intensive learning experience in tree-ring research that challenges any participant to explore new multidisciplinary dendro-sciences approaches within the context of field and laboratory settings. Here we present the 25th EDF, held in Asturias, NW Spain, in summer 2014. The course, with 33 participants and 10 instructors from 18 countries included advanced training in dendrochronology skills, an overview of tree-ring broad fields and methodological basics to deal with specific research questions as well as applied advanced micro-projects in dendroarchaeology (DAR), dendroclimatology (DCL), dendrogeomorphology (DGM), forest dynamic (FD) and plant anatomy (PA). The results demonstrated the potential of tree-ring research in the Asturias region. The DAR group researched archaeological samples from different contexts (Oviedo cathedral choir stalls, Segovia cathedral roof timbers, Ribadeo shipwreck ship timbers and Bronze Age site charcoal) and explored the supply of wood in different periods. The DCL group established that the Quercus robur and Castanea sativa ring-width measurements show weak climate-growth correlations, where for many trees this is likely caused by management. The strength of the climatic signal could be enhanced using undisturbed settings. The DGM group found that Corylus avellana and Salix spp. are challenging species for dendrogeomorphological studies. Debris-flow events were detected by the presence of tension wood, growth reduction and scars, and their incidences were also supported by local meteorological data. The FD group found that tree growth decreases with increasing competition, a pattern more pronounced in C. sativa than in Pinus sylvestris forest plantations. The results indicate that wood production could be increased by applying thinning treatments on C. sativa. The PA group showed that xylem conduits and phloem area are organized according to the common needs for water supply to leaves and obtain photosynthetic products, regardless site growing conditions for P. sylvestris and Tusilago farfara. In conclusion, this EDF has been a model for interdisciplinary research and international collaboration that has demonstrated that high-quality research and education can be conducted within one week. The EDFs provide an important service to the dendrochronological community and demonstrate the usefulness of this educational-scientific and multi-cultural experience